Welcome to Science Education Programs (SEP) at NETL

Dr. Greg Hackett, Postgraduate Research Program, conducts research on solid oxide fuel cells. Dr. Robert Dilmore, NETL Staff Scientist, conducts research on carbon capture and sequestration. Dr. Kimberly Carter, Postgraduate Research Program, conducts research on heavy metals and inorganic compounds. Dr. Harry Abernath, Postgraduate Research Program, conducts research on fuel cells.

The National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) offers opportunities to participate in energy-related research through three highly competitive internships and research fellowship programs managed by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE), a United States Department of Energy institute managed by Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU). 

NETL, with three primary locations in Albany, OR, Morgantown, WV, and Pittsburgh, PA, is the only national laboratory owned and operated by the United States Department of Energy.  Its mission is to strengthen our nation's security, to improve our nation’s environment, and to advance energy options that fuel our nation’s economy.  To complement NETL’s mission, ORISE educational programs help to ensure that NETL has a robust supply of scientists and engineers to meet its future science and technology needs.

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