NASA Ranks High in Federal Leadership Challenge
Posted on Apr 26, 2012 05:14:00 PM | Administrator Charles Bolden | 0 Comments    |

This morning, the Partnership for Public Service, a nonprofit, non-partisan organization, released rankings from the Federal Leadership Challenge, and I’m delighted to report that NASA scored very well. We do big, amazing things at NASA, but it’s our outstanding people that make it all possible.

These rankings are drawn from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management's Employee Viewpoint Survey of more than 150,000 executive branch employees. I want to thank NASA employees for sharing their experience with OPM. This benchmark lets us – the managers, supervisors and senior leadership of NASA – know how we are doing.

I am pleased that we rank near the top of the list, but there is always room for improvement – and I will continue to work to make NASA one of the best places to work in the government.

We have a clear, defined mission, and strong support from the country to accomplish our goals. What we do at NASA captures the imagination of the nation, and impacts lives every day. Our future is bright because of the ingenuity and know-how of the best workforce in the federal government.

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