Private Sector Development

Number of Activities:
  High   Medium   Low
MCC Compact Activities
Private Sector Development
Private Sector Development Segment SME/Corporate Sector Development
Enhancing growth of domestic enterprises and organizations through:

Investing in business expansion and/or start-up support

  • Commercial activity support
  • Equipment

Capacity building and technical assistance to enterprises

  • Business development services
  • Business linkages and value chain development
  • Organizational development

Improving legal systems, informing policy reform and deepening the enabling environment for private sector growth

  • Legal and regulatory reforms
  • Institutional support, including implementing entity strengthening and regulatory bodies
  • Market information
Financial Sector Development
Increasing access to credit/deposits and reducing the costs of financial services by means of:

Improving financial products and services

  • Access to financial services and products including credit, equity/quasi-equity, guarantees, risk transfer instruments, and funds/facilities

Increasing the capacity of financial markets and institutions

  • Deepening financial markets
  • Strengthening intermediaries
  • Enhancing the capacity for local capital markets for long-term infrastructure funding

Support for policy reforms and strengthening financial systems

  • Legal and regulatory reforms
  • Sector reforms
  • Institutional support such as credit and property bureaus, regulatory bodies and payment systems
Private Sector Participation in Public Sector Services
Supporting increased efficiency and scope of public services through the involvement of the private sector by:

Investing in capital assets using a spectrum of PSP modalities and increasing the availability of long-term funding for infrastructure

  • Management contracts
  • Leases
  • Build-operate-transfer schemes (blending private capital with public viability gap funding)
  • Participation of local banks and institutional investors in project funding

Strengthening the capacity of governments to execute and manage PPP contracts post-closure

  • Project origination, preparation and due diligence (value for money/feasibility studies)
  • Market outreach and consensus-building for PSP
  • Funding for transaction advisors to assist in negotiations
  • PPP contract monitoring and evaluation
  • Workshops and seminars

Improving the enabling environment for PSP

  • Legal and regulatory reforms
  • Sector reforms
  • Institutional support for PPP units, line ministries and regulators
  • Strengthening governance mechanisms, including for PPP procurement delivery and public debt/contingent liability management

SME/Corporate Sector Development—Assets and Products

El Salvador Compact

Productive Development Project


Assist with the development of profitable and sustainable productive business ventures, with a primary focus on assisting poor farmers shift to the cultivation of high-value crops and other productive enterprises.   


Business development support for micro, small and medium enterprises in high-value agriculture, tourism and handicrafts.  Collaboration with USAID resulted in a Global Development Alliance grant of $500,000 to help build out the cold-storage chain for the commercialization activities of El Salvador Produce—a beneficiary-owned company.

Ghana Compact

Agriculture Project


Enhance the profitability of staple food and horticulture crops and improve delivery of business and technical services to support the expansion of commercial agriculture among farmer-based organizations.


The rehabilitation of a large irrigation scheme in the northern Ghana and the construction of a new public scheme in the Volta Region.  Both schemes involve a transition of management to a private operator and include the participation of private sector anchor farmers and the establishment of outgrower schemes with the participation of smallholder farmers.

Ghana Compact

Rural Development Project


To extend the depth and value of financial services provided to rural populations (including farmers) by reinforcing their integration into the cash economy, as well as widening their access to savings, credit and cash transfer services.


Support for the software to introduce check truncation and hardware to modernize a system for the automated clearing of electronic payments.

Indonesia Compact

Community-Based Health and Nutrition to Reduce Stunting Project


Reduce and prevent low birth weight and childhood stunting and malnourishment of children in project areas, and to increase household income through cost savings, productivity growth and higher lifetime earnings.


Stimulate market-based responses to identified demand for nutrition and sanitation interventions through a grants program that leverages private sector capital.

Morocco Compact

Artisan and Fez Medina Project


Stimulate economic growth by leveraging the links between the craft sector, tourism and the Fez Medina’s rich cultural, historic and architectural assets.


Support the design and reconstruction of historic sites within the Fez Medina, including the funding of an international architectural design competition for one of the most prominent sites.

Development of new tourism circuits in Fez and Marrakech as well as the promotion of artisan products and circuits in those cities.

Namibia Compact

Agriculture Project


Increase economic opportunities for INP stakeholders through improved organizational, business and technical capacities along the value chain. 


Supporting via the INP Innovation Facility a series of “call for proposals” that solicit interest from public and private entities to develop innovations for broad application in the INP industry and essential to short-term and long-term competitiveness of in the global market place.

Namibia Compact

Tourism Project


Assist Namibia in building conservancy capacity to protect natural resources, attract investment and achieve financial sustainability so that households in communal conservancy areas can receive a greater share of revenues.


Provide partial grant funding for joint venture lodges on conservancy land in order to incentivize private sector investment and create jobs in rural Namibia. Grant funding will also fund game relocation and community projects to reduce damage from wildlife, such as waterhole protection.


Increase tourist arrivals to Namibia by expanding marketing of Namibia as a tourist destination, developing and marketing local and regional tourism route packages, and developing a fully interactive website for the Namibia tourism.


Support the development of a Namibia Tourism Board interactive website and a marketing program target at North American tourists and outbound tourism businesses.

SME/Corporate Sector Development—Technical Assistance and Training

Armenia Compact

Irrigated Agriculture Project


Address the physical, managerial and financial investments needed to generate sustainable increases in rural incomes through irrigated agriculture.


Build the management capacities of the water supply agencies and water users' associations, as well as provide training and access to credit for member farmers to transition to more profitable, market-oriented agriculture.

Burkina Faso Compact

Agriculture Project


Improve access to rural finance to increase medium- and long-term credit in the four western regions of Sud-Ouest, Hauts Bassins, Cascades, and Boucle du Mouhoun.


Technical assistance through business services providers to support rural farmers, farmer groups and enterprises in developing investment projects and accessing credit. 

Morocco Compact

Artisan and Fez Medina Project


Enable artisans to increase the quality of their goods by providing training in modern production techniques and business management.


Train potters in new techniques and designs and technologies to improve product offerings to the tourism market in Morocco and abroad.   

Morocco Compact

Enterprise Support Project


Improve entrepreneurship sustainability, particularly for new enterprises created by recent graduates.


Provide individualized coaching during a two-year pilot period to 600 new, small enterprises to help reduce the rate of business failure and raise incomes relative to a comparable control group. If the pilot is successful, more entrepreneurs will receive similar coaching.

Namibia Compact

Agriculture Project


Increase economic opportunities for indigenous natural product stakeholders through improved organizational, business and technical capacities along the value chain. 


In coordination with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, conduct an assessment of US market demand for devil’s claw as a dietary supplement and veterinary herbal remedy and if promising develop a U.S. Market Entry Strategy.

SME/Corporate Sector Development—Institutional and Policy Reforms

Armenia Compact

Irrigated Agriculture Project


Address the physical, managerial and financial investments needed to generate sustainable increases in rural incomes through irrigated agriculture.


Reform of water laws and provision of technical assistance to enhance capacity and sustainability of water supply agencies (the providers of irrigated water) and farmer owned-and -controlled water users' associations and build the production capacity of farmers.

Benin Compact

Access to Justice


Faster, fairer and cheaper access to judicial decisions through courts throughout Benin


Improved laws, regulations, processes, and physical infrastructure and IT for courts and related judicial services. Six new court buildings (including establishment and construction of Legal Information Center).  Improved case management. Extensive training of judges, court staff and lawyers in commercial law.


Modernized Administrative Code (first since independence), modern case management rules, automation of case management, five new courthouses (including several entirely new jurisdictions), expanded access to legal information for lawyers and broader public. 


Creation of Center for Arbitration, Mediation and Conciliation to facilitate expedited and inexpensive resolution of commercial disputes. 


Hire and train staff, arbitrators and businesses in alternative dispute resolution. Equip center, develop processes and rules. Facilitate transfer of cases from courts. 


Established institution receiving large number of cases.

Honduras Compact

Rural Development Project


Enhance financial inclusion through modernizing secured transactions.


Secured transactions reform including the development of a national registry.


Registry became operational January 2011 with over 600 registrations as of March 2011.

Lesotho Compact

Private Sector Development


Speed, simplify and reduce costs for commercial dispute resolution.


Development and construction of new Commercial Court; development and implementation of computerized case management system in High Court, Commercial Court and Magistrates Court; development of pre-trial, court-annexed mediation system; and creation of small-claims process.

Philippines Compact

Revenue Administration Reform Project


Raise tax revenues and reduce tax evasion and revenue agent-related corruption.


Increase the efficiency and sustainability of revenue collection through a redesign and computerization of business processes at the Bureau of Internal Revenue. The compact supports a resident advisor from IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Division to assist with policy redesign and other tasks.

Support a public awareness campaign to encourage voluntary compliance and broadcast taxpayer information regarding tax procedures and enforcement.


Enhance capacity of Revenue Integrity Protection Service (RIPS) to detect and pursue corruption and malfeasance in revenue agencies. Support increased collection of government revenues.


Strengthen RIPS through new rules to provide enhanced autonomy, greater power and improved transparency. Provide case management system software and computer equipment.

Financial Sector Development—Assets and Products

Benin Compact

Access to Financial Services Project


Strengthening the capacity of financial institutions for the expansion of existing services or the development of new services for the advantage of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and strengthening the capacity of the MSMEs to access extended financial services and use them efficiently by improving their solvency.


Funding a Challenge Facility which supports a demand-driven and competitive mechanism that co-funds with participants technical assistance and capacity building for both financial institutions and business development services providers.

