
Ease of Doing Business in


This page summarizes Doing Business 2012 data for Afghanistan. The first table lists the overall "Ease of Doing Business" rank (out of 183 economies) and the rankings by each topic. The rest of the tables summarize the key indicators for each topic and benchmark against regional and high-income economy (OECD) averages.

Economy Overview

Region South Asia
Income Category Low income
Population 30,605,401
GNI Per Capita (US$) 517.00
Doing Business 2012 Rank Doing Business 2011 Rank Change in Rank
160 154 down -6
Topic Rankings DB 2012 Rank DB 2011 Rank Change in Rank
Starting a Business 30 24 up -6
Dealing with Construction Permits 162 160 up -2
Getting Electricity 104 132 up 28
Registering Property 172 170 up -2
Getting Credit 150 130 up -20
Protecting Investors 183 183 No change
Paying Taxes 63 58 up -5
Trading Across Borders 179 179 No change
Enforcing Contracts 161 161 No change
Resolving Insolvency 105 107 up 2

Economy Profile

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Starting a Business


The challenges of launching a business are shown below. Included are: the number of steps entrepreneurs can expect to go through to launch, the time it takes on average, and the cost and minimum capital required as a percentage of gross national income (GNI) per capita.

DB 2012 Rank 30 DB 2011 Rank 24 Change in Rank down-6
Indicator Afghanistan South Asia OECD

The total number of procedures required to register a firm. A procedure is defined as any interaction of the company founders with external parties (for example, government agencies, lawyers, auditors or notaries).

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Procedures (number)
4 7 5

The total number of days required to register a firm. The measure captures the median duration that incorporation lawyers indicate is necessary to complete a procedure with minimum follow-up with government agencies and no extra payments.

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Time (days)
7 23 12

Cost is recorded as a percentage of the economy’s income per capita. It includes all official fees and fees for legal or professional services if such services are required by law.

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Cost (% of income per capita)
25.8 21.6 4.7

The amount that the entrepreneur needs to deposit in a bank or with a notary before registration and up to 3 months following incorporation and is recorded as a percentage of the economy’s income per capita.

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Paid-in Min. Capital (% of income per capita)
0.0 19.1 14.1
No. Procedure Time to Complete Associated Costs
1 Register at the Afghanistan Central Business Registry (ACBR) and obtain Tax Identification Number (TIN) 1 day included in procedure 2
2 Pay registration and publication fees at Da Afghanistan Bank (DAB) branch 1 day AFN 500 (registration) + AFN 1,000 (publication)
3 Obtain business license from AISA 5 days USD 100
* 4 Receive inspection (AISA) 1 day (simultaneous with previous procedure) no charge
* Takes place simultaneously with another procedure.

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