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About AFM

ARS Extramural Agreements Division

Customer Service Plan


The mission of the Extramural Agreements Division (EAD) is to work in partnership with the Agricultural Research Service (ARS), Economic Research Service (ERS), and the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) and the public by meeting their needs in the administrative management of grants, cooperative agreements and other extramural arrangements through the delivery of responsive and effective services.

The Division accomplishes its mission through policy and administrative review to assure the appropriate level of management oversight is conducted as well as through operational review of the development, clearance, maintenance and approval of extramural agreement programs.

EAD is located at AFM headquarters in Maryland and reports to the office of the Deputy Administrator of AFM.


EAD's customers include program and administrative personnel in three customer agencies: ARS, ERS, and NASS. The Division also provides service and support to cooperators, grantees, Department administrative staff offices, and Under Secretaries' office.

NASS customers include nationwide functions assigned to the Office of the Deputy Administrator for Field Operations. Service and support is provided to the Administrator's Office, Central Operations Staff, and divisional administrative personnel in ERS. Within ARS, primary customers are the Administrator's Office, Area Directors, Authorized Departmental Officers and their staffs, scientists, the National Agricultural Library, International Research Programs, and the National Program Staff.

Work Services

EAD specialists administer all actions pertaining to the management of grants and cooperative agreements, including pre-award, invoice review and approval, and closeout. A dedicated grants and agreements specialist is responsible for all aspects of agreement management for each EAD customer. In addition, one specialist is accountable for grant management for all customers. The team is lead by the Division's senior specialist who, with the division director, is responsible for the development and implementation of policies and procedures governing the award, administration, and closeout of extramural agreements.

Code of Conduct

It is the Division's intention to achieve the highest possible level of customer satisfaction through the provision of both timely and preeminent quality customer service. In support of the AFM mission, EAD's philosophy is to consider itself a partner with its customers in meeting their extramural program needs by adding value to their products; by treating them with courtesy and respect; and by offering authoritative and creative solutions to complex as well as routine issues.

Customer Service Standards

The Division has established a set of broadly based service standards so that users of EAD's services know what to expect when requesting extramural agreement services.

1. Development and implementation of nationwide policies and procedures.

The Division's reference, and primary source of information, is the Extramural Agreements Manual 280.0 which is a subset of the Administrative and Financial Management policy and procedures system. Information that needs to be transmitted to customers immediately and which either amplifies or changes provisions of the Manual is accomplished through the use of Bulletins.

Standard: EAD will revise appropriate sections of the Manual annually, or whenever necessary so that information is current, and customers have the assurance of using an accurate and recently reviewed reference. Likewise, customers are assured that they will receive Bulletins immediately when a change in policy or procedure requires notification to the field.

2. Operational support.

The Division provides direct operational support to ARS headquarters organizational units and to ERS and NASS.

Standard: Pre-award documentation will be reviewed and, if not complete, notification will be given by close of the next business day..

Standard: When necessary, negotiation with award recipients will be initiated within one week of receipt of the complete request package.

Standard: If no negotiations are necessary, agreement awards will be forwarded to cooperators within one week of receipt of complete request package. Otherwise, agreement awards will be forwarded to cooperators upon completion of negotiations. Cooperators will be requested to return a signed agreement to EAD within two weeks for domestic agreements, and three weeks for foreign agreements.

Standard: Deliverables from cooperators (financial status reports, technical reports, etc.) will be monitored continuously to assure compliance with terms and conditions of awards.

Standard: Requests for advance payments/reimbursements will be submitted to the National Finance Center (NFC) within three days of review and approval.

Standard: Amendments, including increases and decreases, extensions of time, personnel changes, advance payment authority and changes to budgets will be completed within one week of receipt of complete request package.

Standard: Distribution of fully executed agreements will occur within three business days of receipt.

Standard: Relevant information will be entered in data bases, e.g. Research Agreements Tracking System, within three days of receipt of fully executed copy.

Standard: Agreement closeout procedures will be completed within six months of project completion or expiration date.

3. Program review and evaluation.

EAD conducts grants and agreements assistance reviews at area offices to determine whether or not procedures and practices in the field are in compliance with the Extramural Agreements Manual, and to offer instruction and assistance to agreements personnel.

Standard: EAD will conduct two assistance reviews a year; each area office will therefore be reviewed once every four years. EAD will also respond to requests to visit any area or location when needed regardless of when the most recent review occurred. A report of findings and recommendations will be sent to the area for comment within 30 days of the conclusion of the review.

4. Training

EAD strongly supports training for all grants and agreements employees in order to maintain currency in the full range of extramural agreements activities. Training is accomplished through attendance at certified training centers offering courses on topics relevant to grants and agreements.

Standard: EAD employees will complete a "core" curriculum of training courses at recognized training facilities that offer grants and agreements instruction. Once the core course group has been completed, EAD employees, in their capacity as Authorized Departmental Officers (ADOs), will take one additional relevant course each year.

5. Advice and guidance.

EAD's success depends, in part, on its leadership in anticipating, understanding, and responding to its customers' needs. The Division works to continually improve its services through the development of quality partnerships which will ultimately enable it to be more cost effective and add value to customers' products.

Standard: It is anticipated that customer expectations will always be high, and that customer scrutiny of the EAD program will be intense. Through partnership interaction, EAD will seek more customer involvement in planning and operational issues. EAD will continuously seek customer input through the use of the EAD or AFM Home Page; through dialogue in conjunction with the annual resource planning process; through conference calls, and through informal means such as grants and agreements assistance reviews and the bi-monthly ADO conference calls.

Last Updated: 10/28/2005