Burkina Faso Compact

Agriculture Project


Increase medium- and long-term credit in the four western regions of Sud-Ouest, Hauts Bassins, Cascades, and Boucle du Mouhoun.


Provide a $10 million lending facility for participating financial institutions to provide medium to long-term loans, particularly to farmers and small and medium-sized, rural and agricultural enterprises.

Cape Verde Compact

Watershed Management and Agriculture Support Project


Increase agricultural productivity in three rural intervention watershed areas.


Provided a $600,000 credit facility for microfinance institutions to finance drip irrigation, working capital and agribusiness investments targeting farmers in the intervention watershed areas.


The credit facility resulted in 225 loans for a total of $617,000 in lending to farmers to install drip irrigation, invest in production and market produce.

El Salvador Compact

Productive Development Project


Increase lending and access to credit and other financial services and to improve the risk profile of micro, small and medium producers and rural entrepreneurs in the Northern Zone.


Support two credit guarantee programs, one targeting micro-enterprises that are predominantly farm-based and one small- and medium-sized enterprises to generate increased lending activity by banks and non-bank financial institutions in the Northern Zone.


Increase production and employment in the Northern Zone through the provision of investment capital to competitively selected applicants for business activities located in and benefiting poor inhabitants of the Northern Zone.


Establish an investment support fund—FIDENORTE— to provide medium-term investment capital at market rates to competitively selected applicants for commercially-viable activities by the private sector in the Northern Zone.

Georgia Compact

Enterprise Development Project


Provide risk capital and technical assistance to SMEs, primarily in the regions outside Tbilisi where access to credit is a constraint to growth.


Created a new investment fund, the Georgia Regional Development Fund (GRDF), that was permitted to draw up to $30 million to fund eligible projects and up to $2.5 million to provide technical assistance to investees. More than half the portfolio was to consist of investments in businesses engaged in agriculture and tourism.


At the time of the end of the compact, GRDF had invested over $32 million in 14 SMEs (with more than $30 million funded by returns from earlier investments) and had also provided almost the full amount of budgeted technical assistance. During the five years following the end of the compact, investments will wind down and the proceeds used to fund scholarships in Georgia.

Ghana Compact

Agriculture Project


Increase profitability of groups of smallholder farms in support of the expansion of commercial agriculture.


Augment the supply of and access to credit provided by financial institutions operating in the intervention zones.

Honduras Compact

Rural Development Project


Increase the productivity and business skills of farmers who operate small- and medium-size farms and their employees.


Make available loans, in an aggregate principal amount of $6 million, through an on-lending facility to financial institutions to provide loans to horticulture and high-value agriculture producers.


By the end of the program, the credit facility provided more than $10 million in lending at market rates to horticulture and high-value agriculture producers, increasing access to credit for agriculture and agribusiness throughout Honduras. 

Indonesia Compact

Green Prosperity Project


Financing of low-carbon development projects through the establishment of a financing facility.


Provide funding to hydro, biomass and other renewable energy and natural resource management sectors in select districts through a grant-making window and a commercial window.

Madagascar Compact

Financial Sector Reform Project


Improve a weak banking system, make essential financial services available to rural areas, advance credit skills, and cut delays and risks in payments for goods and services.


Provide financing and technical assistance to four microfinance institutions in the rural areas supported by the compact’s agriculture-related activities.

Moldova Compact

Transition to High Value Agriculture Project


Provide term financing needed to support increased investment in the high-value agriculture supply chain to facilitate transition to wider production of high-value agriculture.


Provide term loan of three to seven years via the High Value Agriculture Post-Harvest Credit Facility will through participating financial institutions to fund post-harvest supply chain investments.

Morocco Compact

Financial Services Project


Assist microcredit institutions in Morocco to lessen their dependence on donor funding and rely to a greater extent on commercial funding sources.


Provide up to $25 million in subordinated loans to Jaida, a microfinance intermediary.  Jaida in turn accesses senior debt from commercial banks and uses the total proceeds to lend to Moroccan microcredit institutions.

Morocco Compact

Fruit Tree Productivity Project


Increase the yield and quality of fruit production in order to modernize and unlock opportunities in the olive value‐chain, particularly in the export market by increasing quality and quantity of olive and date production.


Through the Catalyst Fund, provide partial grant financing to newly formed olive oil cooperatives for the purchase of olive oil filtration and related equipment. These grants will augment loans from Credit Agricole du Maroc and allow cooperatives to extract greater value from their crops.

Nicaragua Compact

Rural Business Development Project


Facilitate increases in the production of high-value goods and the profits and wages of farmers, agribusinesses and other non-farm businesses in western Nicaragua.


Provide technical assistance and grants to co-finance up to 30 percent of the total cost of new investments by farms and rural businesses. 


Selected farmers and businesses successfully executed business plans developed under the Rural Business Development Services program. 

Financial Sector Development—Technical Assistance and Training

Benin Compact

Access to Financial Services Project


Identify and support legal and policy changes that are needed to facilitate the deepening and expansion of the financial sector in Benin, particularly the strengthening of microfinance supervision.


Build the capacity of the Consortium Alafia (a microfinance trade association) credit information bureau.

Burkina Faso Compact

Agriculture Project


Improve access to rural finance to increase medium- and long-term credit in the four western regions of Sud-Ouest, Hauts Bassins, Cascades, and Boucle du Mouhoun.


Support to build capacity within financial institutions to profitably and securely expand rural lending.

Cape Verde Compact

Private Sector Development Project


Increase access to credit by supporting the development of microfinance institutions (MFIs).


Provided technical assistance to MFIs to take advantage of expanded deposit-taking powers and ease the transition to a new regulatory environment, provided software to support the record-keeping associated with those deposit-taking powers and improved operational and financial sustainability.


By the end of the program all five participating MFIs were rated as operationally sustainable, and three of the five at financially sustainable—a significant improvement in the strength of the microfinance sector in Cape Verde.

El Salvador Compact

Productive Development Project


Increase lending and access to credit and other financial services through technical assistance to support increased lending activity by banks and non-bank financial institutions in the Northern Zone.


Provide specialized, short-term technical assistance to bank, non-bank and non-governmental financial intermediaries in the Northern Zone that are working to expand rural finance and improve credit analysis, introduce new technologies into their service delivery, or develop specialized products (such as leasing, savings, or specialized agricultural credit products) that increase access to financial services.

Honduras Compact

Rural Development Project


Increase the productivity and business skills of farmers who operate small and medium-size farms and their employees.


Technical assistance to help financial institutions better analyze credit risk and administer credit in rural communities.


Created innovative programs with input suppliers and triangulated lending systems between financial institutions, producers and buyers of horticulture products. With technical assistance from the compact, Bayer launched the Agroempresarios de Éxito pilot project in which a full technical assistance package (credit bureau access, credit management, accounting system, accounting management) was rolled out to five Bayer retailers. Bayer presented Agroempresarios de Éxito to its regional president and it received approval to expand their experience to other countries. 

Morocco Compact

Financial Services Project


Support the microcredit institutions of Morocco to increase access to funding, assist with the transformation to deposit taking institutions and provide other forms of assistance.


Provide technical assistance to microcredit institutions to help them strengthen management systems and product offerings in preparation for a possible transition to a deposit taking institution and the increased regulatory oversight that that would entail.

Financial Sector Development—Institutional and Policy Reforms

Benin Compact

Access to Financial Services Project


Identify and support legal and policy changes that are needed to facilitate the deepening and expansion of the financial sector in Benin.


Support for Cellule de Microfinance, the microfinance supervisory authority in the Ministry of Finance.


Improve the financial sector regulatory environment.


Support for financial sector regulatory changes by funding the analysis of and advocacy for such changes.

Benin Compact

Access to Justice


Expansion and reform of business registration center.


Develop new rules and processes, fund establishment of new offices and provide computer systems to manage registration system.


Faster, simpler and cheaper registration of businesses – from street vendor to joint stock company.

Cape Verde Compact

Private Sector Development Project


Developing a competitive, private-sector driven economy through a focus on priority sectors.


Remove constraints to investment and stimulate priority sectors of the economy by reducing early-stage project development risks that dissuade both domestic and international private investors.


With the technical assistance of the International Finance Corporation’s credit bureau team, Cape Verde completed the preparatory work and attracted an international investor to launch the first private credit bureau in the country. This reform will have a direct impact on Cape Verde’s Doing Business rank.


Support financial sector competitiveness by enabling domestic, non-bank investors, including individuals and corporations, to access the primary market for government securities.


Provided technical assistance to the Ministry of Finance to assist with the development of new auction procedures and related matters such as the design of a registry of ownership and the role of financial intermediaries.


The legislation permitting the sale of securities to individuals was passed in November of 2009.


Increase access to financial services and improve financial intermediation.


Policy reform supporting the regulation and expansion of deposit-taking powers to microfinance institutions.


In September 2007, the Cabinet of the Government of Cape Verde approved a microfinance law that regulates the institutions and authorizes microfinance institutions to collect savings.

Ghana Compact

Rural Development Project


Strengthen rural institutions that provide services complementary to and supportive of agricultural and agribusiness by strengthening rural financial services and improving the national payments systems to serve people currently not served or under-served.


Provide technical assistance to propose amendments to existing payments’ system legislation and regulations to accommodate new payment streams and methods enabled by MCC supported automated clearing and check truncation systems.

Honduras Compact

Rural Development Project


Increase the productivity and business skills of owners and employees of small- and medium-size farms.


The expansion of the national property registration system to include a new registry of movable property and liens, interconnecting this new registry with the land title registry and commercial (mercantile) registry and connecting registry system offices with each other and key clients.


