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For Citizen Scientists

ScienceCasts: Pink Planet at Sunset
ScienceCasts: Pink Planet at Sunset
Watch the latest video in NASA Science's ScienceCasts series, Pink Planet at Sunset

Citizen Scientists have helped to answer serious scientific questions, provide vital data to the astronomical community, and have discovered thousands of objects including nebulas, supernovas, and gamma ray bursts. NASA supports several resources which may be of interest to amateur and professional scientists alike.

More stars. Less light. Participate in GLOBE at Night!

Calling all Earthlings! Take a few minutes to get involved in the GLOBE at Night campaign to preserve dark skies! GLOBE at Night is a citizen-science campaign open to people all over the world to raise awareness of the impact of light pollution by inviting citizen-scientists to measure their night sky brightness and report their observations to a website from a computer or smart phone. Light pollution threatens not only our “right to starlight”, but can affect energy consumption, wildlife and health. Through 2011, people in 115 countries contributed 66,000 measurements, making GLOBE at Night one of the most successful light pollution awareness campaigns to date. Please join us to participate in the 2012 campaign an hour after sunset til about 10pm January 14 through 23, February 12 through 21, March 13 through 22, and April 11 through 20. For information and resources, visit us at

Be a Martian

Participate as a citizen scientist to improve Martian maps, take part in research tasks, and assist Mars science teams studying data about the Red Planet.
Become a Martian Citizen


You can help decide where the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter will point its camera, HiRISE, next! Suggest a new target or browse the targets already in our database, including those for past HiRISE images.
Where should HiRISE take a picture?

Astronomy night at the White House
Local middle school students learned about the solar system and the vast universe beyond during an Astronomy Night event on the White House South Lawn on October 7, 2009. The White House hosted 150 local students to star gaze and conduct hands-on experiments with astronomers from across the country.

Lunar Impacts

NASA needs your help to monitor the rates and sizes of large meteoroids striking the moon's dark side. This data will help engineers design lunar spacecraft, habitats, vehicles and extra-vehicular activity (EVA) suits to protect human explorers from the stresses of the lunar environment.
Report your observations and help NASA


Mentoring and inquirY using NASAData for Atmospheric and earth science for Teachers and Amateurs (MY NASA DATA) is a project to enable K-12 teachers and students, as well as citizen scientists, to explore the large volumes of data that NASA collects about the Earth from space. Students use scientific inquiry and math skills as they access and display microsets of the Earth System.
Discover MY NASA DATA features for Citizen Scientists

Night Sky Network

Whether you're just getting started or observe the skies at every opportunity, you'll find helpful this list of links from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). Includes resources for amateurs, students and educators.
Visit the Night Sky Network

Observable Comets

This list, maintained by the Minor Planet Center (MPC), includes observable comets, comet ephemerides, orbit data and observation dates. (The MPC is based at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and operates with support from the International Astronomical Union.)
Find comets

Rock Around the World

Mars Scientists are asking students from around the world to help them understand the red planet. Send in a rock collected by you or your classroom from your region of the world and we will use a special tool like the one on the Mars Exploration Rovers to tell you what it's made of.

The Grey Cubicle You Want to Work In

'Some of the employees of NASA's Science Mission Directorate may work in grey cubicles, but their jobs are anything but dull. They get to study Earth, the Sun, the Solar System, and the Universe!' - Dr. Tony Phillips

You can read the complete article "The Grey Cubicle You Want to Work In" by Dr. Tony Phillips here.

Software Tools

JPL's Solar System Dynamics Group provides the following software tools for the sky observer:

Solar System Simulator

NASA imagery and computer modeling combine to produce simulated pictures of solar system objects from any other object and from any time you choose.
Use the Solar System Simulator

Space Calendar

The Space Calendar covers space-related activities and anniversaries for the coming year. Included are over 1,300 links to related home pages.
Keep tabs on the Space Calendar

Spacecraft Sighting Opportunities

Find out when satellites, a space shuttle or the International Space Station are appearing overhead. You can search by city—or use Skywatch 2.0 (a Java Applet) to enter your exact location and see the path each spacecraft will take across the sky. Tips for viewing spacecraft are included under "Sighting Help."
Get viewing information for the next flyover

J-Track 3D Satellite Tracking - What you will see is a plot in 3-dimensions showing the position of hundreds of satellites.

Watching for Leonids

Leonid meteors appear to emanate from, or point back to, the constellation Leo, it is known as the annual Leonid Meteor Shower. To read more about Leonids and how to find them in the night sky visit the Near-Live Leonid Watching System.

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