Tag: logistics

Air Force Master Sgt. William Hebb, the senior enlisted leader of Network Support Operations for Deputy Command-Support Operations, instructs a network expansion contract training class for members of the Afghan National Army at the Ministry of Defense in Kabul, Afghanistan Dec. 8. The class is the first in a series in order to transition operations to Afghan control by the end of 2014. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Lynne Lantin, DCOM-SPO/NTM-A)

Afghan National Army completes first network expansion contracting course

2012/12/30 • Comments

“The purpose of the class is to teach them the network expansion process,” said Maj. Belote, the DCOM-SPO Network Support Operations network expansion officer. “How we do the contracts to expand the network, to link all of the smaller locations together; any little site that wants connection, we link them together. That’s done through a contract process.”

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Category: News - Afghan National Army, News - Logistics

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Afghan National Army Soldiers and Afghan National Civil Order Policemen pose for a photo and show of their certificates of completion following a graduation ceremony from basic mechanic training at the 4th Regional Logistics Support Command Dec. 1. ANA and ANCOP personnel worked side by side to learn maintenance of a variety of engine and vehicle parts, ways to correct malfunctioning systems and how to service a transmission assembly. (U.S. Army photo by 1st Lt. Gretchen McIntyre, DCOM-SPO, RSC-North Public Affairs)

Afghan National Army and Afghan National Police join forces to learn critical skill

2012/12/19 • Comments

Military Professional Resources Incorporated contractors served as the primary instructors for the class along with ANA soldier assistants. Not only did this help to strengthen the cooperative effort of the groups, but it helped create a team-oriented ANSF that will help in sustaining Afghanistan long into the future, said Erker.

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Wardak Logistics Center Transitions to Afghan Control

Wardak Logistics Center Transitions to Afghan Control

2012/11/24 • Comments


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Coalition and Afghan Ministry of Interior dignitaries, line up to cut a ribbon suspended on the doorway of a maintenance bay, symbolizing the transition of the National Logistics Center-Wardak from the coalition to the Afghan National Police. The modern facility provides ample space for warehousing, maintenance and offices, allowing the ANP to have their national logistics node at one location, opposed to several small areas in the capital,Kabul.(U.S. Army photo by Capt. Monika Comeaux, DCOM-SPO/NTM-A PAO)

National Logistics Center-Wardak transitions to Afghan National Police control

2012/11/24 • Comments

“NTM-A and the coalition partners have contributed a huge budget to this facility. This facility will enable us to support the ANP all over Afghanistan, and they will greatly benefit from this facility,” said Deputy Minister of Support, ANP Lt. Gen Whadat.

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Afghan NationalSecurity Forces and coalition participants of the International Security Assistance Forces Joint Command Logistics Development Conference listen attentively to the briefers on Oct.30, at the Kabul International Airport. ANSF partners and coalition logistics advisors arrived from every region of Afghanistan to share their experiences.(U.S. Army photo by Capt. Monika Comeaux, DCOM-SPO/NTM-A PAO)

NTM-A mentors and their Afghan partners attend logistics development conference

2012/11/17 • Comments

“Most of the training targets the operators, but from next year on, there will be several management-level courses available,” said Schlimm.

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The maintenance conference was to help solidify maintenance questions for the AAF on personnel and training.  Photo by U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Quinton Russ.

Afghan Air Force, 438th AEW meet to standardize maintenance processes across AAF

2012/10/12 • Comments

“We want to standardize the processes so a technician can go from one base to another and know what to do. Everyone is bringing their ideas to the table and everything is coming together and becoming one unit verses three units.”

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Category: News - Afghan Air Force, News - General

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Afghan Minister of Defense Bismillah Khan Muhammadi addressed participants of the Afghan National Army Senior Security Shura Sept. 29 at Depot 0, in Kabul, Afghanistan. Senior logistics leaders of the ANA came together to discuss logistics processes, accomplishments and challengers. The Afghan Interior Minister and senior International Security Assistance Forces personnel also attended the conference to obtain better visibility on the state of the ANA logistics systems. Once the conference was complete, participants had a guided tour of Depot 0, to show them where some of the supplies originate from at the national level. (U.S. Army photo by Capt. Monika Comeaux, DCOM-SPO/NTM-A PAO)

Afghan National Army holds Senior Security Shura focused on logistics

2012/10/08 • Comments

“We have been building the ANA, increasing our numbers, it is now time that we focus on quality, not quantity,” said the Assistant Defense Minister for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, Lt. Gen. Abdul Hamid Mohebullah.

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Regional Logistics Support Command – Southeast Maintenance Company commander Capt. Zebullah supervises his mechanics as they repair a 203rd Corps Ford Ranger at the Regional Logistics Support Command – Southeast - Gardez Motor Pool. Sept. 3rd. (U.S. Army photo by Capt. Randy Myers, RLSC-SE, NTM-A )

RLSC-SE Keeps 203rd Thunder Corps Rolling

2012/09/22 • Comments

“In the past four weeks, we have completed 25 vehicle maintenance work orders for the 203rd Corps,” said ANA Capt. Zebullah the RLSC-SE Maintenance Company commander.

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Brig. Gen. Abdul Basir, the commander Afghan National Army's Logistics Command, signs transition paperwork assuming responsibilities for the Chimtallah National Ammunition Depot Sept. 16, in Kabul, Afghanistan. The transition ceremony took place in one of the new bunkers at the depot. The depot stores anything from small arms ammunition to rocket propelled grenades, in the current value of $ 160 million. (U.S. Army photo by Capt. Monika Comeaux, DCOM-SPO/NTM-A PAO)

Afghan National Army takes over operations at Chimtallah National Ammunition Depot

2012/09/20 • Comments

“This ceremony today represents the hard work and dedication of the Afghan soldiers at the Chimtallah Ammunition Depot, and the hard work and dedication of the mentors and advisors of RSC-Capital,” said LeMasters during the ceremony. The buildings are just the shell, it is teamwork and dedication what makes this facility function, he said.

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U.S. Army Capt. Owen Brown, chief of Contracting and Acquisition Advisory Team at Deputy Command of Support Operations under NATO Training Mission - Afghanistan passes out handouts for a contracting class on Sept. 12 at the Afghan National Army's Logistics Command in Kabul, Afghanistan. The contracting class was a four-day test run of a 14-day model, aiming to socialize the training material with select members of the Afghan National Security Forces and to obtain valuable feedback on the contents of the classes. (U.S. Army photo by Capt. Monika Comeaux, DCOM-SPO/NTM-A PAO)

Afghan National Security Forces participate in pilot class on contracting

2012/09/16 • Comments

The class was the first of its kind for the Afghan partners, allowing the instructors to obtain valuable feedback on the Contract Acquisition Advisory Team program of instruction (POI) developed by the DCOM-SPO and acquisition advisers from the Deputy Commands of Police and Army under NTM-A.

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Category: News - Logistics, News - News

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