Economy: Energy Production in Coastal States and U.S. Offshore Waters

More than one-half of the U.S. energy production occurs in the Nation’s thirty coastal and Great Lakes states, and over one quarter of total U.S. crude oil production occurs in state and federal offshore waters. Energy production is critical to our economy and quality of life, and provides significant employment opportunities. The need for energy production must be balanced with the risks and consequences of activities taking place in sensitive coastal and ocean ecosystems.


Percent of the total energy produced that occurred in coastal states in 2010.

Source: USEIA, 2012e


Percent of natural gas marketed production that came from coastal states in 2010.

Source: USEIA, 2012f


Percent of total net electricity generation that occurred in coastal states in April, 2012.

Source: USEIA, 2012g


Percent of all carbon dioxide emissions resulting from energy production that were from coastal states in 2010.

Source: USEIA, 2011h

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Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2012d
Note: American Samoa, Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands were not included in this data set.

About this Topic

This topic provides data on energy production in the coastal states and Federal offshore waters of the U.S. for the time period from 1960 to 2010 for the following categories: fossil fuels, renewables, coal, crude oil, ethanol, geothermal, hydroelectric, natural gas, nuclear power, solar, wind, and wood/waste. The data, provided by the U.S. Energy Information Administration, shows that in 2010, Texas, Federal Offshore Gulf of Mexico, and Louisiana were the biggest producers of energy accounting for 27, 13, and 8 percent respectively. Production of Natural Gas was the largest energy source from coastal areas, accounting for 35 percent of total energy produced. This was followed by crude oil at 22 percent of total energy produced. There are two Case Studies provided by this topic: one on Renewable Energy from an Ocean in Motion and the other on The Gulf Region’s Contribution to U.S. Energy Production. A Management Success story is also presented, describing the Natural Resources Demands of Coastal Power Plants.

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Relevant Links

U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) State Energy Profiles

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE)

NOAA Energy