
    The NASA Advisory Council provides the NASA Administrator with counsel and advice on programs and issues of importance to the Agency. The Council consists of eight committees, Aeronautics, Audit, Finance and Analysis, Commercial Space, Education and Public Outreach, Human Exploration and Operations, Information Technology Infrastructure, Science, and Technology and Innovation. Each committee conducts sessions throughout the year in an effort to gain a broad understanding of current NASA issues and future mission implementation plans. The committees then bring their proposed findings and recommendations to the full Council for deliberation and final decision on whether to send forward to the NASA Administrator.

    The Council deliberates on topics raised by each committee and crosscutting issues in public sessions and presents its findings and recommendations to the NASA Administrator throughout the year.

NAC Photo

    Mr. Patrick Scheuermann, Center Director, Marshall Space Flight Center, Mr. Robert Hanisee, Dr. Larry Smarr, Dr. Steven Squyres (Chair), Mr. Lars Perkins, Ms. Patti Grace Smith, Dr. William Ballhaus, Dr. Wesley Huntress, Mr. Richard Kohrs, , Ms. Diane Rausch, Charles F. Bolden, Jr
    November 28-30, 2012
    NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
    Huntsville, AL

    The NASA Advisory Council held its third meeting of 2012 on November 28-30, at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL. Standing left to right are Mr. Patrick Scheuermann, Center Director, Marshall Space Flight Center, Mr. Robert Hanisee, Dr. Larry Smarr, Dr. Steven Squyres (Chair), Mr. Lars Perkins, Ms. Patti Grace Smith, Dr. William Ballhaus, Dr. Wesley Huntress, Mr. Richard Kohrs, Ms. Diane Rausch (Executive Director), NASA Administrator Charles F. Bolden, Jr. Missing from photo are The Honorable Marion Blakey, General Lester Lyles and Dr. Charles F. Kennel, NAC Ex Officio Members.

Latest Meeting Information

  • Meeting Documents

    Meeting agendas, minutes, and documents related to the most recent NAC meeting of November 28-30, 2012

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