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Water: Wastewater Management Process

Wastewater in Small Communities - Grants & Funding

EPA provides funding to small communities for the planning, design and construction of wastewater infrastructure and for water pollution control through the following programs (some programs listed below also provide funding for drinking water infrastructure):

 Small Communities

  • Clean Water State Revolving Fund - Provides grants to all 50 states and Puerto Rico to operate a revolving loan program that provides low-interest financing for wastewater and other water quality projects. Over half of the states have developed special programs for small, disadvantaged communities.
Indian Tribes & Alaska Native Villages U.S.-Mexico Border Communities
  • U.S.-Mexico Border Water Infrastructure Program - Provides grants for the planning, design, and construction of high priority wastewater and drinking water facilities to communities within 100 km (approximately 62 miles) north and south of the U.S.-Mexico Border.
Additional Funding Resources

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