Policy Memorandum #35

Use of Laundry Facilities in Unaccompanied Personnel Housing (UPH) by Private Hire Maids and Family Members

IMHM-PWH                                                                                               1 August 2012


SUBJECT:  United States Army Garrison Humphreys Policy Letter #35, Use of Laundry Facilities in Unaccompanied Personnel Housing (UPH) by Private Hire Maids and Family Members

1.  The proponency for this policy is the Directorate of Public Works, Family Housing Division.

2.  This policy is effective immediately.  It remains in effect until rescinded or superseded.

3.  Reference AR 210-22, Private Organizations on DA Installations, 22 Oct 01.

4.  Applicability.  This policy applies to all personnel assigned/working at USAG Humphreys.

5.  Purpose.  To prescribe procedures for the use of laundry facilities in UPH buildings by private hire maids and Family members.

6.  Policy.

 a. Family members and domestic employees (private hire maids) employed by Soldiers in all UPH facilities are NOT authorized to use the laundry facilities to provide laundry service to personnel that are not residents of UPH.

 b. Washers and dryers located in all UPH’s are government property and are provided for the sole use of personnel who reside in the UPH.  Any private hire maid that provides laundry services for unauthorized personnel or Family members that use laundry facilities for personal use are in violation of Army policies.

 c. Occupants of UPH observing private hire maids doing laundry for unauthorized personnel should report the information to the building coordinator, who in turn, will report the incident to the Housing Manager to investigate.

 d. Continued abuse of government furnished property will result in removal of the private hire maid concerned from the installation.

7.  Sponsors shall take full responsibility for private hire maids whom they sponsor.

8.  Supplements to this policy are not permitted without written approval of the Commander, USAG Humphreys.

9.  Point of contact is the Directorate of Public Works Housing Division Chief at 753-7358.


                                                                                 DARIN S. CONKRIGHT
                                                                                 COL, SF

A & B

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