Policy Memorandum #01

United States Army Garrison Humphreys Command Policy Memorandums

IMHM-HRA                                                                                             1 August 2012


SUBJECT:  United States Army Garrison Policy Memorandum #1, United States Army Garrison Humphreys Command Policy Memorandums

1.  This policy is effective immediately.  All previous command policies are rescinded.

2.  USAG Humphreys Command Policy Memorandums are statements of the Commander, USAG Humphreys.  These memorandums are used to provide one or more of the following:

 a. Policy that has yet been published in a USFK, IMCOM, DA, or DoD publication.  Once the policy has been incorporated into an applicable publication, the memorandum may be rescinded.

 b. The highest level of command emphasis in areas that may or may not be covered in USFK, IMCOM, DA, or DoD publications.

3.  At the enclosure is an index of USAG Humphreys Command Policy Memorandums.  To view USAG Humphreys’ Command Policy Memorandums, go to the USAG Humphreys homepage at http://humphreys.korea.army.mil and click on Area III Policy Memorandums.

4.  The point of contact is the DHR at DSN 753-6736 or -8618. 


Encl                                                                      DARIN S. CONKRIGHT
Policy Memorandum Index                                   COL, SF


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Date created: 8/2/2010 10:13:59 AM
Date last updated: 11/15/2012 2:48:56 PM