
  • Women and children pick green beans at a USAID-supported co-op

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  • Traditional leaders commemorate the ratification of the Negelle Peace Accord

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  • USAID partnered with Save the Children and Great Ethiopian Run to raise awareness about maternal and child health issues.

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  • USAID promotes food security through improved productivity of crops like wheat.

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Photo of a check dam in Ethiopia
Breathing Life into Ethiopia’s Parched Watersheds
Pastoralists with cows at a market. Credit: Nena Terrell/USAID
Technology Builds Resilience Among Pastoralists
Development Credit Authority & Food Security
Expanding Access to Credit in Ethiopia


USAID’s portfolio in Ethiopia is one of the largest and most complex in Africa.

Over the last decade, Ethiopia has made tremendous development gains in education, health and other key areas. Despite the regular cycle of drought that affects parts of the country, the number of emergency beneficiaries has dropped from 15 million in 2003 to 5.6 million in 2012. The number of private sector businesses has increased from almost none in 1991 to over 45,000 today, and GDP growth has reached 9 percent.  Almost 95 percent of children now enter primary school, and the addition of 38,000 health extension workers has helped reduce the child mortality rate by more than 5 percent a year.

Ethiopia also remains one of the poorest countries in the world, with an annual per capita income of $170. Ten percent of the population suffers from chronic food insecurity, and 82 percent is dependent on subsistence agriculture. Its fast-growing population puts tremendous pressure on the land and natural resources that are the foundation of the country's growth.

To further the country’s progress, the Ethiopian Government has committed itself to sustainably increasing rural incomes and national food security. U.S. assistance capitalizes on a partnership with the government to deliver basic public services and combat poverty.

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Contact Information

Mission Contact

Entoto Street
PO Box 1014
Addis Ababa
+251 1 510 088
+251 1 510 043

Headquarters Contact

Torina Way
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Mission Director

Last updated: March 01, 2013

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