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 MEPAG Science Goals Document  Author  Date  PDF  DOC  PPT
 Mars Science Goals, Objectives, Investigations, and Priorities: (2010 Active Version)  MEPAG  September 2010 X X  
 Mars Science Goals, Objectives, Investigations, and Priorities: (2012 Version for Review)  MEPAG  September 2012 X X  

Archived Mars Scientific Goals Documents

 MEPAG Topical Analysis Reports  Author  Date  PDF  DOC  PPT
Humans to the Martian System Summary of Strategic Knowledge Gaps P-SAG (jointly sponsored by MEPAG and SBAG) M. Carr, D. Beaty, et al. June 30, 2012 X   X
Planning for Mars Returned Sample Science: Final report of the MSR End-to-End International Science Analysis Group (E2E-iSAG) S. McLennan, M. Sephton, et al. November 2011 X X  
Recipe for Success: Research and Technology Programs as Key Ingredients of the Mars Exploration Program V. Hamilton , et al. January 2011 X X  
Two rovers to the same site on Mars, 2018: Possibilities for Cooperative Science John Grant, Frances Westall et al. July 2010 X X  
Mars Network Science Analysis Group (NetSAG) Final Report B. Banerdt, et al. March 2010 X   X
Mars Astrobiology Explorer-Cacher (MAX-C): A Potential Rover Mission for 2018 L. Pratt, et al. November 2009 X X X
 Science Priorities for Mars Sample Return (Report of ND-SAG)  Borg, Des Marais, et al.  March 2008 X X X
Mars Strategic Science Assessment Group (Report of MSS-SAG)  S. Murchie, et. al.  Feb 2008     X
 DRAFT: Planning for the Scientific Exploration
of Mars by Humans (Report of HEM-SAG)
 J.B. Garvin, J.S. Levine, et al.  February 2008   X  
 Report of the joint NAI / MEPAG Mars Science Laboratory Caching Working Group  A. Steele et al.  February 2008   X  
 Report from the 2013 Mars Science Orbiter (MSO) Second Science Analysis Group  W. Calvin, et al.  May 2007 X X X
 DRAFT - Findings of the Mars Forward Lunar Objectives Science Analysis Group  D. Beaty, et al.  September 2006 X X  
 Findings of the Astrobiology Field Lab Science Steering Group (AFLSSG)  A. Steele, et al.  September 2006 X X  X
 Findings of the Mars Special Regions Science Analysis Group (Report of SR-SAG)  D. Beaty, et al.  July 2006 X X X
 Mars Science Orbiter (MSO) SAG Report  B. Farmer, et al.  July 2006 X    
 Science Analysis of the November 3, 2005 Version of the Draft Mars Exploration Program Plan  R. Arvidson, , et al.  January 2006   X  
 Report of the MEPAG Mars Human Precursor Science Steering Group Technology Demonstration and Infrastructure Emplacement (TI) Sub-Group  Hinners, et al.  July 2005 X   X
 An Analysis of the Precursor Measurements of Mars Needed to Reduce the Risk of the First Human Mission to Mars  Beaty, et al.  June 2005 X X  
 Science Priorities Related to the Organic Contamination of Martian Landers  Mahaffy, et al.  November 2004 X X X
 Findings of the Moon-Mars Science Linkage Science Steering Group  C. Shearer, et al.  October 2004  X X  X
 Groundbreaking MSR: Science Requirements for a Fist Mars Surface-Sample Return Mission  G. MacPherson et al.  October 2002 X X   
 Pathways SSG Report: Investigation-driven science pathways for Mars exploration (New Document)  MEPAG  2002-2003 X     
 Pathways SSG Report: Investigation-driven science pathways for Mars exploration (Old Document)  MEPAG  September 2002 X    X
 The First Returned Martian Samples: Science Opportunities  G. MacPherson et al.  July 2001 X    

 Mars Exploration Program Planning Documents  Author  Date  PDF  DOC  PPT
 Report of the 2018 Joint Mars Rover Mission Joint Science Working Group (JSWG)  D. Beaty et al.  March 2012 X X X
 Mars Science Orbiter (MSO) Science Definition Team (SDT) Update Report  M. Smith et al.  March 2009 X   X
Science Perspectives for Candidate Mars Mission Architectures for 2016-2026 P. Christensen  March 2009 X   X
Analysis of arguments for and against removing the sample cache hardware from MSL McLennan et al.  October 2008   X  
Science Perspectives for Candidate Mars Mission Architectures 2016-2026 (MATT-2) Christensen, et al.  June 2008 X    
Mars Architecture Tiger Team Results (MATT-1) Christensen, et al.  Feb 2008     X
Report of the NASA Science Definition Team for the Mars Science Orbiter (MSO)  M. Smith, et al.  February 2008 X X X
 Update to the Robotic Mars Exploration Strategy 2007-2016 (MAPG)  D. Beaty, et al.  November 2006 X X  
 Robotic Mars Exploration Strategy 2007-2016 (MAPG)  D. McCleese, et al.  March 2006 X    
 GTC White Paper - Growing and Strengthening the Mars Science Community  D. Beaty, et al.  April 2004 X   X  
 Mars Exploration Strategy (MSPSG)  D. McCleese, et al.  March 2004 X    
 MSL Project Science Integration Group Final Report  PSIG  May 2003 X    X
 Mars Preliminary Exploration Options  MSPSG  April 2003 X  X   
 The Search for Evidence of Life on Mars  D. McCleese  July 2001 X    

 Science Mission Directorate Documents  Author  Date  PDF  DOC  PPT
Scientific requirements for a possible Mars Science Laboratory sample cache  C. McKay, et al.  Sept 2007 X    

 International Mars Exploration Working Group (IMEWG)  Author  Date  PDF  DOC  PPT
Report of the International Mars Architecture for the Return of Samples (iMARS) Working Group  D. Beaty, et al.  July 2008 X   X

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MEPAG is NASA's community-based forum designed to provide science input for planning and prioritizing Mars exploration activities for the next several decades. It is chartered by NASA's Lead Scientist for Mars Exploration at NASA HQ, and reports its findings at FACA-sanctioned meetings of the Solar System Exploration Sub-Committee of the NASA Space Science Advisory Committee. Open to all interested Mars scientists, MEPAG regularly evaluates Mars exploration goals, objectives, investigations and required measurements on the basis of the widest possible community outreach. NASA's JPL has been directed to manage the logistics associated with the operations of MEPAG on behalf of NASA's Space Science Enterprise.