The Secured Transaction Law was ratified on January 28, 2010, and the subsequent launch of the movable property registry was launched on January 28, 2011. The law and registry together allow movable property such as equipment, shop inventory, future crops, tractors, supply contracts, sewing machines, accounts receivable, and other non-real property or other real estate assets as collateral when applying for access to credit.  More than 200 registrations were logged in the first month of operations.

Lesotho Compact

Private Sector Development


Increase private sector activity in Lesotho by improving access to credit, reducing transaction costs and increasing the participation of women in the economy.


Funding for the production and issuance costs for national identification cards, including hardware, software, data capture, staff training; consultation to develop necessary legal and regulatory reforms; and the development and execution of a public awareness campaign.

Madagascar Compact

Financial Sector Reform Project


Reduce the cost of payment systems in Madagascar and increase the value and range of related products.


Equipping and modernizing the interbank payment system to reduce risk and reduce delays in settlement from 45 days to 3 days.


At the time the compact ended, the equipment was in place and training had been completed.


Improve financial system safety and efficiency by modernizing laws regulating financial instruments and payment systems.


Provided technical assistance to redraft payments systems laws. This was a counterpart activity to the compact support for the physical modernization of the payments system.


Drafts of new payment systems laws were presented to Parliament but not voted on by the end of the compact.

Morocco Compact

Financial Services Project


Support the microcredit institutions of Morocco to increase access to funding, assist with the transformation to deposit taking institutions and provide other forms of assistance to improve access to services and management.


Provide partial grants for the purchase of mobile banking units that can provide intermittent banking services to remote populations.

Private Sector Participation in Public Sector Services—Assets and Products

Benin Compact

Access to Markets Project


Expand capacity, reduce costs and improve the operating performance of Benin’s Port of Cotonou.


In coordination with MCC, the Government of Benin engaged the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to structure and manage the competition for the award of the south wharf concession, signed on September 10, 2009. The new container terminal is expected to generate up to $30 million in new revenues annually and $256 million in complementary investments from the concessionaire, Groupement Bolloré-SMTC. In addition to the various fees that will be paid over the life of the concession, Groupement Bolloré-SMTC has agreed to more than double container traffic by year 2020 and will also finance landside infrastructure improvements. Based on IFC’s analysis, the concession will generate a positive fiscal effect exceeding $1.5 billion for the country over the 25-year life of the concession.

El Salvador Compact

Human Development Project


Increase access to basic services and community infrastructure.


The Rural Electrification Sub-Activity will extend electricity to at least 97 percent of the estimated 47,000 households in the Northern Zone that currently are not connected to local power distribution networks, including investment in new rural electrification lines, connections and extensions of existing lines co-financed and operated by local subsidiaries of Arlington, Virginia-based AES Corporation.

Jordan Compact

As-Samra Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Project


Facilitate the expansion of a wastewater treatment plant on a build-operate-transfer (BOT) basis, by providing a grant to buy down the capital costs of the project and increase its affordability for the government.


MCC approved a grant of $93 million towards the construction cost of expanding the As-Samra Wastewater Treatment Plant under a public-private partnership with a private sector operator, which will mobilize a debt and equity funding for the project.

Malawi Compact

Power Sector Revitalization Project


Support renewable energy-based rural electrification by providing early-stage seed capital for private investors.


MCC competitively a tendered grant of $2 million in pre-compact funding to provide a private project developer with early-stage project development capital for a renewable energy-based mini-grid project.


With MCC’s catalytic funding, Rural Electric is now continuing its project development efforts in northern Malawi using its own capital.

Mali Compact

Bamako-Sénou Airport Improvement Project


Remove constraints to air-traffic growth and increase the airport’s efficiency in both passenger and freight handling through airside and landside infrastructure improvements, as well as the establishment of appropriate institutional mechanisms to ensure effective management, operation and maintenance of the airport facilities over the long term.


Provides technical assistance to establish a model for the management of the airport and the long-term future status and organizational structure of Aéroports du Mali, including provision for eventual private sector participation. Bamako Airport concession will be operated based on a public-private partnership model after compact-funded rehabilitation is complete.

Morocco Compact

Artisan and Fez Medina Project


Stimulate economic growth by leveraging the links between the craft sector, tourism and the Fez Medina’s rich cultural, historic and architectural assets.


In the Medina of Fez, supporting the design and reconstruction of five historic sites, including the funding of an international architectural design competition for the largest and most prominent of the sites. The sites will contain mixed uses, including artisan production facilities, shops, open public spaces, restaurants, cafes, training facilities, a boutique hotel, and tourist-support facilities. MCC funding supports development of notional business plans and real estate management structures for the sites. 

Mozambique Compact

Water and Sanitation Project


Improve sustainability of delivery of urban water services.


Funding for water supply networks in large and mid-sized cities, which will be leased to private operators, and networks in smaller cities and towns, which will be pooled so as to facilitate operations and maintenance by the private sector through a management contract.

Private Sector Participation in Public Sector Services—Technical Assistance and Training

Benin Compact

Access to Justice


Promote formalization and growth of micro and small enterprises


Legal Aid program and assistance to Mediator of the Republic provided legal training and simplified documentation to thousands of entrepreneurs in several languages.


Enhanced understanding of legal obligations (such as business registration) allowing large numbers of small businesses to legally participate in commerce.

Jordan Compact

As-Samra Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Project


Enhance the ability of the government to negotiate and close a BOT project.


MCC provided the government with funding to procure technical, financial, and legal advisors to assist the government in structuring, negotiating and closing the expansion of the As-Samra Waterwater Treatment Plant on a BOT basis.


Enhance the ability of the government to manage the BOT contract during the construction phase of the project.


An authority engineer will be hired to advise the government on matters related to the Restated Project Agreement for the BOT project, and to certify construction progress for monthly disbursements of the MCC grant.

Mali Compact

Alatona Irrigation Project


Increase production and productivity, increase farmer incomes, improve land tenure security, modernize irrigated production systems, and mitigate the uncertainty from subsistence rain-fed agriculture.


Develop a private sector participation strategy to attract potential investors to further develop and manage areas of Alatona with irrigation infrastructure and agricultural production.

Mozambique Compact

Water and Sanitation Project


Improve sustainability of delivery of urban water services.


MCC funding, together with World Bank support, is helping to build the capacity of local institutions to develop policies and manage programs consistent the government’s policy for delegated management to the private sector.

Private Sector Participation in Public Sector Services—Institutional and Policy Reforms

Malawi Compact

Power Sector Revitalization Project


Strengthen for the government’s policy reform agenda and build capacity in pivotal sector institutions including ESCOM, the national power utility, and MERA, the regulatory authority.


Strengthen the financial and operational performance and governance of Malawi’s power utility and to develop a regulatory environment that supports the government’s policy reform goals for the sector, including increasing power system capacity, access and private sector participation.

Private Sector Development Private Sector Development Segment SME/Corporate Sector Development
Enhancing growth of domestic enterprises and organizations through:

Investing in business expansion and/or start-up support

  • Commercial activity support
  • Equipment

Capacity building and technical assistance to enterprises

  • Business development services
  • Business linkages and value chain development
  • Organizational development

Improving legal systems, informing policy reform and deepening the enabling environment for private sector growth

  • Legal and regulatory reforms
  • Institutional support, including implementing entity strengthening and regulatory bodies
  • Market information
Financial Sector Development
Increasing access to credit/deposits and reducing the costs of financial services by means of:

Improving financial products and services

  • Access to financial services and products including credit, equity/quasi-equity, guarantees, risk transfer instruments, and funds/facilities

Increasing the capacity of financial markets and institutions

  • Deepening financial markets
  • Strengthening intermediaries
  • Enhancing the capacity for local capital markets for long-term infrastructure funding

Support for policy reforms and strengthening financial systems

  • Legal and regulatory reforms
  • Sector reforms
  • Institutional support such as credit and property bureaus, regulatory bodies and payment systems
Private Sector Participation in Public Sector Services
Supporting increased efficiency and scope of public services through the involvement of the private sector by:

Investing in capital assets using a spectrum of PSP modalities and increasing the availability of long-term funding for infrastructure

  • Management contracts
  • Leases
  • Build-operate-transfer schemes (blending private capital with public viability gap funding)
  • Participation of local banks and institutional investors in project funding

Strengthening the capacity of governments to execute and manage PPP contracts post-closure

  • Project origination, preparation and due diligence (value for money/feasibility studies)
  • Market outreach and consensus-building for PSP
  • Funding for transaction advisors to assist in negotiations
  • PPP contract monitoring and evaluation
  • Workshops and seminars

Improving the enabling environment for PSP

  • Legal and regulatory reforms
  • Sector reforms
  • Institutional support for PPP units, line ministries and regulators
  • Strengthening governance mechanisms, including for PPP procurement delivery and public debt/contingent liability management

SME/Corporate Sector Development—Assets and Products

El Salvador Compact

Productive Development Project


Assist with the development of profitable and sustainable productive business ventures, with a primary focus on assisting poor farmers shift to the cultivation of high-value crops and other productive enterprises.   


Business development support for micro, small and medium enterprises in high-value agriculture, tourism and handicrafts.  Collaboration with USAID resulted in a Global Development Alliance grant of $500,000 to help build out the cold-storage chain for the commercialization activities of El Salvador Produce—a beneficiary-owned company.

Ghana Compact

Agriculture Project


Enhance the profitability of staple food and horticulture crops and improve delivery of business and technical services to support the expansion of commercial agriculture among farmer-based organizations.


