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Real Property

AFM-Real Property


Executive Order (EO) 13327 Real Property Asset Management –
Presidential Management Initiative


EO 13327 – Federal Real Property Asset Management, signed February 4, 2004, established a Federal Real Property Council headed by Clay Johnson of OMB – and mandates that all agencies establish asset management plans.  The Federal Real Property Council established 24 data elements for real property that must be reported annually at the asset level, these include four performance measures:  1) Utilization Rate;
2) Operations and Maintenance Cost; 3) Condition Indices; and 4) Mission Dependency.

To address the requirements of EO 13327, Facilities Division contracted for a contractor to conduct facility assessments.  FD also acquired rights to the Maintenance and Repair Costs Forecast System (MARS) and is addressing the ongoing cost and responsibility of maintaining this data.

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Last Updated:03/23/2010