Policy Memorandum #44

Energy Conservation Building Manager Program

IMHM-PW                                                                                                 1 August 2012


SUBJECT:  United States Army Garrison Humphreys Policy Letter #44, Energy Conservation Building Manager Program

1. The proponent for this policy is the Directorate of Public Works.  Exceptions to policies prescribed in this memorandum must be submitted through the DPW to the Commander, USAG Humphreys, APO AP  96271-5228.

2. This policy is effective immediately.  It remains in effect until rescinded or superseded.

3. References.

 a. AR 420-1, Army Facilities Management, 12 Feb 08.

 b. AK Reg 420-1, Facilities Energy Management, 18 Nov 08.

 c. Energy Policy Act of 2005, Public Law 109-58, 8 Aug 05.

 d. Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, Public Law 110-140, 19 Dec 07.

4. Purpose.  To establish a Building Manager program that:

 a. Provides trained Building Managers for each facility or organization.

 b. Ensures the facility compliance with US Army Energy Conservation rules, regulations, and laws.

 c. Provides Building Managers with feedback on utility consumption, inspection results and energy related projects if concerns arise.

5. Applicability.  This policy applies to:

 a. All USAG Humphreys Headquarters directorates and organizations, installation support activities and organizations, and tenant units and organizations within USAG Humphreys and Area III

 b. All Permanently or temporarily active duty military and reserve component at USAG Humphreys and Area III.

 c. All appropriated and non-appropriated funded US and Local National civilian employees working permanently or temporarily within USAG Humphreys and Area III.

 d. All Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) employees working permanently or temporarily within USAG Humphreys and Area III.

6. Building Manager Assignment.

 a. Each Brigade, Battalion, Company, and separate detached units will appoint a primary and alternate Building Manager in writing on appropriate orders (see example at enclosure) to act as the unit’s point of contact (POC) for Energy concerns within 15 days of this memorandum.  This includes all separate detachments, units, and detachments from other Armed Forces Branches tenant to USAG Humphreys.  A copy of the appointment orders will be sent to the Directorate of Public Works (DPW), Master Plans Division.

 b. Each Directorate, support activity, and organization will appoint a primary and alternate Building Manager at each level of supervision (i.e. division, branch, shop, etc.) in writing on appropriate orders to act as the organizational POC for Energy concerns within 15 days of this memorandum.  A copy of the appointment orders will be sent to the DPW, Master Plans Division.

 c. All military units and organizations, regardless of Armed Forces Branch, participating in exercises and utilizing any  USAG Humphreys installation facility, site, Logistics Support Area (LSA) supported by USAG Humphreys, training area, or range facility longer than 14 days will appoint an Energy Manager to act as POC for Energy concerns.  The appointed Energy Manager must contact the DPW, Master Plans Division within 2 work days of appointment and provide copy of orders and contact information. 

d. Building Manager Ranks or Grades:

  (1)  The recommended minimum rank/grade for primary Building Manager described in Paragraph 2a of this policy should be Sergeant First Class (SFC) or E-7.  The recommended minimum civilian grade for primary Building Manager is GS-07, KGS-07 or equivalent. The preferred minimum rank/grade is Second Lieutenant (2LT), Warrant Officer One (W01), or GS-09, KGS-09, or equivalent.

  (2)  Soldiers and civilian employees of can only be assigned the duties of Primary Building Manager after successfully completing the Building Manager Certification Course, which give them the authority and support to:

  (a)  Monitor compliance with all Energy regulations and policies.

  (b)  Report to command any and all violations that must come into compliance, not limited to, requiring higher-ranking personnel to correct a noncompliant issue without any negative reprisals.

  (c)  Represent and speak for the unit commander or senior civilian supervisor concerning Energy matters.

  (d)  Relay and advise leadership on unit or organizational decisions concerning environmental matters.

  (3)  The recommended minimum rank/grade for an alternate ECO is Staff Sergeant (SSG) or E-6. The recommended minimum civilian grade for alternate ECO is GS-07, KGS-07 or equivalent. The preferred minimum rank/grade is 2LT, W01, or GS-09, KGS-09, or equivalent.

  (4)  Soldiers and civilian employees can be assigned the duties of Alternate Building Manager after successfully completing the Building Manager Course, which gives them the authority and support to:

  (a)  Monitor compliance with all Energy regulations and policies.

  (b)  Report to command any and all violations that must come into compliance, not limited to, requiring higher-ranking personnel to correct a noncompliant issue without any negative reprisals.

  (c)  Represent and speak for the unit commander or senior civilian supervisor concerning Energy matters.

  (d)  Relay and advise leadership on unit or organizational decisions concerning Energy matters.

7. Building Manager Duties and Responsibilities.  The Building Manager is the unit commander’s “eyes and ears” for the unit’s Energy programs, and is primarily focused on ensuring compliance with AR 420-1, AK 420-1, EPACT 05 and EISA 07.  Building Manager Duties include:

 a. Advises unit commanders or organizational supervisors on matters related to the implementation of this policy.

 b. Advises management in developing and implementing the Energy management and compliance program in their unit or organization.

 c. Organizes, plans, and implements an effective Energy management and compliance program at the local level.

 d. Develops and maintains Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Energy management and compliance program elements.

 e. Provides program coordination with USAG Humphreys Master Plan Division.

 f. Publicizes Energy management and compliance policies and procedures.

 g. Implements and maintains an Energy awareness campaign.

 h. Maintains proficiency in Energy management and compliance topics.

 i. Maintains access to Energy reference publications and regulations, including USAG Humphreys Energy policies, and applicable Army and USFK rules and regulations.

 j. Inspects or coordinates the periodic inspection of facilities for compliance with applicable Energy policies and regulations using DPW Master Plans Division approved inspection checklists.

 k. Documents Energy audit data and tracks corrective actions.

 l. Prepares, submits, and follows-up on work orders to correct building/facilities deficiencies that waste energy or water conservation requirements.

8. Primary Goals of the Building Manager.    

 a. Reduce facility energy use in terms of British Thermal Units (BTU) per square foot by 30 percent during fiscal year (FY06-15); as compared to facility usage from the FY03 facility energy consumption baseline.

 b. Reduce existing lighting systems that have illumination exceeding authorized levels to authorized levels.

 c. Reduce energy consumption by enforcing the prohibited use of electrical space heaters on Army Installation per AK 420-1.22 subparagraph 8.n.

 d. Conserve energy consumption by:

  (1)  Lights turned off when they are not needed.

  (2)  Outdoor lighting that is not required for mission, safety, or security purposes will be disconnected.

  (3)  Conserve water by ensuring that water leaks have a work order request.

  (4)  During the heating season, temperatures in occupied facilities will be maintained in the range of 72oF plus or minus 2oF during working hours and heating setback temperatures during non-occupied times shall be set at 55oF plus or minus 5oF.

  (5)  During the heating and cooling season, keep windows, exit doors, and vestibule doors closed.

  (6)  During cooling season, temperatures for occupied working and living spaces shall be maintained in the range of 74oF plus or minus 2oF.  Cooling set-up temperatures during unoccupied times shall be 85oF plus or minus 5oF.

9. Supplement.  Energy conservation must be the business of the entire community.  For this program to be successful, it requires the conscientious participation of every organization, tenant activity and members of the community.  All commanders will ensure that all personnel comply with the guidelines provided in this policy.  Request for exception to policy will be reviewed and approved by the Directorate of Public Works (DPW).

10.  The point of contact for this policy memorandum is DPW Energy Manager at DSN 315-753-5038.


Encl                                                                      DARIN S. CONKRIGHT
Appointment Order                                               COL, SF

A & B

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