Policy Memorandum #69

United States Army Garrison Humphreys Policy #69, Ration Control Command Referral Program (CRP)

IMHM-HRA                                                                                                1 August 2012


SUBJECT:  United States Army Garrison Humphreys Policy Letter #69, Ration Control Command Referral Program (CRP)

1.  The proponent for this policy is the Directorate of Human Resources (DHR).

2.  This policy is effective immediately and remains in effect until rescinded/superseded.

3.  References.

 a.  Agreement Under Article IV of the Mutual Defense Treaty Between the United States of America and the Republic of Korea and the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) between the United States Armed Forces in the Republic of Korea, February 9, 1967 as Amended, Article IX and Article XIII, Agreed Minutes.

 b.  USFK Regulation 60–1, Ration Control Policy, dated 23 May 2011.

 c.  USFK Regulation 643–2, Transfers of Duty-Free Items, dated 13 February 2012.

4.  Applicability. This policy applies to U.S. Military Active Duty, DA Civilians, Retirees, Widows, Invited Contractors and their Family Members.

5.  Purpose.  To establish policy and procedures to ensure compliance with the Commander’s Referral Program (CRP) IAW USFK Directives and to outline the repercussions involved with purchasing duty-free goods in excess of personal needs.

6.  Summary.  USFK CRP Policy directs Commanders to “Take Action” whenever there is credible evidence (Command Referral Letter) to suspect the illegal/ wrongful transfer of duty-free goods, or when duty-free goods are purchased in excess of personal needs.  In these circumstances, Commander’s Action warrants immediate suspension of the subject’s access to AAFES and DECA facilities until which time a determination is made.  Temporary suspension of ration privileges (Surrendering RCP Card) is in accordance with authority granted under USFK Regulation 60-1 (Ration Control Policy), paragraph 8-5.

7.  Responsibilities.  Reference the CRP Flow Chart (enclosure 1) for an illustration of the complete CRP procedure.  Responsibilities are summarized below:

     a.  Command Referral Letter recipients:  Pursuant to USFK Regulation 60-1, Active Duty Personnel are required to respond in writing to their Unit Commander within seven (7) days of receiving a CRP Letter explaining (Show Cause) why their Ration Privileges should not be revoked.  DA Civilians, Retirees, Widows, Invited Contractors and Family Members are required to respond in writing to the Civilian Misconduct Officer within seven (7) days of receiving a CRP Letter explaining (Show Cause) why their Ration Privileges should not be revoked.  A Show Cause Letter is a request for reconsideration and or reinstatement of one’s Ration Privileges.

     b.  Directorate of Human Resources.

  (1)  Ration Control Issuing Agent.

  (a)  Receives Command Referral Program Letters from USFK Customs Division.

  (b)  Processes action and obtains Garrison Commander’s approval to temporary suspend and confiscate the subject individuals Ration Card (Suspension of RCP).

  (c)  Notifies the Unit Commander of CRP notices for Active Duty Soldiers and issues Suspension of RCP.

  (d)  Notifies DA Civilians, Retirees, Widows, Invited Contractors and Family Members of CRP notices and issues Suspension of RCP.

  (e)  Receives all Show Cause Letters, prepares recommendation and submits to the Civilian Misconduct Officer for Garrison Commander’s decision.

  (f)  Submits Commander’s decision to USFK Customs Division.

  (2)  Military Police Investigations. Investigate all CRP requests from the Garrison Commander and Unit Commanders, provide final reports accordingly.

 c.  Unit Commanders.

  (1)  Upon notification from DHR of a CRP notice for assigned Active Duty Soldiers, contact DHR with scheduled date/time for Suspension of RCP).

  (2)  Issue and track Suspension of RCP (Show Cause Letter) suspense, if applicable, submit Commander’s recommendation and submit all documents to DHR.

 d.  Civilian Misconduct Officer.

  (1)  Receives completed CRP packets from DHR, submits to Garrison Commander for decision.

  (2)  Submits Garrison Commander’s decision to the Staff Judge Advocate Office for appropriate legal review.

  (3)  Forwards Garrison Commander’s decision to DHR and to appropriate office for disposition, e.g. Commander’s of Active Duty Soldiers, Individual DA Civilian, Retirees, Widows, Invited Contractors, and their Family Members, Supervisors of DA Civilians and Invited Contractors, or to Military Police Investigations.

 e.  Staff Judge Advocate. Review and provide written comments as required to the CMO within seven (7) days upon receipt. 

8.  Point of contact for CRP notices is the Director, Human Resources at 753-6736 and the Civilian Misconduct Officer at 753-0036.


                                                                                DARIN S. CONKRIGHT
                                                                                COL, SF


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