Past Meetings and Events

2012 Regional, State, & Local Initiatives in Nanotechnology (RSL 2012) Workshop

A workshop sponsored by the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) to assess the current landscape of regional, state, and local (RSL) nanotechnology initiatives.

2nd USA Science and Engineering Festival

The USA Science and Engineering Festival will inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers with school programs and nationwide contests throughout the 2011-2012 school year. The Expo is the nation’s largest celebration of all things science & engineering and features over 2,000 hands-on activities and over 150 performances. **The NNI will host a booth this year**

NanoBCA & N.C. Dept of Commerce: Nanotech Commercialization Conference

The 4th-Annual NCC features national-level keynote speakers; sessions, workshops, and exhibits showcasing the latest advances in the field; discussions on financing, licensing, and business development geared toward the nanotech entrepreneur; exhibits showcasing cutting-edge research, products, and technologies and networking opportunities.

International Symposium on Assessing the Economic Impact of Nanotechnology

The objective of the symposium is to systematically explore the need for and development of a methodology to assess the economic impact of nanotechnology across whole economies, factoring in many sectors and types of impact, including new and replacement products and materials, markets for raw materials, intermediate and final goods, and employment and other economic impacts.

NanoDays 2012

This community-based event is the largest public outreach effort in nanoscale informal science education and involves more than 200 science museums, research centers, and universities from Puerto Rico to Alaska.

ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit

The event is designed to bring together key players from across the energy ecosystem – researchers, entrepreneurs, investors, corporate execs, & Gov't officials – to share ideas for developing and deploying the next generation of clean energy technologies, and developing energy solutions that will enable America to out-innovate our global competitors.

Nanotechnology Booth at Discover Engineering Family Day

The NNI will host a booth with a variety of hands-on experiments and activities to learn about the ways in which nanotechnology intersects with engineering.

President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) Policy

PCAST is an advisory group of the nation’s leading scientists and engineers who directly advise the President and the Executive Office of the President. PCAST makes policy recommendations in the many areas where understanding of science, technology, and innovation is key to strengthening our economy and forming policy that works for the American people.

NIST & ANSI: International Workshop on Challenges to Increased Use of Documentary Nanotechnology Standards

Effective standardization is critical to the broad commercialization and adoption of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology-related standards development activities are already underway within a number of standards setting organizations, but we believe that there remains significant untapped potential for greater adoption and use of these standards.