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Office of Inspector General

The Federal Maritime Commission's Office of Inspector General (OIG) is an independent and objective oversight office created within the FMC by the Inspector’s General Act of 1978 (as amended) to:

  • Conduct and supervise audits, inspections, and investigations relating to FMC programs
  • Detect and prevent waste, fraud and abuse
  • Promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in the administration and management of FMC programs
  • Review existing and proposed legislation and regulations and make appropriate recommendations
  • Maintain effective working relationships with other Federal, State and local governmental agencies, and non-governmental entities, regarding the mandated duties of the Inspector General
  • Keep the FMC Chairman and Commissioners, and Congress fully informed of serious problems and deficiencies, and recommend, when appropriate, corrective actions and implementation measures
  • Report violations of law to the U.S. Attorney General

OIG has an informational pamphlet available for an overview of the duties performed by the office.

Reporting Fraud, Waste & Abuse
You may report fraud, waste, mismanagement, or misconduct involving FMC programs or employees online or by calling the OIG Hotline at 202-523-5865.

OIG Investigations
OIG investigations identify and develop facts related to allegations of wrongdoing on the part of FMC employees, and individuals or entities having contracts with or receiving benefits from the agency.

OIG investigations address administrative, civil and criminal violations of laws and regulations. The subject of an OIG investigation can be any agency employee, an FMC contractor, consultant or a person or entity involved in alleged wrongdoing affecting FMC programs and operations.

OIG Audit, Evaluations, and Reviews
The OIG conducts audits, evaluations and reviews of agency programs and activities. In general, these activities involve an examination and analysis of FMC bureaus or offices, programs, or operations.

Other OIG Reports
The OIG is required by law to prepare a semiannual reports summarizing its audits and investigations during the immediately preceding six-month period. The reports are sent to the FMC Chairman and Commissioners, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House, and FMC's appropriating and authorizing committees. This dual reporting requirement facilitates and ensures the independence of the OIG.

The OIG is also required to provide a letter to the agency head, Congress, GAO and OMB of the agency’s compliance with Improper Payments Elimination Recovery Act (IPERA).

The OIG prepares an annual report of the top management challenges facing the FMC. This report is included in the FMC’s Annual Performance and Accountability Report to Congress. Additionally, the OIG prepares a Peer Review Report.

Contact Information

IG Hotline: 202-523-5865

Phone: 202-523-5863

Fax: 202-566-0043


Interim Inspector General

Dana Rooney-Fisher

Assistant Inspector General for Audits

Bridgette S. Hicks

Counsel to the Inspector General and Chief Investigator

Venetia D. Bell