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Research: Air Quality

LaToya Myles
Research Area: Air Quality
LaToya Myles, an air chemist in NOAA’s Air Resources Laboratory, studies chemical pollutants in the air. Her measurements in field studies in various locations help identify where pollution levels are problematic.
Joost de Gouw
Research Area: Air Quality
Joose de Gouw is an atmospheric chemist at the NOAA Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences. With the goal of improving air quality, de Gouw’s research focuses on understanding the origins of air pollution.
Tom Ryerson
Research Area: Air Quality
Tom Ryerson, a research chemist with the NOAA Chemical Sciences Division in Boulder, Colo., studies air pollutants and recently participated in a field study over the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
John Barnes
Research Area: Air Quality, Climate Research
John Barnes works to identify and measure particles in the atmosphere. And he is one of the few scientists in the world whose work station in on the slopes of an active volcano.
A.R. Ravishankara
Research Area: Air Quality, Climate Research
A.R. Ravishankara, or “Ravi” to his colleagues, is an atmospheric chemist and director of the Chemical Sciences Division at ESRL. His research aims to describe the chemical composition of our atmosphere and predict how it may change in the future.
Rebecca Washenfelder
Research Area: Air Quality, Climate Research
Rebecca Washenfelder, Ph.D., is an atmospheric chemist with the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences where she creates instruments to measure trace atmospheric pollutants.
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