Head Start

An Office of the Administration for Children and Families Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC).

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2010 Birth to Three Institute Conference: Parent Panel
Perseverance, Potential, and a Program's Promise: Lessons from Families Once at "Highest Risk"

Three families, all considered among the highest risk at the time of enrollment, tell their stories of participation, engagement, and change with Early Head Start. Amanda Perez, moderator for the 2010 Birth to Three Institute Conference: Parent Panel, identifies those high risk factors as: teen parents; single parents; families on welfare; lack of high school diploma or GED; and unemployment and lack of job training. Program staff, education coordinators, trainers, and parents will find these heartfelt stories rewarding and useful in their daily work with young children.

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Birth to Three Institute Conference: Parent Panel. Perseverance, Potential, and a Program's Promise: Lessons from Families Once at "Highest Risk." Andersen, Yvonne. Farris, Jayson. Perez, Amanda. Villavicencio, Sara. Birth to Three Institute. Washington, DC. HHS/ACF/OHS. 2010. English. Streaming Video. 01:25:14.

Last Reviewed: May 2012