NASA Logo, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
High-End Computing Program

Delivering high-end computing systems and services to NASA's aeronautics, exploration, and science missions.


If you are a NASA-sponsored scientist or engineer, computing time is available to you at the High-End Computing (HEC) Program's NASA Advanced Supercomputing (NAS) Facility and NASA Center for Climate Simulation (NCCS).


Visualization of polar vortex
1.30.13 - GEOS-5 Successfully Predicts Stratospheric Sudden Warming Event
Near-real-time meteorological analyses and weather forecasts with NASA's GEOS-5 model successfully predicted the major stratospheric sudden warming event of January 2013.
Photo of IRIS spacecraft in clean room
01.25.13 – NASA's IRIS Spacecraft Scheduled to Launch in April
NASA's Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) mission will use the Pleiades supercomputer to create and analyze 3D models of the sun based on data gathered by the orbiting observatory.
Surface temperature speeds from a 1/16-degree solution simulation
1.22.13 – Re-creating Earth's Oceans Inside a Supercomputer
Using complex computer models and the Pleiades supercomputer, scientists are taking a closer look at Earth's oceans and sea-ice to understand more about how they work and why they are changing.
Contributions of nitrogen dioxide emissions - the primary source of ozone- to the global average thermal absorption of ozone
1.16.13 – NASA Ozone Study May Benefit Air Standards, Climate
A new NASA-led study finds that when it comes to combating global warming caused by emissions of ozone-forming chemicals, location matters.
Visualization of Hurricane Sandy 10m winds and sea level pressure
12.31.2012 - Tracking Hurricanes with GEOS-5
The GEOS-5 atmospheric model and assimilation analyses are used every day to generate 5-day weather forecasts. One view of GEOS-5 performance comes from forecasts of two of 2012's most destructive hurricanes: Isaac and Sandy.


NASA Advanced Supercomputing (NAS) Facility

NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA

NASA Center for Climate Simulation (NCCS)

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD


NCCS Portals
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