ROMAN Precipitation Summary

ROMAN has been designed for use by fire weather professionals and others requiring access to current fire weather conditions around the nation. Comments and suggestions for improvement are encouraged and can be sent to

The Precipitation Summary provides access to precipitation totals over various time intervals for all available weather stations within the selected region. The Precipitation Summary also displays the days since various threshold values of precipitation were exceeded during a calendar day (midnight to midnight). Precipitation totals for past periods are also available.


The user can change the settings as follows: Tabular Format

Subregions within the geographic region of interest are defined as follows: The first column contains the station's name and identifier. Long names are truncated. The second column contains the station's network and elevation. The next 5 columns are totals (in inches) of precipitation 2 days, 5 days, 7 days, 10 days, and 30 days previous to the valid time. The next 5 columns contain the number of days since the threshold value given in the column header was exceeded at a station in one day (local midnight to midnight). A value of zero days indicates that the threshold has been exceeded during the current calendar day. A dashed line indicates that the threshold has not been reached since December 1, 2002.

Stations are ordered within subregions alphabetically by name. Click on 'Sort by elevation' to list stations within subregions from highest to lowest elevation.

The maximum, minimum, and average values for each subregion are summarized for that subregion.

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Developed by MesoWest at the University of Utah
Support provided by the US Forest Service