Did you know that almost 7 million children under five died in 2011 from largely preventable diseases? In India, 1.7 million children under five died in 2011. February 7 marks the start of the the National Summit on “Call to Action for Child Survival and Development“, to be held in Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu.

Organized in partnership with UNICEF and USAID, the Summit is a critical platform that will strategically engage over 200 delegates including 27 international and 35 national experts, key policy makers, planners and implementers from the health sector representing all states of India, representatives and heads of UN and development agencies, global health experts and practitioners, civil society members and private sector, to discuss and debate on child survival and development in India. The Summit will be an opportunity for sharing experiences and challenges; celebrate successes in maternal, newborn, child survival & development programmes; and pledge to meet India’s child survival and development goals. Photo is from UNICEF.