NASA Administrator

June 2012
Here is the list of entries for NASA Administrator based on the selected criteria.

Talking to Explorers Underwater Jun 21, 2012 05:25:37 PM | Jim Wilson
Yesterday I placed a call to the explorers currently undertaking a 12-day mission beneath the waves of the Florida Keys to help us test and prove concepts for outer space missions.
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NASA Working with Other Federal Agencies to Develop Common Guidelines for Title IX Compliance Jun 21, 2012 11:54:58 AM | Administrator Charles Bolden
NASA has long recognized the importance of Title IX as a means for ensuring equal opportunities in the science, technology, engineering and mathematical (STEM) fields to which we provide federal dollars.
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Witnessing the Future Today Jun 14, 2012 03:43:11 PM | Administrator Charles Bolden
I had an opportunity this week to visit the men and women at Spacex, who along with their NASA teammates, are writing the next chapter of American space exploration history.
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Progress on the Space Launch System Engines Jun 08, 2012 06:31:06 PM | Administrator Charles Bolden
Today, I visited the Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne (PWR) facility in West Palm Beach, Florida. PWR is working with NASA to help us realize our deep space exploration goals and send humans farther into our solar system than ever before. The work they are doing is a critical component to the success of the Space Launch System (SLS), an advanced heavy-lift rocket that will provide an entirely new national capability for human exploration beyond Earth's orbit.
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