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Our District

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View First Congressional District in a larger map

Missouri's First Congressional District is situated in the Eastern portion of the state, directly adjacent to southern Illinois. It houses much of Northern St. Louis City and St. Louis County.  The great "Gateway To The West," St. Louis serves as a major hub for various fortune 500 comapnies, world-class research institutions, and tourists alike.  Find out more about our district:

District Demographics

Looking for basic data and demographic information our district?  Learn more about the U.S. Census data information for the district.

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St. Louis Businesses

Get information on Fortune 500 Companies and entreprenurial opportunities in our district.

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St. Louis Education

K-12 Schools: Find out more about the public, private, charter, and religious schools in the First District.  Once you've finished there, take a look at the opportunities in higher education St. Louis has to offer.

St. Louis Health Care

Get information on St. Louis' hospitals and health centers, as well as medical advocacy organizations that may be able to assist you.

Missouri State & Local Agencies

Useful links to local and statewide government agencies.  To address state issues, contact one of the organizations listed in this section.

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Are You a Resident of the 1st District?

To find out if you reside in First Congressional District, enter your zip code on the U.S. House of Representatives’ homepage, under the  'Find your Representative' field.

If you do not know your If your 4 digit postal code, please use the United States Postal Service Zip Code Finder' and then complete the 'Find your Representative' field.