The rehabilitation of a large irrigation scheme in the northern Ghana and the construction of a new public scheme in the Volta Region.  Both schemes involve a transition of management to a private operator and include the participation of private sector anchor farmers and the establishment of outgrower schemes with the participation of smallholder farmers.

Ghana Compact

Rural Development Project


To extend the depth and value of financial services provided to rural populations (including farmers) by reinforcing their integration into the cash economy, as well as widening their access to savings, credit and cash transfer services.


Support for the software to introduce check truncation and hardware to modernize a system for the automated clearing of electronic payments.

Indonesia Compact

Community-Based Health and Nutrition to Reduce Stunting Project


Reduce and prevent low birth weight and childhood stunting and malnourishment of children in project areas, and to increase household income through cost savings, productivity growth and higher lifetime earnings.


Stimulate market-based responses to identified demand for nutrition and sanitation interventions through a grants program that leverages private sector capital.

Morocco Compact

Artisan and Fez Medina Project


Stimulate economic growth by leveraging the links between the craft sector, tourism and the Fez Medina’s rich cultural, historic and architectural assets.


Support the design and reconstruction of historic sites within the Fez Medina, including the funding of an international architectural design competition for one of the most prominent sites.

Development of new tourism circuits in Fez and Marrakech as well as the promotion of artisan products and circuits in those cities.

Namibia Compact

Agriculture Project


Increase economic opportunities for INP stakeholders through improved organizational, business and technical capacities along the value chain. 


Supporting via the INP Innovation Facility a series of “call for proposals” that solicit interest from public and private entities to develop innovations for broad application in the INP industry and essential to short-term and long-term competitiveness of in the global market place.

Namibia Compact

Tourism Project


Assist Namibia in building conservancy capacity to protect natural resources, attract investment and achieve financial sustainability so that households in communal conservancy areas can receive a greater share of revenues.


Provide partial grant funding for joint venture lodges on conservancy land in order to incentivize private sector investment and create jobs in rural Namibia. Grant funding will also fund game relocation and community projects to reduce damage from wildlife, such as waterhole protection.


Increase tourist arrivals to Namibia by expanding marketing of Namibia as a tourist destination, developing and marketing local and regional tourism route packages, and developing a fully interactive website for the Namibia tourism.


Support the development of a Namibia Tourism Board interactive website and a marketing program target at North American tourists and outbound tourism businesses.

SME/Corporate Sector Development—Technical Assistance and Training

Armenia Compact

Irrigated Agriculture Project


Address the physical, managerial and financial investments needed to generate sustainable increases in rural incomes through irrigated agriculture.


Build the management capacities of the water supply agencies and water users' associations, as well as provide training and access to credit for member farmers to transition to more profitable, market-oriented agriculture.

Burkina Faso Compact

Agriculture Project


Improve access to rural finance to increase medium- and long-term credit in the four western regions of Sud-Ouest, Hauts Bassins, Cascades, and Boucle du Mouhoun.


Technical assistance through business services providers to support rural farmers, farmer groups and enterprises in developing investment projects and accessing credit. 

Morocco Compact

Artisan and Fez Medina Project


Enable artisans to increase the quality of their goods by providing training in modern production techniques and business management.


Train potters in new techniques and designs and technologies to improve product offerings to the tourism market in Morocco and abroad.   

Morocco Compact

Enterprise Support Project


Improve entrepreneurship sustainability, particularly for new enterprises created by recent graduates.


Provide individualized coaching during a two-year pilot period to 600 new, small enterprises to help reduce the rate of business failure and raise incomes relative to a comparable control group. If the pilot is successful, more entrepreneurs will receive similar coaching.

Namibia Compact

Agriculture Project


Increase economic opportunities for indigenous natural product stakeholders through improved organizational, business and technical capacities along the value chain. 


In coordination with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, conduct an assessment of US market demand for devil’s claw as a dietary supplement and veterinary herbal remedy and if promising develop a U.S. Market Entry Strategy.

SME/Corporate Sector Development—Institutional and Policy Reforms

Armenia Compact

Irrigated Agriculture Project


Address the physical, managerial and financial investments needed to generate sustainable increases in rural incomes through irrigated agriculture.


Reform of water laws and provision of technical assistance to enhance capacity and sustainability of water supply agencies (the providers of irrigated water) and farmer owned-and -controlled water users' associations and build the production capacity of farmers.

Benin Compact

Access to Justice


Faster, fairer and cheaper access to judicial decisions through courts throughout Benin


Improved laws, regulations, processes, and physical infrastructure and IT for courts and related judicial services. Six new court buildings (including establishment and construction of Legal Information Center).  Improved case management. Extensive training of judges, court staff and lawyers in commercial law.


Modernized Administrative Code (first since independence), modern case management rules, automation of case management, five new courthouses (including several entirely new jurisdictions), expanded access to legal information for lawyers and broader public. 


Creation of Center for Arbitration, Mediation and Conciliation to facilitate expedited and inexpensive resolution of commercial disputes. 


Hire and train staff, arbitrators and businesses in alternative dispute resolution. Equip center, develop processes and rules. Facilitate transfer of cases from courts. 


Established institution receiving large number of cases.

Honduras Compact

Rural Development Project


Enhance financial inclusion through modernizing secured transactions.


Secured transactions reform including the development of a national registry.


Registry became operational January 2011 with over 600 registrations as of March 2011.

Lesotho Compact

Private Sector Development


Speed, simplify and reduce costs for commercial dispute resolution.


Development and construction of new Commercial Court; development and implementation of computerized case management system in High Court, Commercial Court and Magistrates Court; development of pre-trial, court-annexed mediation system; and creation of small-claims process.

Philippines Compact

Revenue Administration Reform Project


Raise tax revenues and reduce tax evasion and revenue agent-related corruption.


Increase the efficiency and sustainability of revenue collection through a redesign and computerization of business processes at the Bureau of Internal Revenue. The compact supports a resident advisor from IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Division to assist with policy redesign and other tasks.

Support a public awareness campaign to encourage voluntary compliance and broadcast taxpayer information regarding tax procedures and enforcement.


Enhance capacity of Revenue Integrity Protection Service (RIPS) to detect and pursue corruption and malfeasance in revenue agencies. Support increased collection of government revenues.


Strengthen RIPS through new rules to provide enhanced autonomy, greater power and improved transparency. Provide case management system software and computer equipment.

Financial Sector Development—Assets and Products

Benin Compact

Access to Financial Services Project


Strengthening the capacity of financial institutions for the expansion of existing services or the development of new services for the advantage of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and strengthening the capacity of the MSMEs to access extended financial services and use them efficiently by improving their solvency.


Funding a Challenge Facility which supports a demand-driven and competitive mechanism that co-funds with participants technical assistance and capacity building for both financial institutions and business development services providers.

Burkina Faso Compact

Agriculture Project


Increase medium- and long-term credit in the four western regions of Sud-Ouest, Hauts Bassins, Cascades, and Boucle du Mouhoun.


Provide a $10 million lending facility for participating financial institutions to provide medium to long-term loans, particularly to farmers and small and medium-sized, rural and agricultural enterprises.

Cape Verde Compact

Watershed Management and Agriculture Support Project


Increase agricultural productivity in three rural intervention watershed areas.


Provided a $600,000 credit facility for microfinance institutions to finance drip irrigation, working capital and agribusiness investments targeting farmers in the intervention watershed areas.


The credit facility resulted in 225 loans for a total of $617,000 in lending to farmers to install drip irrigation, invest in production and market produce.

El Salvador Compact

Productive Development Project


Increase lending and access to credit and other financial services and to improve the risk profile of micro, small and medium producers and rural entrepreneurs in the Northern Zone.


Support two credit guarantee programs, one targeting micro-enterprises that are predominantly farm-based and one small- and medium-sized enterprises to generate increased lending activity by banks and non-bank financial institutions in the Northern Zone.


Increase production and employment in the Northern Zone through the provision of investment capital to competitively selected applicants for business activities located in and benefiting poor inhabitants of the Northern Zone.


Establish an investment support fund—FIDENORTE— to provide medium-term investment capital at market rates to competitively selected applicants for commercially-viable activities by the private sector in the Northern Zone.

Georgia Compact

Enterprise Development Project


Provide risk capital and technical assistance to SMEs, primarily in the regions outside Tbilisi where access to credit is a constraint to growth.


Created a new investment fund, the Georgia Regional Development Fund (GRDF), that was permitted to draw up to $30 million to fund eligible projects and up to $2.5 million to provide technical assistance to investees. More than half the portfolio was to consist of investments in businesses engaged in agriculture and tourism.


At the time of the end of the compact, GRDF had invested over $32 million in 14 SMEs (with more than $30 million funded by returns from earlier investments) and had also provided almost the full amount of budgeted technical assistance. During the five years following the end of the compact, investments will wind down and the proceeds used to fund scholarships in Georgia.

Ghana Compact

Agriculture Project


Increase profitability of groups of smallholder farms in support of the expansion of commercial agriculture.


Augment the supply of and access to credit provided by financial institutions operating in the intervention zones.

Honduras Compact

Rural Development Project


Increase the productivity and business skills of farmers who operate small- and medium-size farms and their employees.


Make available loans, in an aggregate principal amount of $6 million, through an on-lending facility to financial institutions to provide loans to horticulture and high-value agriculture producers.


By the end of the program, the credit facility provided more than $10 million in lending at market rates to horticulture and high-value agriculture producers, increasing access to credit for agriculture and agribusiness throughout Honduras. 

Indonesia Compact

Green Prosperity Project


Financing of low-carbon development projects through the establishment of a financing facility.


