Education and Outreach

Education and Outreach for the public and for transportation professionals are an important component of any Pedestrian Safety Program. FHWA has developed materials for many audiences, including University Professors of Transportation, school children, the general public, and Hispanic audiences.

  • Pedestrian Forum Newsletter
    Pedestrian safety improvements depend on an integrated approach that involves the 4 E's: Engineering, Enforcement, Education, and Emergency Services. The Pedestrian Forum highlights recent pedestrian safety activities related to the 4 E's that will help reach FHWA's safety goals and save lives.

  • Pedestrian Safety Campaign is a comprehensive set of materials for local communities to use in implementing their own Pedestrian Safety Campaign. It includes materials designed for use in television, radio, cinema, and print advertising. Some of the materials included are in Spanish. States and local communities are responsible for implementing the campaign through local television and radio stations and print medias. A Campaign Planning Guide that explains in detail how to implement the campaign successfully at the local level is also available.

  • The Bicycle Safety Education Resource Center provides bicycle safety education information for the all age groups. The Resource Center consists of three parts. The first part is a Database, where you can look for training materials for your intended audience. It even allows you to tailor your search and be as specific as possible. The second part is a Database Guide that identifies the training needs of the eight different audiences identified above. The third part is a Good Practices Guide that will guide you through the process of designing your own program.

  • Hispanic Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety
    Several years ago, the FHWA and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) completed a project to determine the extent of the ped/bike safety problem as it relates to Hispanic populations in the United States and develop appropriate outreach materials and a plan for distributing them to these audiences.

  • FHWA University Course on Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety is a set of resources designed to provide background materials for an undergraduate or graduate university course on bicycling and walking. The FHWA distributes this teaching resource to stimulate the development of nationwide university courses on bicycle and pedestrian transportation to ensure that emerging engineers, planners, and other professional disciplines are knowledgeable in bicycle and pedestrian issues.

  • Safer Pedestrian Journey
    The Safer Journey CD (which is in English and Spanish) teaches pedestrian safety by tracing the path of John (a teenager) as he travels through town. The user must use their knowledge of pedestrian safety to help John make critical safety decisions as he travels on foot. This is also available in a CD Rom, which can be ordered here.

  • Safer Bicycle Journey
    The Bicycle Safer Journey CD (which is in English and Spanish) teaches bike safety by tracing the path of John (a teenager) as he travels through town. The user must use their knowledge of bike safety to help John make critical safety decisions as he travels on by bike. Not available online, but can be ordered in a CD Rom format here.

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Program Contact

Tamara Redmon


Gabriel Rousseau


What’s New

The FHWA Safety Office is continually developing new materials to assist states, localities and citizens in improving pedestrian and bicycle safety. The materials listed on this page were completed recently.

New Pedestrian Forum - Fall 2012

New Bicycle Road Safety Audit Guidelines and Prompt Lists

New Proven Countermeasures for Pedestrian Safety

Spotlight on Pedestrian Safety

Promoting the Implementation of Proven Pedestrian Countermeasures

State Best Practice Policy for Medians

State Best Practice Policy for Shoulders and Walkways

Pedestrian Countermeasure Policy Best Practice Report

The State of Florida is developing a statewide Pedestrian Safety Action Plan. They have set up a project website that includes information about the project, workshop presentations and resources relating to pedestrian safety.

Evaluating Pedestrian Safety Countermeasures

Safety Benefits of Raised Medians and Pedestrian Refuge Areas: Brochure, Booklet

Safety Benefits of Walkways, Sidewalks, and Paved Shoulders: Brochure, Booklet

Pedestrian Safety Strategic Plan