ROMAN Fire Weather Monitor

ROMAN has been designed for use by fire weather professionals and others requiring access to current fire weather conditions around the nation. Comments and suggestions for improvement are encouraged and can be sent to

The Fire Weather Monitor displays those stations and conditions which exceed user-defined thresholds of wind, relative humidity, and precipitation in the selected area for any given time (e.g. current or past time). The Fire Weather Monitoris updated every 10 minutes when displaying current data.


The user can change the settings as follows: Time

The user can view extreme fire weather conditions in the past by entering an hour, day, month, and year and clicking on "Change Time". Doing this will: Other Help Pages

Current Status
Main Help
Station Location Maps
Station Weather Display
Current Weather Summary
Fire Weather 24-Hour Trend Monitor
24-Hour Trend Monitor (point of interest)
Fire Weather Monitor
Max/Min Summaries
Precipitation Monitor
Precipitation Summary
Weather Near Fires
GCA Active Fires Maps
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MesoWest Webmaster, NWS Western Region Headquarters Webmaster
US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
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125 South State Street
Salt Lake City, UT 84103

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Developed by MesoWest at the University of Utah
Support provided by the US Forest Service