Thursday, October 22, 2009

News and Events Roundup- October 22nd

From Federal Computer Week, about Secretary Napolitano’s speech on Cybersecurity Month:

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has gone online to urge private persons to help bolster the country's cybersecurity.

During a speech broadcast on the Homeland Security Department's Web site Oct. 20, Napolitano described computer security as a major scientific and technical challenge with great economic and national security implications. She said everyday people - not just the government - share the responsibility for cybersecurity.

"It's an opportunity for you as an individual to personally to contribute to our national security," Napolitano said. "Securing your home computer helps you and your family - it also helps your nation in some very important ways."

Napolitano said people should:

Install and activate firewalls for their computers and Internet connection.

Ensure that anti-virus and anti-spyware is installed and up-to-date.

Check computer settings to make sure operating systems and applications are automatically patched.

Avoid suspect Web sites, downloading suspicious documents or attachments, or opening e-mail messages from unknown persons.

Perform regular back ups.

Use strong passwords.

Educate children.

From the Washington Times, on the H1N1 vaccine:

Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano on Wednesday morning acknowledged a delay in the distribution of H1N1 vaccine but said the program should be back on schedule around December.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) wanted to have 40 million doses shipped by the end of October, but will have roughly 28 million to 30 million.

Ms. Napolitano told CNN before testifying on Capitol Hill that the problem was a manufacturing delay, not a shortage.

"There will be a vaccine for everybody who wants it," she said.

From SC Magazine, on Philip Reitinger's attendance at the RSA Conference in England:

International collaboration and recruitment of experienced people is needed to win the battle against cybercrime.

Speaking at the RSA Conference Europe, the US department of homeland security(DHS) deputy undersecretary of the national protection and programs directorate Philip Reitinger, claimed that the right people are working on battling cybercrime but it needs to be vastly increased.

Reitinger said: “We need developers who work through university who learn to write code. We need to have ethically sound people, people who have a mind for the criminal, make sure that people are used to people's business but have to have the public's interest at heart.

“They need to have a blackhat perspective, and need to do threat modelling. Understanding weaknesses to do a good job of security systems. I think we are trying to invest in the right way.”

From KXO-AM El Centro, CA,on a drug seizure at the Andrade port of entry:

More than 29 pounds of cocaine worth nearly $1 million was seized Tuesday night at the Andrade port of entry.

A drug detection dog assigned to the Yuma Sector Border Patrol alerted to a California registered SUV as it attempted to enter the United States from Mexico at the Andrade port of entry. Further inspection of the vehicle led to the discovery of a compartment below the floorboards. 29.7 pounds of cocaine was found found hidden in the compartment. The vehicle , drugs and 26-year old woman driver of the SUV were all turned over to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement office.
Public Events
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Investigations Deputy Assistant Director Janice Ayala and U.S. Customs and Border Protection Cargo and Conveyance Security Executive Director Todd Owen will testify about cargo threats at land ports of entry before the House Committee on Homeland Security Subcommittee on Border, Maritime and Global Counterterrorism
311 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C.