ROMAN Quality Control

ROMAN has been designed for use by fire weather professionals and others requiring access to current fire weather conditions around the nation. Comments and suggestions for improvement are encouraged and can be sent to

The Quality Control of weather information begins with checks that are applied to the data as it is processed. These include "range checks" for all variables as well as a statistical check for several [temperature, relative humidity, and pressure].

The key to the color coding of information is based on the quality control checks: When you see a QC flag or color specified for a weather station it will not be variable specific. Thus, you will need to look at all the individual variables to determine which one should be used with caution. In most cases only one variable is responsible for the yellow or red flag color.

Occasionally, the station's name and/or elevation will be colored yellow or red. This is to indicate that the station's location or elevation is uncertain (yellow) or incorrect (red). Special care should be taken when considering data from these stations, since the data may pass the qc check explained above, yet originate from a station in another state! Other Help Pages

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Support provided by the US Forest Service