Air Quality 

Air quality is a broad discipline that covers both health effects and pollution prevention.  The USAPHC has an experienced and dedicated staff of air quality management professionals to provide a comprehensive set of services to meet the requirements of your air quality management goals.


Air Quality Index (AQI)

The Air Quality Index  (AQI) is the daily forecast for the quality of the air.  In many metropolitan areas the AQI is reported during the weather report.  Air quality is the worst during the summer months and days that are hot are often bad air quality days too.  The AQI is color coded.  Many areas delcare an Air Quality Action Day on days when the forecast is Orange or worse. ... (more)


Air Quality Modeling

The USAPHC uses computerized dispersion modeling to predict ambient concentrations on and off-post at Army and DoD locations. Modeling is often used as a screening tool to support ambient air quality sampling, inhalation risk assessments, regulatory requirements (Title V, PSD, etc.), and facility design.... (more)

Air Quality Permits

Air quality permits are now required for most military activities that emit an air pollutant. The Air Quality Surveillance Program (AQSP) can help prepare all the necessary paperwork and do the technical research for your NSR, PSD, Title V and state air quality permits. We have extensive knowledge of military unique permitting issues, and will help you obtain permits that provide maximum flexibili... (more)

Ambient Sampling

The Air Quality Surveillance Program (AQSP) performs ambient air sampling for National Ambient Air Quality Standard  (NAAQS) and hazardous air pollutants  (HAPs) to determine inhalation exposure to soldiers, civilians, and their families at Army and DoD locations throughout the world. Air pollutant concentrations measured can be used to evaluate health risk, to support permit applications, and to ... (more)

Compliance Audits

The Air Quality Surveillance Program (AQSP) can perform audits to evaluate compliance with Federal, state and local air quality requirements. These audits may be necessary annually to certify compliance with a Title V permit. Our audits not only evaluate the immediate compliance status, they propose long-term solutions if a noncompliance situation exist. Some of the services we offer include: comp... (more)


The AQSP offers a wide range of specialty air quality consultative services to meet air regulatory or health investigation needs. Some of these specialty services include: NEPA or General Conformity analyses; cost and applicability analysis of air pollution control equipment for RACT, MACT or LAER; and impact analysis of proposed regulations at the State and Federal level. We can also perform dire... (more)

Greenhouse Gas Inventories

The AQSP can assist with compiling inventories of greenhouse gases and in developing mitigation strategies for these gases.... (more)

Hazardous Waste Combustor Support

The AQSP has helped to obtain permits for military demilitarization furnaces under RCRA, and more recently the hazardous waste combustor (HWC) provisions of the CAA (generally known as MACT). We write Trial Burn Test Plans and Health Risk Assessment Sampling Plans, conduct all stack sampling and analysis, and prepare final technical reports for APE 1236 Demilitarization Furnaces. We develop Compre... (more)

Ozone Depleting Chemicals

  The Air Quality Surveillance Program conducts Ozone Depleting Chemicals (ODC) inventories.  Our service includes:... (more)

Risk Management Plans

Air quality permits are now required for most military activities that emit an air pollutant. We can help prepare all the necessary paperwork and do the technical research for your NSR, PSD, Title V and state air quality permits. We have extensive knowledge of military unique permitting issues, and will help you obtain permits that provide maximum flexibility for your mission. ... (more)

Specialized Stack Testing

The AQSP can provide specialized testing support for sampling method and equipment validation. Some special projects include: stack testing for EPA validation of two different multi-metals continuous emissions monitors, and development of EPA-approved sampling and analytical methods for explosives and explosive components. ... (more)

Stack Emission Testing

The AQSP can perform stack emissions testing for HAPs and other regulated air pollutants to determine concentrations being emitted to the atmosphere. Stack tests are necessary to evaluate compliance with NSPS limits. Our stack test data may also be used for health risk assessments or to evaluate the efficiency of pollution abatement equipment. The AQSP has tested many types of emission sources inc... (more)

Toxic Release Inventory (TRI)

The AQSP prepares Toxics Release Inventories (TRI). The TRI documents the toxic chemicals at a facility that are being used, manufactured, treated, transported, or released into the environment. There are two rules that require information on toxic chemicals - Section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA) and section 6607 of the Pollution Prevention Act (PPA). ... (more)