Provide funding to hydro, biomass and other renewable energy and natural resource management sectors in select districts through a grant-making window and a commercial window.

Madagascar Compact

Financial Sector Reform Project


Improve a weak banking system, make essential financial services available to rural areas, advance credit skills, and cut delays and risks in payments for goods and services.


Provide financing and technical assistance to four microfinance institutions in the rural areas supported by the compact’s agriculture-related activities.

Moldova Compact

Transition to High Value Agriculture Project


Provide term financing needed to support increased investment in the high-value agriculture supply chain to facilitate transition to wider production of high-value agriculture.


Provide term loan of three to seven years via the High Value Agriculture Post-Harvest Credit Facility will through participating financial institutions to fund post-harvest supply chain investments.

Morocco Compact

Financial Services Project


Assist microcredit institutions in Morocco to lessen their dependence on donor funding and rely to a greater extent on commercial funding sources.


Provide up to $25 million in subordinated loans to Jaida, a microfinance intermediary.  Jaida in turn accesses senior debt from commercial banks and uses the total proceeds to lend to Moroccan microcredit institutions.

Morocco Compact

Fruit Tree Productivity Project


Increase the yield and quality of fruit production in order to modernize and unlock opportunities in the olive value‐chain, particularly in the export market by increasing quality and quantity of olive and date production.


Through the Catalyst Fund, provide partial grant financing to newly formed olive oil cooperatives for the purchase of olive oil filtration and related equipment. These grants will augment loans from Credit Agricole du Maroc and allow cooperatives to extract greater value from their crops.

Nicaragua Compact

Rural Business Development Project


Facilitate increases in the production of high-value goods and the profits and wages of farmers, agribusinesses and other non-farm businesses in western Nicaragua.


Provide technical assistance and grants to co-finance up to 30 percent of the total cost of new investments by farms and rural businesses. 


Selected farmers and businesses successfully executed business plans developed under the Rural Business Development Services program. 

Financial Sector Development—Technical Assistance and Training

Benin Compact

Access to Financial Services Project


Identify and support legal and policy changes that are needed to facilitate the deepening and expansion of the financial sector in Benin, particularly the strengthening of microfinance supervision.


Build the capacity of the Consortium Alafia (a microfinance trade association) credit information bureau.

Burkina Faso Compact

Agriculture Project


Improve access to rural finance to increase medium- and long-term credit in the four western regions of Sud-Ouest, Hauts Bassins, Cascades, and Boucle du Mouhoun.


Support to build capacity within financial institutions to profitably and securely expand rural lending.

Cape Verde Compact

Private Sector Development Project


Increase access to credit by supporting the development of microfinance institutions (MFIs).


Provided technical assistance to MFIs to take advantage of expanded deposit-taking powers and ease the transition to a new regulatory environment, provided software to support the record-keeping associated with those deposit-taking powers and improved operational and financial sustainability.


By the end of the program all five participating MFIs were rated as operationally sustainable, and three of the five at financially sustainable—a significant improvement in the strength of the microfinance sector in Cape Verde.

El Salvador Compact

Productive Development Project


Increase lending and access to credit and other financial services through technical assistance to support increased lending activity by banks and non-bank financial institutions in the Northern Zone.


Provide specialized, short-term technical assistance to bank, non-bank and non-governmental financial intermediaries in the Northern Zone that are working to expand rural finance and improve credit analysis, introduce new technologies into their service delivery, or develop specialized products (such as leasing, savings, or specialized agricultural credit products) that increase access to financial services.

Honduras Compact

Rural Development Project


Increase the productivity and business skills of farmers who operate small and medium-size farms and their employees.


Technical assistance to help financial institutions better analyze credit risk and administer credit in rural communities.


Created innovative programs with input suppliers and triangulated lending systems between financial institutions, producers and buyers of horticulture products. With technical assistance from the compact, Bayer launched the Agroempresarios de Éxito pilot project in which a full technical assistance package (credit bureau access, credit management, accounting system, accounting management) was rolled out to five Bayer retailers. Bayer presented Agroempresarios de Éxito to its regional president and it received approval to expand their experience to other countries. 

Morocco Compact

Financial Services Project


Support the microcredit institutions of Morocco to increase access to funding, assist with the transformation to deposit taking institutions and provide other forms of assistance.


Provide technical assistance to microcredit institutions to help them strengthen management systems and product offerings in preparation for a possible transition to a deposit taking institution and the increased regulatory oversight that that would entail.

Financial Sector Development—Institutional and Policy Reforms

Benin Compact

Access to Financial Services Project


Identify and support legal and policy changes that are needed to facilitate the deepening and expansion of the financial sector in Benin.


Support for Cellule de Microfinance, the microfinance supervisory authority in the Ministry of Finance.


Improve the financial sector regulatory environment.


Support for financial sector regulatory changes by funding the analysis of and advocacy for such changes.

Benin Compact

Access to Justice


Expansion and reform of business registration center.


Develop new rules and processes, fund establishment of new offices and provide computer systems to manage registration system.


Faster, simpler and cheaper registration of businesses – from street vendor to joint stock company.

Cape Verde Compact

Private Sector Development Project


Developing a competitive, private-sector driven economy through a focus on priority sectors.


Remove constraints to investment and stimulate priority sectors of the economy by reducing early-stage project development risks that dissuade both domestic and international private investors.


With the technical assistance of the International Finance Corporation’s credit bureau team, Cape Verde completed the preparatory work and attracted an international investor to launch the first private credit bureau in the country. This reform will have a direct impact on Cape Verde’s Doing Business rank.


Support financial sector competitiveness by enabling domestic, non-bank investors, including individuals and corporations, to access the primary market for government securities.


Provided technical assistance to the Ministry of Finance to assist with the development of new auction procedures and related matters such as the design of a registry of ownership and the role of financial intermediaries.


The legislation permitting the sale of securities to individuals was passed in November of 2009.


Increase access to financial services and improve financial intermediation.


Policy reform supporting the regulation and expansion of deposit-taking powers to microfinance institutions.


In September 2007, the Cabinet of the Government of Cape Verde approved a microfinance law that regulates the institutions and authorizes microfinance institutions to collect savings.

Ghana Compact

Rural Development Project


Strengthen rural institutions that provide services complementary to and supportive of agricultural and agribusiness by strengthening rural financial services and improving the national payments systems to serve people currently not served or under-served.


Provide technical assistance to propose amendments to existing payments’ system legislation and regulations to accommodate new payment streams and methods enabled by MCC supported automated clearing and check truncation systems.

Honduras Compact

Rural Development Project


Increase the productivity and business skills of owners and employees of small- and medium-size farms.


The expansion of the national property registration system to include a new registry of movable property and liens, interconnecting this new registry with the land title registry and commercial (mercantile) registry and connecting registry system offices with each other and key clients.


The Secured Transaction Law was ratified on January 28, 2010, and the subsequent launch of the movable property registry was launched on January 28, 2011. The law and registry together allow movable property such as equipment, shop inventory, future crops, tractors, supply contracts, sewing machines, accounts receivable, and other non-real property or other real estate assets as collateral when applying for access to credit.  More than 200 registrations were logged in the first month of operations.

Lesotho Compact

Private Sector Development


Increase private sector activity in Lesotho by improving access to credit, reducing transaction costs and increasing the participation of women in the economy.


Funding for the production and issuance costs for national identification cards, including hardware, software, data capture, staff training; consultation to develop necessary legal and regulatory reforms; and the development and execution of a public awareness campaign.

Madagascar Compact

Financial Sector Reform Project


Reduce the cost of payment systems in Madagascar and increase the value and range of related products.


Equipping and modernizing the interbank payment system to reduce risk and reduce delays in settlement from 45 days to 3 days.


At the time the compact ended, the equipment was in place and training had been completed.


Improve financial system safety and efficiency by modernizing laws regulating financial instruments and payment systems.


Provided technical assistance to redraft payments systems laws. This was a counterpart activity to the compact support for the physical modernization of the payments system.


Drafts of new payment systems laws were presented to Parliament but not voted on by the end of the compact.

Morocco Compact

Financial Services Project


Support the microcredit institutions of Morocco to increase access to funding, assist with the transformation to deposit taking institutions and provide other forms of assistance to improve access to services and management.


Provide partial grants for the purchase of mobile banking units that can provide intermittent banking services to remote populations.

Private Sector Participation in Public Sector Services—Assets and Products

Benin Compact

Access to Markets Project


Expand capacity, reduce costs and improve the operating performance of Benin’s Port of Cotonou.


In coordination with MCC, the Government of Benin engaged the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to structure and manage the competition for the award of the south wharf concession, signed on September 10, 2009. The new container terminal is expected to generate up to $30 million in new revenues annually and $256 million in complementary investments from the concessionaire, Groupement Bolloré-SMTC. In addition to the various fees that will be paid over the life of the concession, Groupement Bolloré-SMTC has agreed to more than double container traffic by year 2020 and will also finance landside infrastructure improvements. Based on IFC’s analysis, the concession will generate a positive fiscal effect exceeding $1.5 billion for the country over the 25-year life of the concession.

El Salvador Compact

Human Development Project


Increase access to basic services and community infrastructure.


The Rural Electrification Sub-Activity will extend electricity to at least 97 percent of the estimated 47,000 households in the Northern Zone that currently are not connected to local power distribution networks, including investment in new rural electrification lines, connections and extensions of existing lines co-financed and operated by local subsidiaries of Arlington, Virginia-based AES Corporation.

