An Award-winning Legacy

We are pleased to announce that Chris Musialek, Datagov’s former Chief Software Architect, has been named one of FierceGovernment’s first annual “Fierce 15” for his work at The Fierce15 recognizes 15 federal employees and teams “who have done particularly innovative things.” Through interviews with government officials and industry, FierceGovernment identified those behind the scenes who orchestrate “some of the most progressive projects underway in government and work tirelessly to make government more efficient, service- and mission-oriented, and accountable.”

Chris Musialek

Here’s how FierceGovernment describes why Chris was selected for this honor – and we can attest that this is just part of all he accomplished during his time on the team.

Chris has moved on to another opportunity, but we benefit from his good work every day. Congratulations, Chris – and thanks a lot!

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