Small Businesses Are Critical to NASA
Posted on Nov 25, 2011 04:01:19 PM | Brian Dunbar | 0 Comments    |

NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden (right) and the Kegman, Inc., team.Earlier today I visited Kegman Inc., a woman-owned, veteran-owned business in Melbourne, Florida, that is providing valuable data to assist with Saturday’s expected launch of the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity.

Curiosity’s mission is to get Mars to give up its secrets. But we can’t get to Mars without companies like Kegman who contribute technology, innovation, component parts and know-how to the project.

Small businesses play a big part in the work NASA does every day, and are a big part of the American economy. For the Mars Science Laboratory mission, more than two dozen small companies supplied component parts, engineering design and other technical assistance to the project.  More than 5,000 people in 31 states worked on Curiosity. The world’s most sophisticated interplanetary rover was created, designed, built and will be flown to the Red Planet in large part due to the work of American small businesses.

Small businesses are a critical piece of the American economy, employing 1 in every 3 Americans. As we recognize Small Business Saturday this week, I’m proud that NASA is working with great small businesses like Kegman, as well as supporting the small businesses that provide other services and benefits to the NASA family.

Above: NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden (right); Susan Glasgow, president and CEO of Kegman, Inc., and other members of the Kegman team. 

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