In Focus


Collage of Women Chemists: Joanna S. Fowler, Susan M. Kauzlarich, Novella Bridges, and Nancy B. Jackson 06.27.11Article

They Have Chemistry

DOE researchers among those recognized as world's most distinguished.
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A US soldier in the foreground looking over a large cargo truck carrying cases of water06.23.11Article

Turning Diesel Fuel into Drinking Water

Through the process of capillary condensation, Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers are able to extract water from exhaust fumes.
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Students and a scientist looking at a computer06.22.11Article

Brookhaven National Laboratory

People with an impact, and a passion for discovery.
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The Ames plasma torch 06.17.11DOE Blog

Critical Materials and Rare Futures

Ames Laboratory signs a new agreement on rare-earth research.
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50 Breakthroughs by America's National Labs 06.16.11From the Labs

50 Breakthroughs by America's National Labs.pdf file (3.3MB)

What has science done for you?
Check out 50 Breakthroughs from America's National Labs

Illustration of a copper double helix 06.15.11From the Labs

Jaguar Reveals Parkinson's RootsExternal link

Researchers at North Carolina State University have harnessed the Jaguar supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory to examine the a possible link between protein misfolding and Parkinson's disease.
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Side view from within cell membrane 06.08.11DOE Blog

Brookhaven Lab Captures E. coli's Sticky Fingers on Film

New snapshots of infectious microbe may show ways to slow future contagions.
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Actor Alan Alda 05.31.11DOE Blog

Radiance: Science and Stagecraft Come Together via Alan Alda and Marie Curie

The spotlight shines on the Emmy-winning actor's new play, and his lasting efforts in science communications.
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A scientist in the lab 05.26.11DOE Blog

Tools for Discovery Offer Potential Hope for Huntington's

Scientists at Oak Ridge National Laboratory have found new insights into a devastating disease.
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BOSS is extending the existing Sloan Digital Sky Survey map of the universe based on galaxies, center, into the realm of intergalactic gas in the distant universe, using the light from bright quasars (blue dots) 05.25.11DOE Blog

Bright Lights From Dark Places

Scientists at the Department of Energy's national labs are using black holes to illuminate the distant parts of the universe in detail.
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Last modified: 4/15/2011 2:33:24 PM