Jordan Compact

As-Samra Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Project


Facilitate the expansion of a wastewater treatment plant on a build-operate-transfer (BOT) basis, by providing a grant to buy down the capital costs of the project and increase its affordability for the government.


MCC approved a grant of $93 million towards the construction cost of expanding the As-Samra Wastewater Treatment Plant under a public-private partnership with a private sector operator, which will mobilize a debt and equity funding for the project.

Malawi Compact

Power Sector Revitalization Project


Support renewable energy-based rural electrification by providing early-stage seed capital for private investors.


MCC competitively a tendered grant of $2 million in pre-compact funding to provide a private project developer with early-stage project development capital for a renewable energy-based mini-grid project.


With MCC’s catalytic funding, Rural Electric is now continuing its project development efforts in northern Malawi using its own capital.

Mali Compact

Bamako-Sénou Airport Improvement Project


Remove constraints to air-traffic growth and increase the airport’s efficiency in both passenger and freight handling through airside and landside infrastructure improvements, as well as the establishment of appropriate institutional mechanisms to ensure effective management, operation and maintenance of the airport facilities over the long term.


Provides technical assistance to establish a model for the management of the airport and the long-term future status and organizational structure of Aéroports du Mali, including provision for eventual private sector participation. Bamako Airport concession will be operated based on a public-private partnership model after compact-funded rehabilitation is complete.

Morocco Compact

Artisan and Fez Medina Project


Stimulate economic growth by leveraging the links between the craft sector, tourism and the Fez Medina’s rich cultural, historic and architectural assets.


In the Medina of Fez, supporting the design and reconstruction of five historic sites, including the funding of an international architectural design competition for the largest and most prominent of the sites. The sites will contain mixed uses, including artisan production facilities, shops, open public spaces, restaurants, cafes, training facilities, a boutique hotel, and tourist-support facilities. MCC funding supports development of notional business plans and real estate management structures for the sites. 

Mozambique Compact

Water and Sanitation Project


Improve sustainability of delivery of urban water services.


Funding for water supply networks in large and mid-sized cities, which will be leased to private operators, and networks in smaller cities and towns, which will be pooled so as to facilitate operations and maintenance by the private sector through a management contract.

Private Sector Participation in Public Sector Services—Technical Assistance and Training

Benin Compact

Access to Justice


Promote formalization and growth of micro and small enterprises


Legal Aid program and assistance to Mediator of the Republic provided legal training and simplified documentation to thousands of entrepreneurs in several languages.


Enhanced understanding of legal obligations (such as business registration) allowing large numbers of small businesses to legally participate in commerce.

Jordan Compact

As-Samra Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Project


Enhance the ability of the government to negotiate and close a BOT project.


MCC provided the government with funding to procure technical, financial, and legal advisors to assist the government in structuring, negotiating and closing the expansion of the As-Samra Waterwater Treatment Plant on a BOT basis.


Enhance the ability of the government to manage the BOT contract during the construction phase of the project.


An authority engineer will be hired to advise the government on matters related to the Restated Project Agreement for the BOT project, and to certify construction progress for monthly disbursements of the MCC grant.

Mali Compact

Alatona Irrigation Project


Increase production and productivity, increase farmer incomes, improve land tenure security, modernize irrigated production systems, and mitigate the uncertainty from subsistence rain-fed agriculture.


Develop a private sector participation strategy to attract potential investors to further develop and manage areas of Alatona with irrigation infrastructure and agricultural production.

Mozambique Compact

Water and Sanitation Project


Improve sustainability of delivery of urban water services.


MCC funding, together with World Bank support, is helping to build the capacity of local institutions to develop policies and manage programs consistent the government’s policy for delegated management to the private sector.

Private Sector Participation in Public Sector Services—Institutional and Policy Reforms

Malawi Compact

Power Sector Revitalization Project


Strengthen for the government’s policy reform agenda and build capacity in pivotal sector institutions including ESCOM, the national power utility, and MERA, the regulatory authority.


Strengthen the financial and operational performance and governance of Malawi’s power utility and to develop a regulatory environment that supports the government’s policy reform goals for the sector, including increasing power system capacity, access and private sector participation.

Private Sector Development Private Sector Development Segment SME/Corporate Sector Development
Enhancing growth of domestic enterprises and organizations through:

Investing in business expansion and/or start-up support

Capacity building and technical assistance to enterprises

Improving legal systems, informing policy reform and deepening the enabling environment for private sector growth

Financial Sector Development
Increasing access to credit/deposits and reducing the costs of financial services by means of:

Improving financial products and services

Increasing the capacity of financial markets and institutions

Support for policy reforms and strengthening financial systems

Private Sector Participation in Public Sector Services
Supporting increased efficiency and scope of public services through the involvement of the private sector by:

Investing in capital assets using a spectrum of PSP modalities and increasing the availability of long-term funding for infrastructure

Strengthening the capacity of governments to execute and manage PPP contracts post-closure

Improving the enabling environment for PSP

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SME/Corporate Sector Development—Assets and Products

El Salvador Compact

Productive Development Project


Assist with the development of profitable and sustainable productive business ventures, with a primary focus on assisting poor farmers shift to the cultivation of high-value crops and other productive enterprises.   


Business development support for micro, small and medium enterprises in high-value agriculture, tourism and handicrafts.  Collaboration with USAID resulted in a Global Development Alliance grant of $500,000 to help build out the cold-storage chain for the commercialization activities of El Salvador Produce—a beneficiary-owned company.

Ghana Compact

Agriculture Project


Enhance the profitability of staple food and horticulture crops and improve delivery of business and technical services to support the expansion of commercial agriculture among farmer-based organizations.


The rehabilitation of a large irrigation scheme in the northern Ghana and the construction of a new public scheme in the Volta Region.  Both schemes involve a transition of management to a private operator and include the participation of private sector anchor farmers and the establishment of outgrower schemes with the participation of smallholder farmers.

Ghana Compact

Rural Development Project


To extend the depth and value of financial services provided to rural populations (including farmers) by reinforcing their integration into the cash economy, as well as widening their access to savings, credit and cash transfer services.


Support for the software to introduce check truncation and hardware to modernize a system for the automated clearing of electronic payments.

Indonesia Compact

Community-Based Health and Nutrition to Reduce Stunting Project


Reduce and prevent low birth weight and childhood stunting and malnourishment of children in project areas, and to increase household income through cost savings, productivity growth and higher lifetime earnings.


Stimulate market-based responses to identified demand for nutrition and sanitation interventions through a grants program that leverages private sector capital.

Morocco Compact

Artisan and Fez Medina Project


Stimulate economic growth by leveraging the links between the craft sector, tourism and the Fez Medina’s rich cultural, historic and architectural assets.


Support the design and reconstruction of historic sites within the Fez Medina, including the funding of an international architectural design competition for one of the most prominent sites.

Development of new tourism circuits in Fez and Marrakech as well as the promotion of artisan products and circuits in those cities.

Namibia Compact

Agriculture Project


Increase economic opportunities for INP stakeholders through improved organizational, business and technical capacities along the value chain. 


Supporting via the INP Innovation Facility a series of “call for proposals” that solicit interest from public and private entities to develop innovations for broad application in the INP industry and essential to short-term and long-term competitiveness of in the global market place.

Namibia Compact

Tourism Project


Assist Namibia in building conservancy capacity to protect natural resources, attract investment and achieve financial sustainability so that households in communal conservancy areas can receive a greater share of revenues.


Provide partial grant funding for joint venture lodges on conservancy land in order to incentivize private sector investment and create jobs in rural Namibia. Grant funding will also fund game relocation and community projects to reduce damage from wildlife, such as waterhole protection.


Increase tourist arrivals to Namibia by expanding marketing of Namibia as a tourist destination, developing and marketing local and regional tourism route packages, and developing a fully interactive website for the Namibia tourism.


Support the development of a Namibia Tourism Board interactive website and a marketing program target at North American tourists and outbound tourism businesses.

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SME/Corporate Sector Development—Technical Assistance and Training

Armenia Compact

Irrigated Agriculture Project


Address the physical, managerial and financial investments needed to generate sustainable increases in rural incomes through irrigated agriculture.


Build the management capacities of the water supply agencies and water users' associations, as well as provide training and access to credit for member farmers to transition to more profitable, market-oriented agriculture.

Burkina Faso Compact

Agriculture Project


Improve access to rural finance to increase medium- and long-term credit in the four western regions of Sud-Ouest, Hauts Bassins, Cascades, and Boucle du Mouhoun.


Technical assistance through business services providers to support rural farmers, farmer groups and enterprises in developing investment projects and accessing credit. 

Morocco Compact

Artisan and Fez Medina Project


Enable artisans to increase the quality of their goods by providing training in modern production techniques and business management.


Train potters in new techniques and designs and technologies to improve product offerings to the tourism market in Morocco and abroad.   

Morocco Compact

Enterprise Support Project


Improve entrepreneurship sustainability, particularly for new enterprises created by recent graduates.


Provide individualized coaching during a two-year pilot period to 600 new, small enterprises to help reduce the rate of business failure and raise incomes relative to a comparable control group. If the pilot is successful, more entrepreneurs will receive similar coaching.

Namibia Compact

Agriculture Project


Increase economic opportunities for indigenous natural product stakeholders through improved organizational, business and technical capacities along the value chain. 


In coordination with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, conduct an assessment of US market demand for devil’s claw as a dietary supplement and veterinary herbal remedy and if promising develop a U.S. Market Entry Strategy.

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SME/Corporate Sector Development—Institutional and Policy Reforms

Armenia Compact

Irrigated Agriculture Project


Address the physical, managerial and financial investments needed to generate sustainable increases in rural incomes through irrigated agriculture.


