Past Meetings and Events

Nano Connect: Promoting Collaboration

A Chicago-area regional event: NANO Connect provides a forum to promote collaboration among educators, industry partners, post-secondary institutions, and government in support of the Illinois Research STEM Pathway and statewide economic development.

DOE Molecular Foundry and NECM 2012 Annual Users Meeting

The Molecular Foundry (TMF) and the National Center for Electron Microscopy (NCEM), both DOE-funded Nanoscale Research Centers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory are pleased to announce their joint 2012 User Meeting on October 4 & 5, 2012. The User Executive Committees will receive and review abstracts from the User community for talks during the event.

Molecular Foundry, LBNL & Oxford Instruments: New Frontiers in Plasma Technology

The workshop will address the latest research and state-of-the art applications in plasma deposition and patterning and is free-of-charge. This 1day event will include seminars, tutorials, networking opportunities and tours with a focus on atomic level control in processing and analysis.

California Nano Industry Network (CalNIN): "Challenges and Opportunities for Businesses Engaged In Nanotechnology"

CalNIN is pleased to announce a workshop to focus on challenges and opportunities for businesses engaged in nanotechnology in California. Workshop participants and attendees will include representatives from the nanotechnology industry, academia, the California government, and the National Nanotechnology Coordination Office.

IEEE Photonics Conference 2012

The IEEE Photonics Conference, previously known as the IEEE LEOS Annual Meeting, offers technical presentations by the world’s leading scientists and engineers in the areas of lasers, optoelectronics, optical fiber networks, and associated lightwave technologies and applications.

Public Engagement Through webinar

The NNCO held a webinar on September 20 to provide an open forum to answer questions and hear suggestions related to the National Nanotechnology Initiative’s (NNI) public website, The NNCO accepted public comment and recommendations on potential updates to, improvements on, and opportunities for public engagement through

Dept of Energy: Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT) 2012 Users Conference

Current and prospective users of DOE/SC scientific user facilities are encouraged to attend and participate in the technical sessions and facility discussions. The conference features technical programming of interest to researchers in nanoscience integration and related areas.

3rd International Workshop Scanning Probe Microscopy for Energy Applications

Topics include mapping of carrier dynamics and photo-induced behavior of photovoltaic materials, ionic and electronic transport in fuel cells and Li-ion batteries, energy harvesting, and energy dissipation imaging by multiple resonant and band excitation SPMs, as well material characterization using mass spectrometry combined with SPM and optical spectroscopies for multimodal imaging

11th Annual NanoBusiness Conference & Nanomanufacturing Summit

A primary objective is to highlight those areas of practice that stand out from the general nanotechnology and nanoscience themes as being near-term and having the potential to facilitate the commercial development and/or marketable application of nanoscale materials, systems and devices.