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April 13, 2010

NYSERDA Awards Buffalo-Based ENrG, Inc. $500,000 Contract to Develop Component for Fuel Cell that Could Reduce Environmental Impacts of Trucks

Clean Fuel Cell Could Heat and Power Truck Cabins Without Idling Engines

Albany, Apr 12--ENrG, Inc., a Buffalo specialty ceramics maker for clean-power applications, has been awarded a $500,000 New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) contract to develop components of a system to help significantly reduce emissions and fuel use from idling truck engines.

Working with Delphi Corporation and other industry partners, ENrG will develop a thermal management package for a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) auxiliary power unit (APU) that could heat and power a truck cabin instead of requiring the main engine to idle.  The development of  SOFC APUs is supported by the US Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) and the Office of Fossil Energy’s  Solid State Energy Conversion Alliance (SECA) program.  Delphi’s SOFC technology directly addresses increasingly stringent anti-idling legislation and other proposals addressing commercial truck emissions, noise and fuel consumption.

Congressman Brian Higgins (NY-27) said, “Local companies like ENrG are leading the way in innovation.  This funding for their work will support quality jobs right here in Western New York and further develop clean energy alternatives for this nation.”

Francis J. Murray, Jr. NYSERDA president and CEO said, “With the trucking industry facing anti-idling laws in New York and around the country, this technology has the potential to help the industry reduce its environmental pollutions while still meeting its operational needs.  NYSERDA is pleased to be able to help New York’s ENrG, Inc., in its work to develop a key component for this important Department of Energy Project, and its efforts to build a clean energy economy in New York.”  

NYSERDA is pursuing several anti-idling projects to reduce emissions.   Idling trucks are coming under increasing state and federal pressure to limit their emissions, especially by prohibiting long-term idling of the main engine to power onboard devices and to guarantee starting capabilities in below-freezing temperatures.   The US EPA estimates that long-duration idling of truck and locomotive engines consumes over 1 billion gallons of diesel fuel and emits 11 million tons of carbon dioxide, 200,000 tons of oxides of nitrogen, and 5,000 tons of particulate matter into the air.  In addition to fuel and space heating, drivers rely on electricity to power their mobile offices and convenience appliances in their cabs.

ENrG, Inc.’s President John Olenick said “We are excited to continue our work with NYSERDA and the Delphi Technical Center in Rochester to develop the advanced thermal management package for heavy-duty truck solid oxide fuel cell APUs.  Using HEXIM™, our integrated thermal management, insulation and manifold solution, on truck APUs is a significant step in utilizing the technology for clean energy applications and for creating job growth in New York State.”

ENrG, Inc. specializes in the development and manufacture of ceramic membrane and coating technologies for energy applications such as SOFCs and gas separation membranes.  SOFCs combine hydrogen/carbon monoxide and oxygen to produce electrical energy and heat, with water as a by-product. SOFCs are used as an alternative energy source in applications for transportation, aviation, residential and commercial settings.

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