“Out of Many, One”: Citizenship and the Constitution

September 17 is Constitution Day, thanks to the efforts of the late Senator Robert C. Byrd, who always carried a copy with him on and off the floor of the Senate. Last year, I blogged about the various editions of the Constitution available as Government publications. This time around, I’ve been thumbing through another publication that helps to put the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and a variety of other documents, speeches, and even songs and poetry, into the bigger picture of what it means to be – or become – an American citizen.

The Citizen’s Almanac: Fundamental Documents, Symbols, and Anthems of the United States, a handsome and very useful little book from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services correctly states that “both native-born and naturalized citizens will find important information on the rights and responsibilities associated withUnited States citizenship.” It’s an extremely useful collection of songs (The Star Spangled Banner, America the Beautiful, God Bless America), poems (The Concord Hymn, I Hear America Singing, The New Colossus), symbols (the Great Seal of the United States, including an explanation of that impressive but somewhat mystifying “pyramid with an eye in it” device), complete texts or extracts from notable American speeches (the Gettysburg Address, John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address, Martin Luther King’s I Have A Dream, Ronald Reagan’s Remarks at the Brandenburg Gate), notable Supreme Court decisions (Marbury v Madison, Brown v Board of Education) and much more.

Although the complete text of the Mayflower Compact, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and other documents are not included, the brief sections on each put them into context so readers can perceive the continuum of American democracy through time. For new and aspiring citizens, a series of brief biographies of famous Americans who were not born in the U.S. makes for interesting reading. In the entertainment world alone, how many of us think of Marlene Dietrich, Bob Hope, and Celia Cruz in their roles as citizens of the Republic?

The Citizen’s Almanac is a terrific, well-illustrated source for all kinds of information about American history and citizenship. It’s also an interesting read and a book that’s perfect for Constitution Day or any other day when you need information about this country of ours. You can browse through The Citizen’s Almanac here, buy a single copy or a package of 25 for schools and civic organizations, or locate it at a library.


4 Responses to “Out of Many, One”: Citizenship and the Constitution

  1. Hazel Ickes says:

    This book is in fact a good know how and know what manual for those who step into the process of naturalization. Nice one.

  2. Evelyn Woodson says:

    All citizens think they live in a great nation, some dislike the leadership, same as the US ,religon and politics is a area where conflict is born and destroy the abality for unity. I have served and been involved in US politics and It’s a very uncivilized outpouring by those who want to be in control. or gain points, will go to any level to win This is global . But if we base our information on TV and other media we only get what they want us to have no more no less for forming views about our fellow human beings.

  3. Susan James says:

    Wonderful book that all schools should have available for the children. Very nicely done.

  4. Ray C says:

    This can be used as a tool all Americans can use to build personal knowledge as well as a better balance of our personal duties pertaining to this WONDERFUL COUNTRY we are HONORED to live in.

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