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Air Quality Monitoring

About Florida's Air Quality System (FLAQS)

Welcome to Florida's Air Quality System (FLAQS) website. This site's purpose is to provide up-to-date pollution data to the public. Nineteen different state, local and private air programs provide ambient air data to this system. They operate the state's ambient air monitoring network, routinely recording data 24 hours per day.

Ambient air is the air we breathe outside, near ground level. As ambient air quality changes, people respond in different ways. Low concentrations may not affect a person, but at high concentrations, ozone, particle pollution, and other pollutants may cause damage to human health. This site provides air quality information throughout the day to allow you to make better informed decisions for daily activities.

The following mapping and reporting applications available below show carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3), continuously monitored particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5) and particulate matter 10 (PM10), and sulfur dioxide (SO2) levels recorded throughout the state's ambient air monitoring network.

It is important to note that the air quality data less than three months old viewed on this website generally have not been verified and checked for quality assurance in accordance with federal requirements.

Please contact the DARM Help Desk if you experience any problems at 850-717-9012.


Air Quality Advisories

Advisories, when available, are posted here.

Spatial Air Quality System

View a visual representation of customized ambient air data and the Air Quality Index (AQI) on a state of Florida map. The AQI is based on continuously monitored CO, NO2, O3, PM2.5, PM10, and SO2 data.

This spatial browsing tool makes use of cookies as a method of remembering the preferences selected on some of the map tools. If your browser is not setup to accept cookies, it will not impair the use of the application. Deleting your cookies from time to time will clear some of the preferences that have been remembered.

The following settings are recommended for optimal use:

  • Remove pop-up blocker for dep.state.fl.us – application makes extensive use of pop-up windows.
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 SP2 - Netscape users may experience errors.
  • 800 x 600 Resolution or higher - the use of other resolutions may produce unexpected results. Best viewed in 1024 x 768.
  • 56k modem connection or higher


Multiple Site Data

View Daily, Monthly, Highest Readings, and Attainment Status reports of CO, NO2, O3, PM2.5, PM10, and SO2 pollution levels for more than one site at a time.


Most Recent Air Quality Levels - image

Air Quality Animated Maps

View the most recent air quality level (Eastern Standard Time) maps showing the most recent, yesterday and today's, continuously monitored pollution levels for the state of Florida.

Single Site Data with Maps

View individual county maps displaying site locations and Daily, Monthly, Highest Readings and Attainment Status reports of CO, NO2, O3, PM2.5, PM10, and SO2 pollution levels recorded for individual sites.




Air Quality Index, Forecast and History

View O3 and PM2.5 forecast reports for the entire state as well as AQI history reports for all monitoring counties in Florida.



Air quality information straight to your inbox!External Link

Sign up to have your local air quality forecast e-mailed to you. This links to an external web website.


1-hour & 8-hour Ozone Reading Reports Graphic

Ozone Tracking Sheets

The 1-hour and 8-hour tracking sheet reports are updated once daily at 7:30 A.M. EST.

  • Automated 8-Hour Ozone Readings Report - Report showing the 5 highest daily 8-hr ozone readings at each monitoring site with a running 3-yr average. The most recent 11 years of data are shown on this report.
  • Downloadable 8-Hour Ozone Readings Report - This report contains data from 1993 to the present.  The report opens in a new browser window and can be saved to your PC as an .html document. The saved .html document on your computer may be opened in a browser or Microsoft Excel.
  • Automated 1-Hour Ozone Readings Report - Report showing the 4 highest daily 1-hr ozone readings at each monitoring site. The most recent 11 years of data are shown on this report. 
  • Downloadable 1-Hour Ozone Readings Report - This report contains data from 1993 to the present.  The report opens in a new browser window and can be saved to your PC as an .html document. The saved .html document on your computer may be opened in a browser or Microsoft Excel.

Last updated: November 18, 2016

  2600 Blair Stone Road, M.S. 5500   Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400   850-717-9000 (phone) / 850-717-9001 (fax)
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