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Windows on America Press Conference
Berlin, March 10, 2011
Ambassador Philip D. Murphy

Herr Sorgec, it is a pleasure to welcome you and ten very special trainees from the Bildungswerk Kreuzberg to the Embassy.  Your ten trainees are our guests of honor because they are the most recent participants in our Windows on America exchange program. 

Windows on America is a short-term program that introduces America to people who might normally not apply for a longer stay in my country.  We hope that this trip will whet your curiosity to find out more about the United States.  We also hope it will inspire you to think about ways you can expand your horizons in other ways.

I often say that I wish I had a magic wand that I could wave and “abracadabra” make it possible for all young people to experience another country and another culture – and of course, I would like to give young people here in Germany an opportunity to visit my country.  Unfortunately I do not have a magic wand but with the support of a number of people and institutions, we have been able to send a number of groups on one of these Windows on America trips.  Now we are considering how we can expand the program.

I am counting on you, as recent alumni, to tell us now about how important this program is and how much you learned so that we can continue to get the support we need to send more young people to the United States.

I hope you had a wonderful time and I look forward to hearing all about the trip.