Program Template photo identifier

Air Quality Program

Greenhouse Gas Reporting


Certain large facilities and transportation fuel suppliers must report their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to Ecology. Owners or operators of the following are required to report:

  • Facilities that emit at least 10,000 metric tons of greenhouse gases per year in Washington; or
  • Suppliers of liquid motor vehicle fuel, special fuel, or aircraft fuel that provide products equivalent to at least 10,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year in Washington.

Mobile source fleets are not required to report their GHG emissions.

Washington greenhouse gas reporting data

Washington's Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program emissions data is available below. This data is preliminary and has not been fully verified by Ecology.


 Ecology recently amended this rule.

Reporting and registration deadlines

Reporting deadline
Starting with the 2013 emissions year:
  • Facilities required to report GHG emissions to both Ecology and EPA must submit their reports by March 31 of the following year.
  • Facilities that report only to Ecology must submit their reports by October 31 of the following year.
  • Transportation fuel suppliers must submit their reports by October 31 of the following year.

Registration deadline
To register, complete a Certificate of Representation registration form and mail it to Ecology at least 60 days before the reporting deadline. Instructions are on the form.


Facilities report GHG emissions based on EPA's GHG reporting program. Washington's applicable emissions and calculation methodologies are identical to EPA's with a few exceptions. The main difference is that Washington has a lower reporting threshold of 10,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) per calendar year. Washington's threshold also includes carbon dioxide emissions from biogenic sources, while EPA's does not.

Facilities reporting

Follow the steps below to report GHG emissions to Ecology:

  1. Enter your data using EPA's Electronic Greenhouse Gas Reporting tool (e-GGRT).  Follow EPA’s instructions for entering your report.  EPA has training materials and webinar opportunities available.
    • EPA uses a process called the Inputs Verifier Tool (IVT) to collect data elements that were formerly in the EPA excel spreadsheets.  If EPA requires you to use the IVT, you must also use it for Washington reporting.
    • Washington reporters are no longer required to use the EPA excel spreadsheets.

  2. Download your data files from e-GGRT:
    • Your full report xml file (not the public report).  This is the same as 2012-2013 reporting.
    • Your IVT xml file.  This is a new step and also required by EPA.

  3. Upload your full report and IVT xml data files to Washington's Electronic Greenhouse Gas Reporting (eGGR) system using your Secure Access Washington (SAW) account:
  4. Submit a report signature form and mail it to Ecology. Instructions are on the form.

Transportation fuel suppliers

Transportation fuel suppliers report GHG emissions based on the information they already submit to the Washington Department of Licensing (DOL). Businesses that must report are those with active fuel tax licenses that supply enough applicable fuels to meet or exceed 10,000 metric tons of CO2 per year.

More information: Greenhouse Gas Reporting: Transportation Fuel Suppliers

Emissions calculations

Calculate your emissions using the Transportation Fuel Supplier Emissions Calculation Tool (excel).


Submit a report signature form and mail it to Ecology. Instructions are on the form.

More information: Transportation Fuel Supplier training presentation

Reporting fee

There is an annual reporting fee. The fee is based on Ecology's costs to administer the program, and the number of facilities and suppliers reporting that year.

2016 Fee

2015 Fee

2014 Fee

2013 Fee

2012 Fee

Per Facility $2,068 $1,147 $1,147 $1,147 $1,175
Per Transportation Fuel Supplier $0 $1,444 $1,444 $1,444 $1,478
Document 2016 fee schedule 2015 fee schedule 2014 fee schedule 2013 fee schedule 2012 fee schedule


More information

Contact us


Transportation Fuel Supplier Reporting

Greenhouse Gas Reporting Frequently Asked Questions

Chapter 173-441 WAC - Reporting of Emissions of Greenhouse Gases

EPA GHG Facility Reporting Data

EPA GHG Supplier Reporting Data

EPA GHG Reporting Program

Sign up for email announcements about GHG Reporting

Contact: Neil Caudill