Policy Memorandum #65

Non-Subsistence-in-Kind Personnel Subsisting in the USAG-Humphreys Dining Facilities

IMHM-LGS-FS                                                                                           1 August 2012


SUBJECT:  United States Army Garrison Humphreys Policy Letter #65, Non-Subsistence-in-Kind Personnel Subsisting in the USAG Humphreys Dining Facilities

1.  The proponency for this policy is the Directorate of Logistics.

2.  This policy is effective immediately.  It remains in effect until rescinded or superseded.

3.  References:

    a.  AR 30-22, The Army Food Program, 10 May 05.

    b.  DA Pam 30-22, Operating Procedures for the Army Food Program, 3 Jan 07.

4.  Applicability.  This policy letter applies to the following categories of civilians within the USAG Humphreys community to dine in appropriated fund dining facilities IAW AR 30-22. 

    a.  Military family members.

    b.  DoD employees.

    c.  Direct or indirect hired personnel.

    d.  DA contract personnel.

5.  Purpose.  To provide policy in reference to Non-Subsistence in Kind (non-SIK) personnel subsisting in USAG-Humphreys Dining Facilities.

6.  Policy.

    a.  In accordance with AR 30-22, para 3-34b(6), the installation commander may determine that it is in the best interest of the Government to authorize civilians to purchase meals in an APF dining facility on an occasional basis.  While the regulation generally defines “occasional” to mean special meals (i.e., Thanksgiving, ethnic heritage meals, etc), we must also consider the provision that covers mission responsibilities and/or lack of MWR facilities.  Therefore, non-SIK personnel may subsist in the DFAC (no carry out) on the 3rd Thursday of the month, lunch meal only.

    b.  This policy does not apply to non-SIK purchase of meals in the APF dining facility when made under other authority, e.g., as guest during traditional holiday meals, under AR 30-22, para 3-34b(5).

    c.  The following categories of diners may purchase meals in the DFACs on an occasional basis, to include support of ethnic or special observance programs if the utilization rate does not exceed 100 percent.  Request to purchase meals are submitted through the garrison Directorate of Logistics, Food Program Management Office for USAG Humphreys Commander’s approval:

 (1)  DoD civilians, retired military personnel, entertainment groups, civilian dignitaries and military guests are authorized to subsist at the approved meal rates.

 (2)  For traditional holiday meals, DFAC employees may invite their family  members to join in these meals (Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the Army Birthday celebration).

 (3)  Members of youth groups sponsored at either the local or the national level may request authorization to subsist in the DFAC at the approved meal rates. 
    d.  Approval to purchase meals other than on an occasional basis will be requested from USAG Humphreys Commander to the Installation Commander.

    e.  Meal Rates

 (1)  Standard meal rate will be applied to spouses and other family members of enlisted personnel in pay grade E5 and above, all officers, contractors and civilian employees at all grades.

 (2)  Discount meal rate will be applied to spouses and other family members of enlisted personnel in pay grade E-1 through E-4.

7.  Procedures.  This policy will be enforced at all times to include weekends and holidays.

8.  Point of contact for this policy is the Director of Logistics at 753-7213.


                                                                         DARIN S. CONKRIGHT
                                                                         COL, SF

A and B

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