Counterdrug Program Archive

  • RICHMOND, Va. — Soldiers from Company E, 2nd Battalion, 224th Aviation Regiment supporting the Virginia National Guard Counterdrug Program helped Richmond Drug Enforcement Administration agents load approximately 14,000 pounds of unwanted and expired prescription drugs into Virginia Guard FMTVs Oct. 12 before hauling the drugs north for destruction at a Northern Virginia incinerator. “Our mission today is to support the DEA in their Drug Take Back mission and our support role here is to be transporters of the pharmaceuticals they collected and haul them to the incinerator,” explained Master Sgt. Brian Wright, noncommissioned officer-in-charge of the Counterdrug Task Force. The drugs were collected from sites throughout Virginia by local law enforcement agencies, and then transported to the centrally located DEA...

    Virginia Guard assists DEA in drug destruction

    RICHMOND, Va. — Soldiers from Company E, 2nd Battalion, 224th Aviation Regiment supporting the Virginia National Guard Counterdrug Program helped Richmond Drug Enforcement Administration agents load approximately 14,000 pounds of unwanted and expired prescription drugs into Virginia Guard FMTVs Oct. 12 before hauling the drugs north for destruction at a Northern Virginia incinerator. “Our mission today is to support the DEA in their Drug Take Back mission and our support role here is to be transporters of the pharmaceuticals they collected and haul them to the incinerator,” explained Master Sgt. Brian Wright, noncommissioned officer-in-charge of the Counterdrug Task Force. The drugs were collected from sites throughout Virginia by local law enforcement agencies, and then transported to the centrally located DEA...

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  • PETERSBURG, Va. — Approximately 12 Airmen from the Virginia National Guard’s Virginia Beach-based 203rd RED HORSE Squadron supported the City of Petersburg by tearing down derelict structures associated with the drug trade from Aug. 19 to 30.  The Air Guard civil engineering unit provided heavy equipment and expertise to demolish 12 structures during the mission, and Airmen hauled away almost 815 tons of debris in 320 loads. “This is a wonderful partnership that gives us as a city the chance to work with the National Guard in getting rid of some age-old problems,” said Petersburg Police Chief John Dixon. He said that residents in the area were very happy about the project and had given the police positive feedback.The Petersburg mission is the first...

    Virginia Air National Guard engineers demolish derelict structures in Petersburg

    PETERSBURG, Va. — Approximately 12 Airmen from the Virginia National Guard’s Virginia Beach-based 203rd RED HORSE Squadron supported the City of Petersburg by tearing down derelict structures associated with the drug trade from Aug. 19 to 30.  The Air Guard civil engineering unit provided heavy equipment and expertise to demolish 12 structures during the mission, and Airmen hauled away almost 815 tons of debris in 320 loads. “This is a wonderful partnership that gives us as a city the chance to work with the National Guard in getting rid of some age-old problems,” said Petersburg Police Chief John Dixon. He said that residents in the area were very happy about the project and had given the police positive feedback.The Petersburg mission is the first...

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  • OILVILLE, Va. — Members of the Virginia National Guard Counterdrug Task Force helped at-risk kids learn about respect and gain self confidence while also learning about the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse during the Office of the Attorney General’s Virginia Rules Camp, Aug. 23 at Camp Little Hawk in Oilville. “The Virginia Rules camp is a seven-year partnership among the Attorney General’s office, the Boys and Girls Club and the Richmond Police Department,” said Amy Wight, director of the Office of the Attorney General’s Gang Reduction and Intervention Program. “The Boys and Girls Club has given us this camp site to use for one week in the summer to do this free week long day camp for up to 80 inner city kids,” she added.The Richmond Police Department, and...

    Counterdrug Task Force supports camp for at-risk kids

    OILVILLE, Va. — Members of the Virginia National Guard Counterdrug Task Force helped at-risk kids learn about respect and gain self confidence while also learning about the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse during the Office of the Attorney General’s Virginia Rules Camp, Aug. 23 at Camp Little Hawk in Oilville. “The Virginia Rules camp is a seven-year partnership among the Attorney General’s office, the Boys and Girls Club and the Richmond Police Department,” said Amy Wight, director of the Office of the Attorney General’s Gang Reduction and Intervention Program. “The Boys and Girls Club has given us this camp site to use for one week in the summer to do this free week long day camp for up to 80 inner city kids,” she added.The Richmond Police Department, and...

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  • RICHMOND, Va. — The days are getting longer and the weather is getting warmer. Soon Virginia’s youth will be out of school for the summer and driving their parents crazy. Not to fear, the season of the summer camp is here, and the Virginia National Guard Counterdrug Task Force has partnered with numerous summer camps to deliver valuable information and life lessons on the dangers of drugs and alcohol. “The ultimate goal is to provide the campers with the tools necessary to make good decisions,” said Master Sgt. Daniel Dolan, a community outreach non-commissioned officer with Counterdrug’s Civil Operations, formerly known as Drug Demand Reduction, program. Soldiers from Counterdrug get their message out to campers in a variety of ways including...

    Counterdrug Task Force assisting with summer camps throughout Virginia

    RICHMOND, Va. — The days are getting longer and the weather is getting warmer. Soon Virginia’s youth will be out of school for the summer and driving their parents crazy. Not to fear, the season of the summer camp is here, and the Virginia National Guard Counterdrug Task Force has partnered with numerous summer camps to deliver valuable information and life lessons on the dangers of drugs and alcohol. “The ultimate goal is to provide the campers with the tools necessary to make good decisions,” said Master Sgt. Daniel Dolan, a community outreach non-commissioned officer with Counterdrug’s Civil Operations, formerly known as Drug Demand Reduction, program. Soldiers from Counterdrug get their message out to campers in a variety of ways including...

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  • PETERSBURG, Va. — Members of the Virginia National Guard Counterdrug Task Force met with the Petersburg City Council May 1 at the Union Train Station in Petersburg to approve a agreement that would allow Virginia National Guard engineer units to support the city’s demolition of derelict structures associated with the drug trade. Members of the council voted unanimously to approve the agreement with the Virginia National Guard and move forward with the project pending final approval. “We are very excited to work with the National Guard on this project,” said Petersburg’s mayor, Brian Moore. The mission, dubbed Operation Renew, will involve the demolition of approximately 20 houses in the Petersburg area at no cost to the city. “Our goal is...

    Petersburg City Council approves agreement for demolition project

    PETERSBURG, Va. — Members of the Virginia National Guard Counterdrug Task Force met with the Petersburg City Council May 1 at the Union Train Station in Petersburg to approve a agreement that would allow Virginia National Guard engineer units to support the city’s demolition of derelict structures associated with the drug trade. Members of the council voted unanimously to approve the agreement with the Virginia National Guard and move forward with the project pending final approval. “We are very excited to work with the National Guard on this project,” said Petersburg’s mayor, Brian Moore. The mission, dubbed Operation Renew, will involve the demolition of approximately 20 houses in the Petersburg area at no cost to the city. “Our goal is...

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