
The strategy to prevent violent extremism in the United States outlines how
the Federal Government will support and help empower American communities
and their local partners in their grassroots efforts to prevent violent extremism.
This strategy commits the Federal Government to improving support to
communities, including sharing more information about the threat of
radicalization; strengthening cooperation with local law enforcement, who
work with these communities every day; and helping communities to better
understand and protect themselves against violent extremist propaganda,
especially online.

Protecting American communities from al-Qa‘ida’s hateful ideology is not the work of government alone. Communities—especially Muslim American communities whose children, families, and neighbors are being targeted for recruitment by al-Qa‘ida—are often best positioned to take the lead because they know their communities best. Indeed, Muslim American communities have categorically condemned terrorism, worked with law enforcement to help prevent terrorist attacks, and forged creative programs to protect their sons and daughters from al-Qa‘ida’s murderous ideology.

We have prioritized three broad areas of action where we believe the Federal Government can provide value to supporting partnerships at the local level and countering violent extremism.


Enhancing Federal engagement with and support to local communities that may be targeted by violent extremists. Engagement is essential for community-based efforts to prevent violent extremism because it allows government and communities to share information, concerns, and potential solutions.


Building government and law enforcement expertise for preventing violent extremism. We must be vigilant in identifying, predicting, and preempting new developments. This necessitates ongoing research and analysis, as well as exchanges with individuals, communities, and government officials who work on the frontlines to counter the threats we all face.


Countering violent extremist propaganda while promoting our ideals. We must actively and aggressively counter the range of ideologies violent extremists employ to radicalize and recruit individuals by challenging justifications for violence and by actively promoting the unifying and inclusive vision of our American ideals.

Protecting our Nation’s communities from violent extremist recruitment and radicalization is a top national security priority. It is an effort that requires creativity, diligence, and commitment to our fundamental rights and principles.

This page is a summary of two documents relating to radicalization, “Empowering Local Partners To Prevent Violent Extremism in the United States,” and the “Strategic Implementation Plan for Empowering Local Partners To Prevent Violent Extremism in the United States.”

For the full text of these documents, please visit: