Policy Memorandum #36

Policies and Procedures for Assignment to Unaccompanied Personnel Housing (UPH)

IMHM-PWH                                                                                                1 August 2012


SUBJECT:  United States Army Garrison Humphreys Policy Memorandum #36, Policies and Procedures for Assignment to Unaccompanied Personnel Housing (UPH)

1. The proponency for this policy is the Directorate of Public Works, Family Housing Division.

2. This policy is effective immediately.  It remains in effect until rescinded or superseded.

3. References.  AR 420-1 Army Facilities Management, 12 Feb 08.
4. Purpose.  To prescribe policies and procedures for all unaccompanied military and civilian personnel eligible to reside in Senior Leader Quarters (SLQ) and Enlisted Quarters (EQ) at Camp Humphreys.
5. The Commander, USAG Humphreys, or his designated representative is required to provide adequate housing facilities and services to operate and manage the UPH program.

6. Policy.

a. Centralized management of the UPH program under the direction of the Chief
Housing Division.

b. Establish assignment priorities and categories as prescribed in AR 420-1, and
ensure the minimum space adequacy and privacy standards are met.

c. Assignment and termination of UPH quarters.

d. Ensure maximum utilization of adequate UPH space.

e. Establish and enforce the Building Coordinator Program.

f. Provide counseling to members on entitlements and responsibilities as a resident
of the UPH.

7. Categories of UPH.

a. Senior Leader Quarters (SLQ) is designated for Service Members in the grades
of E7 and above.

b. Enlisted Quarters (EQ) (i.e., barracks) is designated for Service Members in the
grades of E6 and below.

8. Priority of Assignment to UPH.  The Garrison Commander will mandatorily assign all UPH personnel assigned to Camp Humphrey’s UPH housing to maintain optimum occupancy rate of 95%.  Service Members will be informed of UPH housing availability and mandatory assignments before or on application of housing.  UPH priorities for assignment to UPH are as follows:

a. Priority 1: Key and essential personnel (both military and civilian) who must
reside on post due to necessity.

b. Priority 2: Permanent party assigned or attached to the installation for duty.

c. Priority 3: Permanent party unaccompanied personnel receiving BAH support for
family members as a result of divorce or separation agreement.

d. Priority 4: Service members in OCONUS entitled to BAH at with dependent rate
but unaccompanied by family members for personal reasons.

9. Assignment Procedures. Assignment to UPH is mandatory for all UPH ranks when quarters are available and occupancy is below 95%.  No exceptions to policy will be granted.   Upon arrival you must report to the Housing Office; if after hours or holidays report the next duty day.

a. UPH Service Members in the grade of E6 and below will be assigned to their
respective barracks and managed by their units.

b. UPH Service Members in the grades of E7 and above will be assigned  and
managed by the Housing Office to Senior Leader Quarters (SLQs).

c. Service members who are housed in UPH are considered to be adequately
housed until their DEROS.  Service Members who attain promotable status while occupying UPH quarters are authorized to go on the waiting list for their promotable grade.  However quarters cannot be assigned until rank becomes official.   All costs associated with the move will be borne by the Service Member.

d. UPH assignments are permanent and relocation will not be authorized except in
the case of health or safety and/or as directed by the Garrison Commander.

e. At assignment to SLQs, a joint check-in inspection will be performed with the
resident and housing inspector. The condition of the room and the government owned furnishings and appliances will be inventoried and recorded.

f. Personnel who elect to live off-post at personal convenience must terminate their
SLQ and will NOT receive Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA), furnishings or appliances support from the Housing Office.

10. Termination Procedures.

a. For termination of UPH, residents are expected to contact the Housing Office at
least 30 days prior to DEROS. A pre-inspection will be performed with the housing inspector to inform the resident of cleaning requirements, check for any damages to government property to include the furnishings and appliances inventory and annotate any maintenance and repairs that need to be performed prior to assignment of next occupant.

b. Personal furniture, items and trash must be removed prior to final inspection.

c. Service Member may hire a cleaner or perform the required cleaning prior to the
final inspection.

d. The Service Member is required to be at the final inspection.   The Housing
inspector will provided “clearance letter” once room has passed final inspection. 

e. If a Service Member fails the inspection, a re-inspection will be performed the
next working day.  If the room fails the second inspection charges will be assessed for cleaning of the room.  The Service Member will be required to pay the charges prior to clearing housing and the installation.

11. Furnishings and Appliances.

a.  UPH rooms are furnished during your joint check-in inspection; all furnishings
and appliances will be inventoried and inspected.

b. Service Members are required to clean, polish and maintain government
furnishings and appliances. 

c. Service Members may call Furnishing Management Branch (FMB) at 753- 8458
for repair of government furnishings while occupying UPH.

d. Upon termination all furniture and appliances will be cleaned and accounted for. 
If items have been damaged or missing, the Service Member will be required to reimburse the government.  The Service Member will be required to pay the charges prior to clearing housing and the installation.

12. Cooking Facilities.

a. Cooking is not permitted in any UPH facility that does not have an installed
kitchen.  Cooking can only be performed in rooms specifically designated and approved as kitchens.  The practice of cooking on a hot plate, electric frying pan in areas where no kitchen exists is strictly prohibited.

b. Residents are responsible for all costs of repairing damages caused by the
unauthorized use of cooking items!

c. The use of BBQ or gas grills in external stairwells, porches and patios is
prohibited.  Grills must be at a minimum of ten (10) feet from the building.  Storage of lighter fluids or LPG tanks is prohibited.  Charcoal grills will not be used inside buildings or on porches.  When cooking has been completed, hot coals will be quenched with water or covered with a noncombustible cover.  Charcoal will be properly disposed.

d. Outdoor cooking equipment labeled with resident information will be
removed and disposed of by the Housing Office.

13. Fire Prevention.

a. All UPH rooms are equipped smoke detectors. Residents are not authorized to
disconnect or disable the room smoke detector.  If a smoke detector is malfunctioning, contact the Fire Department or DPW for assessment and/or repair.

b. Fire alarms are installed for the protection of all personnel.  Malicious actions or
horseplay with fire alarms, smoke detectors, or fire extinguishers are subject to punishment under the UCMJ as adverse administrative action.

c. All residents should be familiar with exit routes in their building in case of fire or
any type of emergency situation.

14. Building Coordinator Program.

a. Each UPH building will have a Building Coordinator. The most senior person in
the building will not necessarily be the Building Coordinator based on several factors, such as position, time remaining on tour, etc. The USAG Humphreys Commander will issue appointment orders.

b. All residents of the UPH will be required to participate in maintaining the
cleanliness and appearance of their building. The Building Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that all personnel are advised of their duties and managing the duty roster.

c. Residents who fail to participate in the cleanup will be reported to their chain of
command and the USAG Humphreys Commander for action.

15. Maintenance / Self-Help.

a. Residents are responsible for minor maintenance and repair of UPH rooms.   As
a minimum, residents are expected to replace fluorescent light bulbs, cracked/ broken switch plates/covers, unclog minor drain stoppages, clean, replace air conditioning filters, replace torn window screens through the self-help store.

b. Residents are required to report maintenance service calls to the DPW service
order desk phone number 753-6068.  When reporting, state the problem, building and room number, and contact telephone number.

c. Residents are required to be present when DPW maintenance repair work is
being performed.  The Housing Office will not issue a room key to DPW to perform maintenance unless it is an emergency.  Housing personnel will not stand by in place of the resident while maintenance is being performed unless it is an emergency to save the property of U.S. Government.

16. Mold and Mildew.

a. Residents who do not take a pro-active approach in self-help maintenance of
mold and mildew may incur charges for neglect of government property.

b. During the months of May - September mold and mildew grow rapidly if left
untreated.  Keep blinds and curtains open to allow sunlight into room, and set air conditioner at 78 degrees. Residents must perform maintenance on their AC unit (i.e., cleaning, changing filter, drain line and calling in a service order for repairs).

17. Visitors.

a. It is the policy of this command to permit visitation in UPH SLQs of authorized
dependents and guests for a period of 30 calendar days when such visits do not infringe on the rights of other residents.

b. UPH E7 and above service member must complete a “Visitation Authorization
Request” form provided by the Housing Office.  This form must be “signed” by your Company/Battalion.  Once signed bring form back to Housing Office for approval. 

Over 30 days requires approval from Garrison Commander.  All occupants are authorized to have visitors as long as fellow residents are not inconvenienced. 

18. Pets.  Pets of any kind are prohibited in all UPH facilities, including SLQs.   No exceptions to this policy will be granted. 

19. Housemaids.

a. A resident who elects to hire a housemaid for maid service does so at their own
risk.  The resident must complete all necessary paperwork associated with providing the housemaid with a pass for the installation.  The resident is responsible to ensure that the housemaid’s pass is terminated prior to their departure from Camp Humphreys.  Housemaids do not have any legitimate right to use government provided services.  Housemaids, who restrict access to laundry facilities to other residents while performing maid service, will be barred from the installation.  No exceptions will be granted.

b. Residents may request an additional key be issued for their housemaid, however
at the final inspection the second key must be turned in or the Service Member will be charged for changing of the lock for the UPH room.

20. Smoking.

a. Smoking is prohibited in individual rooms in all UPH facilities, including SLQs.

b. Smoking in common areas such as laundry facilities, dayrooms, and hallways
and within 50 feet of buildings is prohibited. (IAW AK pam 420-1, 2-4 Smoking Control, Page. 10)

21. Pregnant while residing in UPH Quarters.

a. Single Pregnant Service Member on UPH orders.  Single pregnant service
members can move off post and collect w/out dependent rate OHA at 28 weeks (i.e., 12 weeks from the due date).   Service member must present proper medical documentation (i.e., pregnancy profile) and, 1SG/Company Commander approval prior to moving off post.  Once the child is born it is the single service member’s responsibility to provide the birth certificate to the Housing Office to change OHA rate from the “without” dependent rate, to the “with” dependent rate OHA.  No Certificate of Non Availability (CNA) will be issued and no government furniture will be authorized.                                     

NOTE:  This applies if you are a bona fide single Service Member collecting ‘NO” OHA/BAH entitlements.  If single and currently collecting dependent rate
OHA/or BAH same applies as “Married Pregnant Service Member on UPH Orders” (see below).

b. Married Pregnant Service Member on UPH orders.  Married pregnant service
members are able to move off post at their own expense.  No Certificate of Non Availability (CNA) is authorized.  If service member has dependents residing elsewhere collecting “with” dependent rate OHA/or BAH, and once child is born (additional dependent), the soldier must decide where she wants to continue to collect “with” dependent rate OHA or BAH as the service member is only entitled to “one with” dependent OHA entitlement.               
NOTE: IAW JFTR Ch 10: Housing Allowances Part E: Assignment Situations/Section 2: Mbr with Dep (U10402E-2) 7. Multiple Dependent Locations:  In instances of multiple dependent locations, the member must designate the dependents' primary residence.  The housing allowance rate is based on this primary residence.

22. Point of contact is Chief Housing Division at 753-7358.


                                                                            DARIN S. CONKRIGHT
                                                                            COL, SF


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