Reform of water laws and provision of technical assistance to enhance capacity and sustainability of water supply agencies (the providers of irrigated water) and farmer owned-and -controlled water users' associations and build the production capacity of farmers.

Benin Compact

Access to Justice


Faster, fairer and cheaper access to judicial decisions through courts throughout Benin


Improved laws, regulations, processes, and physical infrastructure and IT for courts and related judicial services. Six new court buildings (including establishment and construction of Legal Information Center).  Improved case management. Extensive training of judges, court staff and lawyers in commercial law.


Modernized Administrative Code (first since independence), modern case management rules, automation of case management, five new courthouses (including several entirely new jurisdictions), expanded access to legal information for lawyers and broader public. 


Creation of Center for Arbitration, Mediation and Conciliation to facilitate expedited and inexpensive resolution of commercial disputes. 


Hire and train staff, arbitrators and businesses in alternative dispute resolution. Equip center, develop processes and rules. Facilitate transfer of cases from courts. 


Established institution receiving large number of cases.

Honduras Compact

Rural Development Project


Enhance financial inclusion through modernizing secured transactions.


Secured transactions reform including the development of a national registry.


Registry became operational January 2011 with over 600 registrations as of March 2011.

Lesotho Compact

Private Sector Development


Speed, simplify and reduce costs for commercial dispute resolution.


Development and construction of new Commercial Court; development and implementation of computerized case management system in High Court, Commercial Court and Magistrates Court; development of pre-trial, court-annexed mediation system; and creation of small-claims process.

Philippines Compact

Revenue Administration Reform Project


Raise tax revenues and reduce tax evasion and revenue agent-related corruption.


Increase the efficiency and sustainability of revenue collection through a redesign and computerization of business processes at the Bureau of Internal Revenue. The compact supports a resident advisor from IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Division to assist with policy redesign and other tasks.

Support a public awareness campaign to encourage voluntary compliance and broadcast taxpayer information regarding tax procedures and enforcement.


Enhance capacity of Revenue Integrity Protection Service (RIPS) to detect and pursue corruption and malfeasance in revenue agencies. Support increased collection of government revenues.


Strengthen RIPS through new rules to provide enhanced autonomy, greater power and improved transparency. Provide case management system software and computer equipment.

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Financial Sector Development—Assets and Products

Benin Compact

Access to Financial Services Project


Strengthening the capacity of financial institutions for the expansion of existing services or the development of new services for the advantage of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and strengthening the capacity of the MSMEs to access extended financial services and use them efficiently by improving their solvency.


Funding a Challenge Facility which supports a demand-driven and competitive mechanism that co-funds with participants technical assistance and capacity building for both financial institutions and business development services providers.

Burkina Faso Compact

Agriculture Project


Increase medium- and long-term credit in the four western regions of Sud-Ouest, Hauts Bassins, Cascades, and Boucle du Mouhoun.


Provide a $10 million lending facility for participating financial institutions to provide medium to long-term loans, particularly to farmers and small and medium-sized, rural and agricultural enterprises.

Cape Verde Compact

Watershed Management and Agriculture Support Project


Increase agricultural productivity in three rural intervention watershed areas.


Provided a $600,000 credit facility for microfinance institutions to finance drip irrigation, working capital and agribusiness investments targeting farmers in the intervention watershed areas.


The credit facility resulted in 225 loans for a total of $617,000 in lending to farmers to install drip irrigation, invest in production and market produce.

El Salvador Compact

Productive Development Project


Increase lending and access to credit and other financial services and to improve the risk profile of micro, small and medium producers and rural entrepreneurs in the Northern Zone.


Support two credit guarantee programs, one targeting micro-enterprises that are predominantly farm-based and one small- and medium-sized enterprises to generate increased lending activity by banks and non-bank financial institutions in the Northern Zone.


Increase production and employment in the Northern Zone through the provision of investment capital to competitively selected applicants for business activities located in and benefiting poor inhabitants of the Northern Zone.


Establish an investment support fund—FIDENORTE— to provide medium-term investment capital at market rates to competitively selected applicants for commercially-viable activities by the private sector in the Northern Zone.

Georgia Compact

Enterprise Development Project


Provide risk capital and technical assistance to SMEs, primarily in the regions outside Tbilisi where access to credit is a constraint to growth.


Created a new investment fund, the Georgia Regional Development Fund (GRDF), that was permitted to draw up to $30 million to fund eligible projects and up to $2.5 million to provide technical assistance to investees. More than half the portfolio was to consist of investments in businesses engaged in agriculture and tourism.


At the time of the end of the compact, GRDF had invested over $32 million in 14 SMEs (with more than $30 million funded by returns from earlier investments) and had also provided almost the full amount of budgeted technical assistance. During the five years following the end of the compact, investments will wind down and the proceeds used to fund scholarships in Georgia.

Ghana Compact

Agriculture Project


Increase profitability of groups of smallholder farms in support of the expansion of commercial agriculture.


Augment the supply of and access to credit provided by financial institutions operating in the intervention zones.

Honduras Compact

Rural Development Project


Increase the productivity and business skills of farmers who operate small- and medium-size farms and their employees.


Make available loans, in an aggregate principal amount of $6 million, through an on-lending facility to financial institutions to provide loans to horticulture and high-value agriculture producers.


By the end of the program, the credit facility provided more than $10 million in lending at market rates to horticulture and high-value agriculture producers, increasing access to credit for agriculture and agribusiness throughout Honduras. 

Indonesia Compact

Green Prosperity Project


Financing of low-carbon development projects through the establishment of a financing facility.


Provide funding to hydro, biomass and other renewable energy and natural resource management sectors in select districts through a grant-making window and a commercial window.

Madagascar Compact

Financial Sector Reform Project


Improve a weak banking system, make essential financial services available to rural areas, advance credit skills, and cut delays and risks in payments for goods and services.


Provide financing and technical assistance to four microfinance institutions in the rural areas supported by the compact’s agriculture-related activities.

Moldova Compact

Transition to High Value Agriculture Project


Provide term financing needed to support increased investment in the high-value agriculture supply chain to facilitate transition to wider production of high-value agriculture.


Provide term loan of three to seven years via the High Value Agriculture Post-Harvest Credit Facility will through participating financial institutions to fund post-harvest supply chain investments.

Morocco Compact

Financial Services Project


Assist microcredit institutions in Morocco to lessen their dependence on donor funding and rely to a greater extent on commercial funding sources.


Provide up to $25 million in subordinated loans to Jaida, a microfinance intermediary.  Jaida in turn accesses senior debt from commercial banks and uses the total proceeds to lend to Moroccan microcredit institutions.

Morocco Compact

Fruit Tree Productivity Project


Increase the yield and quality of fruit production in order to modernize and unlock opportunities in the olive value‐chain, particularly in the export market by increasing quality and quantity of olive and date production.


Through the Catalyst Fund, provide partial grant financing to newly formed olive oil cooperatives for the purchase of olive oil filtration and related equipment. These grants will augment loans from Credit Agricole du Maroc and allow cooperatives to extract greater value from their crops.

Nicaragua Compact

Rural Business Development Project


Facilitate increases in the production of high-value goods and the profits and wages of farmers, agribusinesses and other non-farm businesses in western Nicaragua.


Provide technical assistance and grants to co-finance up to 30 percent of the total cost of new investments by farms and rural businesses. 


Selected farmers and businesses successfully executed business plans developed under the Rural Business Development Services program. 

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Financial Sector Development—Technical Assistance and Training

Benin Compact

Access to Financial Services Project


Identify and support legal and policy changes that are needed to facilitate the deepening and expansion of the financial sector in Benin, particularly the strengthening of microfinance supervision.


Build the capacity of the Consortium Alafia (a microfinance trade association) credit information bureau.

Burkina Faso Compact

Agriculture Project


Improve access to rural finance to increase medium- and long-term credit in the four western regions of Sud-Ouest, Hauts Bassins, Cascades, and Boucle du Mouhoun.


Support to build capacity within financial institutions to profitably and securely expand rural lending.

Cape Verde Compact

Private Sector Development Project


Increase access to credit by supporting the development of microfinance institutions (MFIs).


Provided technical assistance to MFIs to take advantage of expanded deposit-taking powers and ease the transition to a new regulatory environment, provided software to support the record-keeping associated with those deposit-taking powers and improved operational and financial sustainability.


By the end of the program all five participating MFIs were rated as operationally sustainable, and three of the five at financially sustainable—a significant improvement in the strength of the microfinance sector in Cape Verde.

El Salvador Compact

Productive Development Project


Increase lending and access to credit and other financial services through technical assistance to support increased lending activity by banks and non-bank financial institutions in the Northern Zone.


Provide specialized, short-term technical assistance to bank, non-bank and non-governmental financial intermediaries in the Northern Zone that are working to expand rural finance and improve credit analysis, introduce new technologies into their service delivery, or develop specialized products (such as leasing, savings, or specialized agricultural credit products) that increase access to financial services.

Honduras Compact

Rural Development Project


Increase the productivity and business skills of farmers who operate small and medium-size farms and their employees.


Technical assistance to help financial institutions better analyze credit risk and administer credit in rural communities.


Created innovative programs with input suppliers and triangulated lending systems between financial institutions, producers and buyers of horticulture products. With technical assistance from the compact, Bayer launched the Agroempresarios de Éxito pilot project in which a full technical assistance package (credit bureau access, credit management, accounting system, accounting management) was rolled out to five Bayer retailers. Bayer presented Agroempresarios de Éxito to its regional president and it received approval to expand their experience to other countries. 

