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Markey Hails Supreme Court Ruling on Health Care Law

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Jun. 28, 2012 -- maryalice

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), senior member of the Energy and Commerce Committee and dean of the Massachusetts delegation, released the following statement after the Supreme Court today upheld the constitutionality of the health care law.
Today’s decision is an historic victory for Americans across the country who will finally have the health care security they need.
“Because of today’s ruling, Americans will be able to purchase insurance regardless of whether they’ve been sick in the past. While insurance companies routinely rejected cancer survivors, pregnant women and anyone with a pre-existing medical condition, the law upheld today prevents insurers from turning people away and makes them play by rules that ensure that health care is a right, not a privilege.
“Seniors can still get discounts on their prescription drugs to make them more affordable. And young adults can remain on their parents’ health insurance until they turn 26. Millions of Americans have already benefitted from the law, and thanks to the Court’s decision today, they will continue to do so. No one should go bankrupt just because they get sick. This law will help give Americans the peace of mind they deserve.”
“Republicans will continue to make repeal of this law their number one priority during the election season. When Republicans say 'Repeal and Replace' what they really mean is 'Repeal and Retreat', pulling our country back to the days when insurance companies could deny coverage to sick children, refuse pregnant women coverage, and make Grandma and Grandpa pay more for their prescriptions. I will continue to fight against these misguided Republican efforts and work to ensure that families have control over their health care choices
A breakdown of benefits of health reform for the 7th Congressional District and Massachusetts can be found HERE.