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Posts tagged: Technology and Broadband

Seeking Your Input for USDA’s Digital Strategy

On May 23, 2012, the White House released the Federal Digital Strategy aimed at building a 21st century government provides open data and digital services to the American people and its employees.

As part of our Digital Strategy, USDA has identified several first-move candidates that can be improved to meet the call for web APIs and mobile optimized services by May 23, 2013.

We’d like your input in deciding which two candidates in each category we will commit to completing by OMB’s May 23, 2013 deadline. We’d love to hear your feedback – which of these candidates would be most useful to you? What should we consider when creating web APIs and optimizing for mobile? Did we miss anything? Read more »

Improving the Quality of Life for Rural Maine Cancer Patients though Telemedicine

Maine has one of the highest per capita rates of cancer in the United States, and for many cancer patients living in rural areas of the state, a long drive into a bigger city to receive necessary medical treatment can be daunting.  Snowy Maine winters, the high cost of gasoline, relying on family or friends to drive when a patient is not feeling well, and the sheer exhaustion that comes with traveling 140 miles round trip or longer can take its toll on a cancer patient. Now, thanks in part to a USDA Rural Development Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grant, many patients will be able to receive the highest quality care and treatment without having to leave their own rural communities. Read more »

30 Years of Collaboration: U.S. – China Science & Technology Cooperation on Agriculture and Forestry

Recently, Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) Director John P. Holdren and the Minister of Science and Technology for the People’s Republic of China, Wan Gang, signed an historic extension to the U.S.-China Agreement on Cooperation in Science and Technology.  The newly extended agreement will foster a continuation of decades of cooperative endeavors that have encompassed such domains as agricultural science, high-energy physics, clean energy, and biomedical research. Read more »

Thousands of Residents in Kentucky and Tennessee will benefit from a USDA Recovery Act Broadband Project

Federal, state and local officials display a map that highlights the coverage areas in which expanded and improved broadband service will be offered. They include (from left) Tom Fern, State Director for Rural Development (Ky.), Trevor Bonnstetter, CEO of WK&T, RUS Administrator Jonathan Adelstein, Bobby Goode, State Director for Rural Development (Tenn.), and Jonathan Miller, Ky. Finance Cabinet Secretary.

Federal, state and local officials display a map that highlights the coverage areas in which expanded and improved broadband service will be offered. They include (from left) Tom Fern, State Director for Rural Development (Ky.), Trevor Bonnstetter, CEO of WK&T, RUS Administrator Jonathan Adelstein, Bobby Goode, State Director for Rural Development (Tenn.), and Jonathan Miller, Ky. Finance Cabinet Secretary.

USDA Rural Utilities Administrator Jonathan Adelstein visited Western Kentucky recently to announce the start of one of the largest broadband projects in the country. Read more »

Technology, “Green Jobs” Spotlighted at USDA Jobs Roundtable in Tennessee

With unemployment rates above ten percent across the region, families and businesses in West Tennessee are especially hard hit by the economic downturn. Last Thursday, business and other community leaders met federal, state and local economic development officials at the University of Tennessee Extension Experiment Station in Jackson to discuss what can be done to speed recovery and create long-term economic stability across the state. Read more »