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Skip Navigation Links116th Military Police Company
Current Location: Skip Navigation LinksHome > Units > Garrison Command > 97th Military Police Battalion > 116th Military Police Company
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116th Military Police Company
"Rough Necks"
On order, the 116th Military Police Company (CS) deploys for worldwide contingency operations by air, sea or land to conduct Military Police combat support as directed. The unit will also provide trained Military Police Soldiers in support of the Fort Riley community law enforcement mission. The "Roughnecks" of the 116th Military Police Company stand "Rough and Ready, Always!" to accomplish any mission, anywhere in the world.

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Maj. Gen. William Mayville, 1st Inf. Div. and Fort Riley commanding general, right, presents Sgt. Andrew Rowe, 116th MP Co., left, with an Army Commendation Medal Aug. 12 during a Warrior Leader Course graduation ceremony at King Field House. Rowe was the distinguished honor graduate for Class 713-11.
The Roughneck Newsletter (FEB 2011)
116th MP CO's newsletter for the month of February.
116th MP Co. certifies for civil support mission

In the event of a domestic chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive – CBRNE – situation, 123 ...

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