background photo locations

Town Hall, Belmont Waltham Central Square, Waltham Winn Memorial Library, Woburn Revere Beach, Revere Town Hall, Belmont Hills Pond, Menotomy Rocks Park, Arlington

Foreign Affairs and Armed Services

Rep. Markey is a staunch promoter of diplomacy in foreign affairs. He opposes any further engagement in Iraq, as well as a preemptive strike against Iran. Rep. Markey is also a long-standing advocate for better healthcare and benefits for our veterans. He proudly supported the Post 9-11 GI Bill, which restored the promise of education to our veterans, as well as past increases to the Department of Veterans Affairs budget.

The 5th District is home to the Natick Army Soldier Systems Center, the only Army facility in New England, as well as the Hanscom Air Force Base.

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