Morocco Compact

Financial Services Project


Support the microcredit institutions of Morocco to increase access to funding, assist with the transformation to deposit taking institutions and provide other forms of assistance.


Provide technical assistance to microcredit institutions to help them strengthen management systems and product offerings in preparation for a possible transition to a deposit taking institution and the increased regulatory oversight that that would entail.

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Financial Sector Development—Institutional and Policy Reforms

Benin Compact

Access to Financial Services Project


Identify and support legal and policy changes that are needed to facilitate the deepening and expansion of the financial sector in Benin.


Support for Cellule de Microfinance, the microfinance supervisory authority in the Ministry of Finance.


Improve the financial sector regulatory environment.


Support for financial sector regulatory changes by funding the analysis of and advocacy for such changes.

Benin Compact

Access to Justice


Expansion and reform of business registration center.


Develop new rules and processes, fund establishment of new offices and provide computer systems to manage registration system.


Faster, simpler and cheaper registration of businesses – from street vendor to joint stock company.

Cape Verde Compact

Private Sector Development Project


Developing a competitive, private-sector driven economy through a focus on priority sectors.


Remove constraints to investment and stimulate priority sectors of the economy by reducing early-stage project development risks that dissuade both domestic and international private investors.


With the technical assistance of the International Finance Corporation’s credit bureau team, Cape Verde completed the preparatory work and attracted an international investor to launch the first private credit bureau in the country. This reform will have a direct impact on Cape Verde’s Doing Business rank.


Support financial sector competitiveness by enabling domestic, non-bank investors, including individuals and corporations, to access the primary market for government securities.


Provided technical assistance to the Ministry of Finance to assist with the development of new auction procedures and related matters such as the design of a registry of ownership and the role of financial intermediaries.


The legislation permitting the sale of securities to individuals was passed in November of 2009.


Increase access to financial services and improve financial intermediation.


Policy reform supporting the regulation and expansion of deposit-taking powers to microfinance institutions.


In September 2007, the Cabinet of the Government of Cape Verde approved a microfinance law that regulates the institutions and authorizes microfinance institutions to collect savings.

Ghana Compact

Rural Development Project


Strengthen rural institutions that provide services complementary to and supportive of agricultural and agribusiness by strengthening rural financial services and improving the national payments systems to serve people currently not served or under-served.


Provide technical assistance to propose amendments to existing payments’ system legislation and regulations to accommodate new payment streams and methods enabled by MCC supported automated clearing and check truncation systems.

Honduras Compact

Rural Development Project


Increase the productivity and business skills of owners and employees of small- and medium-size farms.


The expansion of the national property registration system to include a new registry of movable property and liens, interconnecting this new registry with the land title registry and commercial (mercantile) registry and connecting registry system offices with each other and key clients.


The Secured Transaction Law was ratified on January 28, 2010, and the subsequent launch of the movable property registry was launched on January 28, 2011. The law and registry together allow movable property such as equipment, shop inventory, future crops, tractors, supply contracts, sewing machines, accounts receivable, and other non-real property or other real estate assets as collateral when applying for access to credit.  More than 200 registrations were logged in the first month of operations.

Lesotho Compact

Private Sector Development


Increase private sector activity in Lesotho by improving access to credit, reducing transaction costs and increasing the participation of women in the economy.


Funding for the production and issuance costs for national identification cards, including hardware, software, data capture, staff training; consultation to develop necessary legal and regulatory reforms; and the development and execution of a public awareness campaign.

Madagascar Compact

Financial Sector Reform Project


Reduce the cost of payment systems in Madagascar and increase the value and range of related products.


Equipping and modernizing the interbank payment system to reduce risk and reduce delays in settlement from 45 days to 3 days.


At the time the compact ended, the equipment was in place and training had been completed.


Improve financial system safety and efficiency by modernizing laws regulating financial instruments and payment systems.


Provided technical assistance to redraft payments systems laws. This was a counterpart activity to the compact support for the physical modernization of the payments system.


Drafts of new payment systems laws were presented to Parliament but not voted on by the end of the compact.

Morocco Compact

Financial Services Project


Support the microcredit institutions of Morocco to increase access to funding, assist with the transformation to deposit taking institutions and provide other forms of assistance to improve access to services and management.


Provide partial grants for the purchase of mobile banking units that can provide intermittent banking services to remote populations.

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Private Sector Participation in Public Sector Services—Assets and Products

Benin Compact

Access to Markets Project


Expand capacity, reduce costs and improve the operating performance of Benin’s Port of Cotonou.


In coordination with MCC, the Government of Benin engaged the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to structure and manage the competition for the award of the south wharf concession, signed on September 10, 2009. The new container terminal is expected to generate up to $30 million in new revenues annually and $256 million in complementary investments from the concessionaire, Groupement Bolloré-SMTC. In addition to the various fees that will be paid over the life of the concession, Groupement Bolloré-SMTC has agreed to more than double container traffic by year 2020 and will also finance landside infrastructure improvements. Based on IFC’s analysis, the concession will generate a positive fiscal effect exceeding $1.5 billion for the country over the 25-year life of the concession.

El Salvador Compact

Human Development Project


Increase access to basic services and community infrastructure.


The Rural Electrification Sub-Activity will extend electricity to at least 97 percent of the estimated 47,000 households in the Northern Zone that currently are not connected to local power distribution networks, including investment in new rural electrification lines, connections and extensions of existing lines co-financed and operated by local subsidiaries of Arlington, Virginia-based AES Corporation.

Jordan Compact

As-Samra Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Project


Facilitate the expansion of a wastewater treatment plant on a build-operate-transfer (BOT) basis, by providing a grant to buy down the capital costs of the project and increase its affordability for the government.


MCC approved a grant of $93 million towards the construction cost of expanding the As-Samra Wastewater Treatment Plant under a public-private partnership with a private sector operator, which will mobilize a debt and equity funding for the project.

Malawi Compact

Power Sector Revitalization Project


Support renewable energy-based rural electrification by providing early-stage seed capital for private investors.


MCC competitively a tendered grant of $2 million in pre-compact funding to provide a private project developer with early-stage project development capital for a renewable energy-based mini-grid project.


With MCC’s catalytic funding, Rural Electric is now continuing its project development efforts in northern Malawi using its own capital.

Mali Compact

Bamako-Sénou Airport Improvement Project


Remove constraints to air-traffic growth and increase the airport’s efficiency in both passenger and freight handling through airside and landside infrastructure improvements, as well as the establishment of appropriate institutional mechanisms to ensure effective management, operation and maintenance of the airport facilities over the long term.


Provides technical assistance to establish a model for the management of the airport and the long-term future status and organizational structure of Aéroports du Mali, including provision for eventual private sector participation. Bamako Airport concession will be operated based on a public-private partnership model after compact-funded rehabilitation is complete.

Morocco Compact

Artisan and Fez Medina Project


Stimulate economic growth by leveraging the links between the craft sector, tourism and the Fez Medina’s rich cultural, historic and architectural assets.


In the Medina of Fez, supporting the design and reconstruction of five historic sites, including the funding of an international architectural design competition for the largest and most prominent of the sites. The sites will contain mixed uses, including artisan production facilities, shops, open public spaces, restaurants, cafes, training facilities, a boutique hotel, and tourist-support facilities. MCC funding supports development of notional business plans and real estate management structures for the sites. 

Mozambique Compact

Water and Sanitation Project


Improve sustainability of delivery of urban water services.


Funding for water supply networks in large and mid-sized cities, which will be leased to private operators, and networks in smaller cities and towns, which will be pooled so as to facilitate operations and maintenance by the private sector through a management contract.

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Private Sector Participation in Public Sector Services—Technical Assistance and Training

Benin Compact

Access to Justice


Promote formalization and growth of micro and small enterprises


Legal Aid program and assistance to Mediator of the Republic provided legal training and simplified documentation to thousands of entrepreneurs in several languages.


Enhanced understanding of legal obligations (such as business registration) allowing large numbers of small businesses to legally participate in commerce.

Jordan Compact

As-Samra Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Project


Enhance the ability of the government to negotiate and close a BOT project.


MCC provided the government with funding to procure technical, financial, and legal advisors to assist the government in structuring, negotiating and closing the expansion of the As-Samra Waterwater Treatment Plant on a BOT basis.


Enhance the ability of the government to manage the BOT contract during the construction phase of the project.


An authority engineer will be hired to advise the government on matters related to the Restated Project Agreement for the BOT project, and to certify construction progress for monthly disbursements of the MCC grant.

Mali Compact

Alatona Irrigation Project


Increase production and productivity, increase farmer incomes, improve land tenure security, modernize irrigated production systems, and mitigate the uncertainty from subsistence rain-fed agriculture.


Develop a private sector participation strategy to attract potential investors to further develop and manage areas of Alatona with irrigation infrastructure and agricultural production.

Mozambique Compact

Water and Sanitation Project


Improve sustainability of delivery of urban water services.


MCC funding, together with World Bank support, is helping to build the capacity of local institutions to develop policies and manage programs consistent the government’s policy for delegated management to the private sector.

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Private Sector Participation in Public Sector Services—Institutional and Policy Reforms

Malawi Compact

Power Sector Revitalization Project


Strengthen for the government’s policy reform agenda and build capacity in pivotal sector institutions including ESCOM, the national power utility, and MERA, the regulatory authority.


Strengthen the financial and operational performance and governance of Malawi’s power utility and to develop a regulatory environment that supports the government’s policy reform goals for the sector, including increasing power system capacity, access and private sector participation.