Policy Memorandum #53

Accountability and Responsibility of Government Property - Building Managers

IMHM-PW                                                                                              1 August 2012



SUBJECT:  United States Army Garrison Humphreys Policy Memorandum #53 Accountability and Responsibility of Government Property - Building Managers

1.  The proponency for this policy is the Directorate of Public Works. 

2.  This policy is effective immediately.  It remains in effect until rescinded or superseded. 

3.   References.

a. AR 735-5, Policy and Procedures for Property Accountability, 28 Feb 05

b.  DA Pam 405-45, Real Property Inventory management, 1 Nov 04

c.  IMCOM-K Facility Leader Action Guide, May 08

4.  Purpose.  Provide guidance to Commanders, Directors and Tenants within USAG Humphreys Community regarding Building Managers responsibility of government facilities.

5.  Commanders, Directors and Tenants are required to Sign for all their facilities and designate Primary and Alternate Building Managers.  Provide in writing to the Directorate of Public Works for Real Property under their control.

6.  Building Managers and alternates shall be the Company S-4 for the military, for civilian agencies the Directorate or equivalent may designate the building manager and all should have at least 6 months retainability.  For units or organizations that share occupancy in a particular building, each ranking individual of the tenant units shall designate a person who will be responsible for their section of the building their unit occupies.  The individual selected shall be of sufficient rank to ensure that their personnel are properly caring for and maintaining government equipment.  These individuals will be collectively responsible for the general monthly inspections of the property.  The largest tenant’s designee shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining key control procedures.

7.  Building managers are required to ensure Government facilities are properly used and cared for, and that proper custody, safekeeping, and disposition are provided.  Building Managers are required to:

     a.  Ensure that upon reassignment/PCS that a new appointment memorandum is submitted to the DPW Real Property Office 30 days prior to change.  Building is cleaned and collect, label and turn in facility keys to DPW Real Property Office.

    b.  Attend the Building Manager’s course which is provided bi-weekly at Directorate of Public Works Headquarters building S-2037 and attend all update courses if

    c.  Inspect each facility upon initial appointment as Building Manager.  Prior to acceptance validate any open DD Form 4283’s (Work Request Document).

     d.   Initiate or coordinate all work orders (DA Form 4283) submitted by the organization and forward to the organization commander for signature as required.  The Building Manager must sign the work request prior to submitting to DPW.  All Routine (priority 3) and Urgent (priority 2) service orders must be initiated by designated Building
Managers.  Prior to submitting any service/work order, Building Managers must be on an appointment letter signed by company commander or S-4 OIC and file in the Real Property office.

     e.   Conduct monthly inspections of the facility to include installed heating and air conditioning equipment, window, doors, lights, and plumbing, to determine the condition of the property.  Inspect all interior areas such as closets, stairwells, entrances, hallways, and office areas for neatness and cleanliness.  Notify area occupants of any poor housekeeping and ensure corrective action is accomplished.
8.  Building Managers are accountable for the security of all keys serving their facilities and must establish security procedures to ensure no keys are duplicated with their personal knowledge or approval.  Building Managers must:

a. Establish a key control log/account for all keys on a key control roster.

b. Maintain a spare key for each door/office belonging to the unit (excluding mechanical rooms).  Keys will be labeled and secured in a user-purchased cabinet.

c. Repossess key from holders when they are reassigned or no longer employed.

d. Request additional/replacement keys on our local key request form or a DA Form 4283.

e. Coordinate through the Unit Commander any request for master keys and get approval from DPW.
f. Notify individuals who request replacement keys for other than normal wear-and-tear that they are monetary responsibility for the issued keys.

9.  Point of contact is the Master Planning Division at 753-5523.


                                                                            DARIN S. CONKRIGHT
                                                                            COL, SF

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