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Discovery For Recovery: An International Pintail Recovery Initiative

2001 Field Season Summary

Biologist's Journal 2001 Read achived project updates and progress reports throughout the 2001 field season by Mike Miller, lead biologist for the project.

Forum 2001 Read a forum archive where Mike Miller responds to questions and comments posted by the public.

Summary Maps
Click on a pintail to see a map:
Pintail in flight Migration map showing cumulative locations for all PTT-marked pintails from January through August.
Pintail in flight Migration map showing different pathways for PTT-marked pintails migrating north directly to Alaska, directly to Prairie Canada, and indirectly to Prairie Canada (one or more stops) from southern Oregon/northeastern California. Birds flying directly to Alaska did so over the Pacific Ocean, and some of the pintails going through Prairie Canada did so as well.
Pintail in flight Migration map showing northward migration routes (red) of PTT-marked pintails, and southward fall migration routes (yellow) as of September 30, 2001.
Pintail in flight Migration map showing cumulative locations for all PTT-marked pintails from Pt. Mugu, California from February through October.

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